- Dyson Technology Limited

A haircare appliance has an air inlet, an air outlet, and an airflow generator for generating an airflow from the air inlet to the air outlet. The air outlet is at least partially defined by movable member. Movement of the movable member varies a cross-sectional area of the air outlet, and the movable member is movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the haircare appliance.

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The present invention relates to a haircare appliance, and an attachment for a haircare appliance.


Haircare appliances are generally used to treat or style hair, and some haircare appliances may treat or style hair using airflow. To provide versatility in treating and styling hair some haircare appliances provide airflow at a variable flow rate.


According to a first aspect of the present invention there is provided an attachment for a haircare appliance, the attachment comprising an air, and an air outlet for emitting airflow, wherein the air outlet is at least partially defined by a movable member, movement of the movable member varies a cross-sectional area of the air outlet, and the movable member is movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the attachment

The attachment according to the first aspect of the present invention may be advantageous as the air outlet is at least partially defined by a movable member, movement of the movable member varies a cross-sectional area of the air outlet, and the movable member is movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the attachment. In particular, movement of the movable member to vary a cross-sectional area of the air outlet may vary a volume of airflow passing through the air outlet without the need to change a flow rate of the airflow generator. The movable member being movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the attachment may enable movement of the movable member in response to radial forces experienced by the movable member in use, for example radial forces experienced in response to engagement of the movable member with hair in use.

By movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the attachment is meant movable such that at least a component of motion of the movable member is in a radial direction.

The central axis of the attachment may comprise a central longitudinal axis of the haircare appliance, for example an axis extending centrally along a longest dimension of the haircare appliance.

The movable member may be configured to move in response to engagement of hair with the movable member in use. This may provide variation of the cross-sectional area of the air outlet in response to engagement with hair in use, and may, for example, allow a greater volume of airflow to be supplied through the air outlet when the movable member is engaged by hair in use. The movable member may comprise a plurality of bristles for engaging hair. Bristles may provide a reliable mechanical engagement with hair to move the movable member in use, and may assist with brushing and/or styling of hair.

The attachment may comprise a fixed member that at least partially defines the air outlet, and the movable member may be movable relative to the fixed member to vary the cross-sectional area of the air outlet. Provision of a fixed member and a movable member that each at least partially define the air outlet may provide an arrangement with fewer moving parts than, for example, an arrangement where the air outlet is defined by multiple movable members, which may reduce a risk of component failure in use.

The movable member may be movable in a circumferential direction relative to the central axis, for example movable such that at least a component of motion of the movable member is in a circumferential direction. This may enable movement of the movable member in response to tangential forces experienced by the movable member in use, for example tangential forces experienced in response to engagement of the movable member with hair in use. The movable member may be movable in at least two dimensions, for example movable in a two-dimensional plane of motion.

The movable member may be biased into a rest configuration in which the air outlet comprises a first cross-sectional area, and the movable member may be movable in response to engagement of the movable member within hair to increase the cross-sectional area of the air outlet to a second cross-sectional area greater than the first cross-sectional area. This may enable airflow to be increased through the air outlet in response to the movable member engaging with hair in use.

The first cross-sectional area may be non-zero. In such a manner airflow may still be provided through the air outlet when the movable member is not engaged with hair in use, with the airflow being more diffuse when the movable member is not engaged with hair in use. The air outlet may adopt a maximal cross-sectional area when the movable member is engaged with hair in use.

The movable member may be biased into the rest configuration by airflow flowing through the attachment in use. The movable member may be biased into the rest configuration by airflow flowing at a flow rate greater than a pre-determined threshold.

The airflow generator may be configured to generate an airflow from the air inlet to the air outlet at an airflow rate greater than 4 L/s, greater than 6 L/s, greater than 8 L/s, greater than 10 L/s, greater than 12 L/s, or greater than 14 L/s.

The movable member may be biased into the rest configuration against the force of a biasing member. This may ensure that the movable portion moves away from the rest configuration in the absence of an airflow flowing from the air inlet to the air outlet in use. The biasing member may comprise a plurality of biasing members. The biasing member may comprise a resiliently deformable member, such as a spring.

The movable member may be movable in a radially inward direction toward the central axis to increase the cross-sectional area of the air outlet. This may provide a attachment with a smaller profile compared to, for example, a attachment where the movable member is movable in a radially inward direction. This may also enable movement of the movable member in response to normal forces experienced during engagement of hair with the movable member in use. The movable member may be pressed in the radially inward direction by engagement of hair with the movable member in use. This may provide easier movement of the movable member compared to, for example, a movable member that is movable in a radially outward direction and has to overcome the force of hair engaged with the movable member in use. The movable member may be movable in a radially outward direction to decrease the cross-sectional area of the air outlet.

The movable member may be movable in a radially outward direction away from the central axis to increase the cross-sectional area of the air outlet. This may ensure that an airflow path in the interior of attachment is unobstructed by the movable member, and may inhibit formation of vortices in the airflow path. The movable member may be pulled in the radially outward direction by engagement of hair with the movable member in use. The movable member may be movable in a radially inward direction to decrease the cross-sectional area of the air outlet.

The movable member may be located intermediate two adjacent fixed members, the air outlet may comprise first and second apertures, the first fixed member and the movable member may define the first aperture, the second fixed member and the movable member may define the second aperture, and movement of the movable member may vary cross-sectional areas of the first and second apertures. Thus a single movable member may be used to vary cross-sectional areas of two apertures. Movement of the movable member may increase the cross-sectional area of the first aperture whilst decreasing the cross-sectional area of the second aperture. Movement of the movable member may increase the cross-sectional area of the second aperture whilst decreasing the cross-sectional area of the first aperture. Movement of the movable member may increase the cross-sectional areas of both the first and the second apertures at the same time. Movement of the movable member may decrease the cross-sectional areas of both the first and the second apertures at the same time.

Engagement of hair with the movable member to apply a force to the movable member in a first direction may increase a cross-sectional area of the first aperture and may decrease a cross-sectional area of the second aperture, and engagement of hair with the movable member to apply a force to the movable member in a second direction opposite to the first direction may increase a cross-sectional area of the second aperture and may decrease a cross-sectional area of the first aperture. This may enable an increase in cross-sectional area of apertures defined by the movable member in response to forces applied in opposing directions via engagement with hair in use.

The movable member may be pivotable such that engagement of hair with the movable member to apply the force to the movable member in the first direction causes a first end of the movable member to increase the cross-sectional area of the first aperture and causes a second end of the movable member opposite the first end of the movable member to decrease the cross-sectional area of the second aperture, and engagement of hair with the movable member to apply the force to the movable member in the second direction causes the first end of the movable member to decrease the cross-sectional area of the first aperture and causes the second end of the movable member to increase the cross-sectional area of the second aperture. Thus the movable member may selectively increase the cross-sectional are of one aperture whilst decreasing the cross-sectional area of the other aperture at the same time.

The first end of the movable member may move in a first radial direction to increase the cross-sectional area of the first aperture, and the first end of the movable member may move in a second radial direction opposite to the first radial direction to decrease the cross-sectional area of the first aperture. The second end of the movable member may move in the first radial direction to increase the cross-sectional area of the second aperture, and the second end of the movable member may move in the second direction to decrease the cross-sectional area of the first aperture. The first end of the movable member may move in the first radial direction when the second end of the movable member moves in the second radial direction, and the first end of the movable member may move in the second radial direction when the second end of the movable member moves in the first radial direction.

A pivot point about which the movable member is pivotable may be located in a channel such that the pivot point is slidable in a radial direction within the channel. This may enable both rotational and translational movement of the movable member in radial directions. The channel may, for example, be formed in a fixed member of the attachment. The pivot point may be centrally located on the movable member, for example centrally located on an upper and/or lower surface of the movable member. The channel may comprise tapered ends. This may ensure that the first and second apertures cannot be fully closed.

The first end of the movable member may be located adjacent the first fixed member, the second end of the movable member may be located adjacent the second fixed member, the first end of the movable member may be connected to the second fixed member by a rod, the movable member may be pivotable relative to the rod and the rod may be pivotable relative to the second fixed member. This may enable both rotational and translational movement of the movable member in radial directions.

The movable member may comprise a first portion at least partially defining the first aperture, and a second portion at least partially defining the second aperture, the first portion and the second portion pivotally connected such that the first and second portions are independently movable relative to one another. This may allow a cross-sectional area of the first aperture to be varied, for example increased, independently of the cross-sectional area of the second aperture. The first portion may be movable in response to a force applied in a first direction by engagement of the movable member with hair in use, and the second portion may be movable in response to a force applied in a second direction by engagement of the movable member with hair in use, the second direction opposite to the first direction.

Movement of the movable member in a first direction may increase the cross-sectional area of each of the first and second apertures, and movement of the movable member in a second direction opposite to the first direction may decrease the cross-sectional area of each of the first and second apertures. This may be beneficial where, for example, the first and second apertures are located on the same side of the attachment, as airflow through the first and second apertures may be increased at the same time, thereby providing greater airflow to the same side of the attachment.

Movement of the movable member may be constrained such that the first and second apertures comprise maximal and minimal cross-sectional areas at boundaries of motion of the movable member. This may ensure that, for example, displacement of the movable member at maximal distances relative to other components of the attachment provides maximal and minimal cross-sectional areas for the first and second apertures and, for example, maximal and minimal airflow through the first and second apertures for a given flow rate of the airflow generator.

The attachment may comprise a stopping member located radially inwardly of the movable member, and the stopping member may be shaped to constrain motion of the movable member. This may ensure that motion of the movable member is constrained in a radially inward direction through simple mechanical engagement of the movable member and the stopping member in use. The movable member may be biased away from the stopping member by airflow through the attachment in use.

The movable member may be floating between the first and second fixed members and the stopping member, for example such that the movable member is free to move between the first and second fixed members and the stopping member in response to applied forces in use.

The movable member may be movable to vary the cross-sectional area of the first and second apertures against the force of a biasing member. This may ensure that the first and second apertures have a nominal cross-sectional area in the absence of engagement of the attachment with hair in use.

The attachment may comprise a plurality of movable members movable in a radial direction relative to the central axis of the attachment, and each of the plurality of movable members may at least partially define a respective one of a plurality of air outlets, the plurality of air outlets spaced about a periphery of the attachment. This may be beneficial as it may enable variability of airflow provided through air outlets located about the periphery of the attachment, for example enabling the cross-sectional area of different air outlets located about the periphery of the attachment to be varied in use.

A first one of the plurality of movable members may be located on a first side of the attachment, a second one of the plurality of movable members may be located on a second side of the attachment, a first one of the plurality of air outlets may be located on the first side of the attachment, a second one of the plurality of air outlets may be located on the second side of the attachment opposite to the first side of the attachment, and movement of the first moveable member to vary a cross-sectional area of the first air outlet may cause movement of the second movable member to vary a cross-sectional area of the second air outlet. This may also enable automatic adjustment of a number of air outlets when a movable member is moved in use.

Movement of the first movable member in a first direction may increase the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet, movement of the second movable member in the first direction may decrease the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet, movement of the first movable member in a second direction opposite to the first direction may decrease the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet, and movement of the second movable member in the second direction may increase the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet. This may enable selective provision of a greater amount of airflow from the first air outlet relative to the second air outlet, or vice versa. This may increase airflow through an air outlet on one side of the attachment, for example the side of the attachment that is engaged with hair in use, whilst decreasing airflow through the air outlet on the opposing side of the attachment, for example the side of the attachment that is not engaged with hair in use. This may allow a greater volume of airflow to be provided on one side of the attachment relative to the other side of attachment in use, which may provide increased efficiency, for example with less wasted airflow directed away from hair in use, and may provide increased styling control with airflow primarily directed only in a desired direction in use, thereby decreasing the risk of stray airflow affecting a styling process.

The attachment may comprise a central axis, for example a central longitudinal axis, the first and second sides of the attachment may be located on opposing sides of the central axis, and the first and second air outlets may be located on opposing sides of the central axis. The first and second sides of attachment may be located on opposing sides of a plane containing the central axis, and the first and second air outlets may be located on opposing sides of the plane.

Movement of the first movable member to increase the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet may decrease an internal air pressure of the attachment in use, and the decrease in internal air pressure may cause movement of the second movable member to decrease the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet. This may provide an automatic mechanism for decreasing the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet in response to increasing the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet, or vice versa. For example, an internal air pressure of the attachment may be sufficient to bias the first and second movable members such that the first and second air outlets comprise the same cross-sectional area, whilst movement of the first movable member to increase the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet may decrease the internal air pressure of the attachment. Such a decrease in internal air pressure may mean that the internal air pressure is no longer sufficient to retain the second movable member in its initial position, and so the second movable member may move to decrease the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet in response to the decrease in internal air pressure of the attachment.

Movement of the first movable member may cause the first movable member to contact and cause movement of the second movable member. Movement of the second movable member may cause the second movable member to contact and cause movement of the first movable member. Such physical contact between the first and second movable members may provide a reliable way of causing motion of the other of the second and first movable members in use. The first or second movable member may rotate about a periphery of the attachment to contact the other of the second or first movable member.

The first and second movable members may be linked by at least one mechanical link. Such a mechanical link may ensure that movement of the first movable member causes movement of the second movable member, and vice versa. The mechanical link may enable reciprocal motion of the first and second movable members. The first and second movable members may be directly linked by at least one mechanical link, or indirectly linked by at least one mechanical link.

The at least one mechanical link may be resiliently deformable such that movement of the first movable member causes movement of the second movable member, or vice versa. This may, for example, ensure that the first and second movable members can return to their original positions in the absence of an applied force in use. Deformation of the at least one mechanical link in response to movement of the first movable member in a first direction may cause movement of the second movable member in the first direction.

The attachment may comprise a third movable member, the first, second and third movable members may be spaced about a periphery of attachment, and adjacent movable members may be linked by a mechanical link. In such a manner movement of any of the movable members may impact on any combination of the other movable members.

Each movable member may be linked to the other movable members by a single mechanical link. Use of a single mechanical link may reduce component count and/or cost compared to a similar arrangement that utilises a plurality of mechanical links, and may reduce a risk of failure in use.

According to a second aspect of the present invention there is provided a haircare appliance comprising an air inlet, an air outlet, and an airflow generator for generating an airflow from the air inlet to the air outlet, wherein the air outlet is at least partially defined by a movable member, movement of the movable member varies a cross-sectional area of the air outlet, and the movable member is movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the haircare appliance.

The haircare appliance may comprise a heater to heat the airflow generated by the airflow generator in use.

The haircare appliance may comprise a handle unit within which the airflow generator is disposed, and an attachment comprising the air outlet and the movable member, the attachment removably attachable to the handle unit. Providing the air outlet described above as part of a removable attachment may allow the functionality described herein to be selectively provided by a user.

Optional features of aspects of the present invention may be equally applied to other aspects of the invention, where appropriate.


FIG. 1 is a schematic view illustrating a haircare appliance according to the present invention;

FIG. 2 is a schematic cross-sectional view through a handle unit of the haircare appliance of FIG. 1;

FIG. 3 is a schematic perspective view of a first embodiment of an attachment for the haircare appliance of FIG. 1;

FIG. 4 is a schematic longitudinal cross-section of the attachment of FIG. 3;

FIG. 5 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 3 in a rest configuration;

FIG. 6 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 3 engaged with hair in use;

FIG. 7 is a schematic perspective view of a second embodiment of an attachment for the haircare appliance of FIG. 1;

FIG. 8 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 7 in a rest configuration;

FIG. 9 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 7 engaged with hair in use;

FIG. 10 is a schematic perspective view of a third embodiment of an attachment for the haircare appliance of FIG. 1;

FIG. 11 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 10 in a rest configuration;

FIG. 12 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 10 engaged with hair in use;

FIG. 13 is a schematic perspective view of a fourth embodiment of an attachment for the haircare appliance of FIG. 1;

FIG. 14 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 13 in the absence of any applied forces;

FIG. 15 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 13 in a rest configuration;

FIG. 16 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 13 engaged with hair in use;

FIG. 17 is a schematic illustration of a fifth embodiment of an attachment for the haircare appliance of FIG. 1 in a rest configuration;

FIG. 18 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 17 engaged with hair in use;

FIG. 19 is a schematic illustration of a sixth embodiment of an attachment for the haircare appliance of FIG. 1 in a rest configuration;

FIG. 20 is a schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 19 engaged with hair in use;

FIG. 21 is a schematic illustration of a seventh embodiment of an attachment for the haircare appliance of FIG. 1 in a rest configuration;

FIG. 22 a first schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 21 engaged with hair in use; and

FIG. 23 is a second schematic illustration of the attachment of FIG. 21 engaged with hair in use.


A haircare appliance according to the present invention, generally designated 10, is shown schematically in FIG. 1.

The haircare appliance 10 comprises a handle unit 12, and an attachment 100 removably attachable to the handle unit 12.

The handle unit 12 comprises a housing 14, an airflow generator 16, a heater 18, and a control unit 20, as can be seen schematically in FIG. 2.

The housing 14 is tubular in shape, and comprises an air inlet 22 through which an airflow is drawn into the housing 14 by the airflow generator 16, and an air outlet 24 through which the airflow is discharged from the housing 14. The airflow generator 16 is housed within the housing 14, and comprises an impeller 26 driven by an electric motor 28. The heater 18 is also housed within the housing 14, and comprises heating elements 30 to optionally heat the airflow.

The control unit 20 comprises electronic circuitry for a user interface 32 and a control module 34. The user interface 32 is provided on an outer surface of the housing 14, and is used to power on and off the haircare appliance 10, to select a flow rate (for example high, medium and low), and to select an airflow temperature (for example hot, medium or cold). In the example of FIG. 1, the user interface comprises a plurality of sliding switches, but other forms of user interface 32, for example buttons, dials or touchscreens, are also envisaged.

The control module 34 is responsible for controlling the airflow generator 16, and the heater 18 in response to inputs from the user interface 32. For example, in response to inputs from the user interface 32, the control module 34 may control the power or the speed of the airflow generator 16 in order to adjust the airflow rate of the airflow, and the power of the heater 18 in order to adjust the temperature of the airflow.

The attachment 100 is shown schematically in FIGS. 3 to 6. The attachment 100 comprises a main body 106, and a plurality of bristle beds 108.

The main body 106 is generally cylindrical in form, and is open at one end and closed at the other end. The open end serves as an inlet 110 into the main body 106. The main body 106 has a plurality of slots 112 within which the bristle beds 108 are mounted, with movement of the bristle beds 108 within the slots 112 causing air outlets 114 of the attachment 100 to be selectively opened between longitudinal edges of the bristle beds 108 and the slots 112, as will be discussed hereafter. Each air outlet 114 may be thought of as an aperture defined between the bristle bed 108 and the adjacent portion of the main body 106.

The bristle beds 108 may be thought of as movable members of the attachment 100, and each comprises a plurality of bristles 116 upstanding from a body portion 118. As can be seen from FIG. 5, each body portion 118 of a bristle bed 108 is shaped to conform to adjacent portions of the main body 106. This means that when the body portion 118 of a bristle bed 108 contacts adjacent portions of the main body 108, the air outlets 114 that are selectively defined by that bristle bed 108 are closed, such that substantially no airflow can pass through the air outlets 114.

The bristle beds 108 are thicker than the adjacent portions of the main body 106, such that innermost regions of the bristle beds 108 extend radially inwardly of innermost regions of the main body 106 when the body portion 118 is fully engaged with the main body 106, for example when the air outlets 114 are fully closed. Each bristle bed 108 is attached to an adjacent bristle bed 108 about the periphery of the attachment by a spring 120, with each spring 120 extending between radially innermost portions of the bristle beds 108. Although shown here as a single spring 120 connecting adjacent bristle beds 108, it will be appreciated that in practice multiple springs may be used to connect adjacent bristle beds 108, for example with springs spaced apart along a longitudinal extent of the bristle beds. Use of multiple springs may provide even opening of the air outlets 114 in use.

As illustrated in FIG. 5, when airflow flows through the attachment 100 in use, and when the attachment 100 is not engaged with hair, the internal air pressure of the attachment biases the bristle beds 108 radially outwardly from the main body 106 into a rest configuration, such that each air outlet 114 is opened by a small amount. In such a rest configuration diffuse airflow may be provided about the periphery of the attachment through each air outlet 114.

When bristles 116 of a bristle bed 108 engage with hair in use, as illustrated in FIG. 6, the force applied to the bristle bed 108 via the engagement with, and relative movement to, hair pulls that bristle bed 108 to move the bristle bed 108 within the slot 112, thereby varying a cross-sectional area of the air outlets 114 defined by that bristle bed 108. For example, in FIG. 6 a cross-sectional area of a first air outlet 114a defined by a first bristle bed 108a is increased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in a first direction, whilst a cross-sectional area of a second air outlet 114b defined by the first bristle bed 108a is decreased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in the first direction. In such a manner an increased amount of airflow may pass through the first air outlet 114a in response to engagement of the first bristle bed 108 with hair in use. It will of course be appreciated that engagement with hair and relative motion in a second direction opposite to the first direction will decrease the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet 114a whilst increasing the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet 114b.

The bristle beds 108 are movable within the slots 112 in response to engagement of hair with the attachment 100 such that movement of the bristle beds occurs in both a radial and a circumferential direction. This may provide greater flexibility of motion compared to either radial or circumferential motion alone.

As previously mentioned, each of the bristle beds 108 is linked to adjacent bristle beds 108 by a spring 120. Thus movement of one bristle bed 108 relative to the main body 106 also causes movement of the other bristle beds 108 relative to the main body 106. In particular, and as seen in FIG. 6, where bristle beds 108 are engaged with hair in use to move and increase a cross-sectional area of air outlets 114 defined by those bristle beds 108, bristle beds 108 not in contact with hair move within their slots 112 to close their corresponding air outlets 114. As can be seen, opposing bristle beds 108 move in the same direction in response to engagement of one of the bristle beds 108 with hair, for example with one bristle bed 108 being pulled by hair and an opposing bristle bed 108 being pulled in the same direction by the springs 108.

Thus air outlets 114 on a first side 122 of the attachment 100 engaged with hair in use may experience an increase in cross-sectional area, whilst air outlets 114 on a second side 124 of the attachment 100 not engaged with hair in use may experience a decrease in cross-sectional area, with air outlets 114 on the second side 124 of the attachment 100 being closed in response to an increase in cross-sectional area of air outlets 114 on a first opposing side 122 of the attachment 100. This may enable a greater volume of airflow to be provided through one side of the attachment 100 relative to the other opposing side of the attachment 100, which may provide increased efficiency, for example with less wasted airflow directed away from hair in use, and may provide increased styling control with airflow primarily directed only in a desired direction in use, thereby decreasing the risk of stray airflow affecting a styling process. The first 122 and second 124 sides of the attachment 100 are located on opposite sides of a central longitudinal axis C of the attachment 100.

The springs 120 return the bristle beds 108 to the rest configuration when disengaged from hair in use. An increase in cross-sectional area of an air outlet 114 may also reduce an internal air pressure of the main body 106, which may assist in moving the bristle beds 108 not in contact with hair to close their corresponding air outlets 114 under the action of the springs 120.

As seen in FIG. 6, the slots 112 in the main body 106, and the bristle beds 108, are shaped such that airflow through the air outlets 114 in use is in a direction having a tangential as well as a radial component. This may assist in directing airflow along a length of hair in use, which may provide increased efficiency and decreased dry times.

In the embodiment of FIGS. 3 to 6, motion of any of the bristle beds 108 causes motion of the other bristle beds 108 to selectively open and close air outlets 114 of the attachment 100. In a slight modification of the attachment 100 of FIGS. 3 to 6, each bristle bed 108 may be attached to a central column of the main body 106 by one of the springs 120. In such a modified version, a decrease in internal pressure of the attachment 100 caused by movement of a bristle bed 108 to increase a cross-sectional area of an air outlet 114 on one side of the attachment 100 may assist in moving the bristle beds 108 not in contact with hair to close their corresponding air outlets 114 under the action of the springs 120.

A further embodiment of an attachment 200 for use with the main body 12 of FIG. 1 is illustrated in FIGS. 7 to 9.

The attachment 200 of FIGS. 7 to 9 is similar to the attachment 100 of FIGS. 3 to 6, in that the attachment of FIGS. 7 to 9 comprises a main body 202 and bristle beds 204 located in slots 206 formed in the main body 202. Here, however, each bristle bed 204 has a first portion 204a defining a first air outlet 208a, and a second portion 204b defining a second air outlet 208b, with the first 204a and second 204b portions disposed in the same slot 206.

Each of the first 204a and second 204b portions comprises a body portion 210, with a plurality of bristles 212 extending outwardly from the body portion 210. The first 204a and second 204b are pivotally, for example hingedly, connected such that the first 204a and second 204b portions are independently movable relative to one another.

As illustrated in FIG. 8, when airflow flows through the attachment 200 in use, and when the attachment 200 is not engaged with hair, the internal air pressure of the attachment biases the first 204a and second 204b portions of each bristle bed 204 radially outwardly into a rest configuration, such that each air outlet 208a, 208b is opened by a small amount. In such a rest configuration diffuse airflow may be provided about the periphery of the attachment 200 through each air outlet 208.

When bristles 212 of a bristle bed portion 204a, 204b engage with hair in use, as illustrated in FIG. 9, the force applied to the bristle bed portion 204a, 204b via the engagement with, and relative movement to, hair pulls that bristle bed portion 204a, 204b to move the bristle bed portion 204a, 204b within the slot 206, thereby varying a cross-sectional area of the air outlet 208a, 208b defined by that bristle bed portion 204a, 204b.

For example, in FIG. 9 a cross-sectional area of a first air outlet 208a defined by a first bristle bed portion 204a is increased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in a first direction, whilst a cross-sectional area of a second air outlet 208b defined by a second bristle bed 204b in the same slot 206 remains the same in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in the first direction. In such a manner an increased amount of airflow may pass through the first air outlet 208a in response to engagement of the first bristle bed 204a with hair in use. It will of course be appreciated that engagement with hair and relative motion in a second direction opposite to the first direction will maintain the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet 208a whilst increasing the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet 204b.

The bristle bed portions 204a, 204b are movable within the slots 206 in response to engagement of hair with the attachment 200 such that movement of the bristle beds 204 occurs in a radial direction. This may enable movement of the bristle bed portions 204a, 204b in response to radial forces experienced by the bristle bed portions 204a, 204b in use, for example radial forces experienced in response to engagement of the bristle bed portions 204a, 204b with hair in use.

An air outlet 208 on a first side 214 of the attachment 200 engaged with hair in use may experience an increase in cross-sectional area, whilst air outlets 208 on a second side 216 of the attachment 200 not engaged with hair in use may not experience an increase in cross-sectional area. This may enable a greater volume of airflow to be provided through one side of the attachment 200 relative to the other opposing side of the attachment 200, which may provide increased efficiency, for example with less wasted airflow directed away from hair in use, and may provide increased styling control with airflow primarily directed only in a desired direction in use, thereby decreasing the risk of stray airflow affecting a styling process. The first 214 and second 216 sides of the attachment 200 are located on opposite sides of a central longitudinal axis C of the attachment 200.

As seen in FIG. 9, the main body 202 is shaped such that airflow through the air outlets 208 in use is in a direction having a tangential as well as a radial component. This may assist in directing airflow along a length of hair in use, which may provide increased efficiency and decreased dry times.

A further embodiment of an attachment 300 is illustrated schematically in FIGS. 10 to 12.

The attachment 300 of FIGS. 10 to 12 is similar to the attachment 100 of FIGS. 3 to 6 and the attachment 200 of FIGS. 7 to 9, in that the attachment 300 of FIGS. 10 to 12 comprises a main body 302 and bristle beds 304 located in slots 306 formed in the main body 302. Here, however, each slot 306 is comparatively large, with each slot 306 having a circumferential extent only slightly less than half of a circumferential extent of the main body 302 as a whole, such that there are only two slots 306 with a single bristle bed 304 disposed in each slot 306. Each bristle bed 304, along with an adjacent portion of the main body 302, at least partially defines two air outlets 308.

Each bristle bed 304 comprises a body portion 310 with a plurality of bristles 312 extending outwardly from the body portion 310. The body portion 310 comprises inwardly facing projections 314 for contacting the main body 302 in use, and the inwardly facing projections 314 may control motion of the bristle beds 304 relative to the main body 302.

The main body 302 is generally cylindrical in form, and comprises a central column 316 and the plurality of slots 306. Each bristle bed 304 is connected to the central column 316 by a spring 318, as seen in FIG. 11. Although shown here as one spring 318, it will be appreciated that in practice multiple springs many be used along a length of the bristle bed 304 to provide even motion along the length of the bristle bed 304. The springs 318 bias the respective bristle beds to a rest configuration, illustrated in FIG. 11, in which airflow flows through each of the air outlets 308. In such a rest configuration diffuse airflow may be provided about the periphery of the attachment 300 through each air outlet 308.

When bristles 312 of a bristle bed 304 engage with hair in use, as illustrated in FIG. 12, the force applied to the bristle bed 304 via the engagement with, and relative movement to, hair pulls that bristle bed 304 to move the bristle bed 304 within the slot 306, thereby varying a cross-sectional area of each of the air outlets 308 defined by the bristle bed 304. As seen in FIG. 12, movement of a bristle bed 304 causes the bristle bed 304 to leave the slot 306 and move circumferentially around the periphery of the attachment to the slot 306 on the opposing side of the attachment 300, as will be discussed hereafter.

Movement of a bristle bed 304 within a slot 306 to increase a cross-sectional area of one of the air outlets 308 defined by the bristle bed 304 decreases a cross-sectional area of the other air outlet 308 defined by the bristle bed 304.

For example, in FIG. 12 a cross-sectional area of a first air outlet 308a defined by a first bristle bed 304a is increased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in a first direction, whilst a cross-sectional area of a second air outlet 308b defined by the same bristle bed 304a is decreased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in the first direction. In such a manner an increased amount of airflow may pass through the first air outlet 308a in response to engagement of the first bristle bed 304a with hair in use. It will of course be appreciated that engagement with hair and relative motion in a second direction opposite to the first direction will decrease the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet 308a whilst increasing the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet 308b. The springs 318 return the bristle beds 304 to the rest configuration when disengaged from hair in use.

The bristle beds 304 are movable within the slots 306 in response to engagement of hair with the attachment 300 such that movement of the bristle beds 304 occurs in both a radial and a circumferential direction. This may provide greater flexibility of motion compared to either radial or circumferential motion alone.

As mentioned previously, movement of a bristle bed 304 causes the bristle bed 304 to leave the slot 306 and move circumferentially around the periphery of the attachment to the slot 306 on the opposing side of the attachment 300. In particular, and as seen in FIG. 12, when engaged with hair and tension is applied by the hair in a first direction, the first bristle bed 304a rotates anti-clockwise about a periphery of the attachment 300 and moves about the main body 302 such that the first bristle bed 304a contacts a second bristle bed 304b and displaces the second bristle bed 304b within its slot 306. In doing so, a portion of the first bristle bed 304a covers part of one slot 306 whilst another portion of the first bristle bed 304a is located within the other slot 306.

In such a manner, a cross-sectional area of the first air outlet 308a defined by the first bristle bed 304a is increased, whilst airflow through the second air outlet 308b defined by the first bristle bed 304a, and airflow through the air outlets 308 defined by the second bristle bed 304b, is blocked.

Thus an air outlet 308 on a first side 320 of the attachment 300 engaged with hair in use may experience an increase in cross-sectional area, whilst air outlets 308 on a second side 322 of the attachment 300 not engaged with hair in use may experience a decrease in cross-sectional area, with air outlets 308 on the second side 322 of the haircare appliance 10 being closed in response to an increase in cross-sectional area of air outlets 308 on a first opposing side 320 of the attachment 300. This may enable a greater volume of airflow to be provided through one side of the attachment 300 relative to the other opposing side of the attachment 300, which may provide increased efficiency, for example with less wasted airflow directed away from hair in use, and may provide increased styling control with airflow primarily directed only in a desired direction in use, thereby decreasing the risk of stray airflow affecting a styling process. The first 320 and second 322 sides of the attachment 300 are located on opposite sides of a central longitudinal axis C of the attachment 300.

A further embodiment of an attachment 400 is illustrated schematically in FIGS. 13 to 16.

The attachment 400 of FIGS. 13 to 16 is similar to the attachment 100 of FIGS. 3 to 6, the attachment 200 of FIGS. 7 to 9, and the attachment 300 of FIGS. 10 to 12, in that the attachment 100 of FIGS. 13 to 16 comprises a main body 402 and bristle beds 404 located in slots 406 formed in the main body 402. Here the bristle beds 404 have a width greater than an outermost width of the slots 406, and are located radially inwardly of the main body 402 such that the bristle beds 404 cannot move radially outwardly from the main body 402 through the slots 406. Each bristle bed 404, along with an adjacent portion of the main body 402, at least partially defines two air outlets 408.

Each bristle bed 404 comprises a body portion 410 with a plurality of bristles 412 extending outwardly from the body portion 410. The bristle beds 404 are connected together by a continuous resilient band 414. Although shown here as a single continuous resilient band 414, it will be appreciated that a number of continuous resilient bands may be provided, for example spaced longitudinally along a length of the bristle beds 404, to provide even motion along the length of the bristle beds 404.

As seen from FIG. 14, the continuous resilient band 414 is generally circular in the absence of any applied force, with the continuous resilient band 414 having a diameter smaller than a diameter of the main body 402 in the absence of any applied force.

When airflow flows through the attachment 400 in use, and the attachment is not engaged with hair, the internal air pressure of the attachment 400 forces the bristle beds 404 radially outwardly, but the resilience of the continuous resilient band 414 is such that the bristle beds 404 do not close the air outlets 408. This is referred to as a rest configuration, and is illustrated in FIG. 15. In the rest configuration airflow through each air outlet 408 is substantially equal, and diffuse airflow may be provided about the periphery of the attachment 400 through each air outlet 408.

When bristles 412 of a bristle bed 404 engage with hair in use, as illustrated in FIG. 15, the force applied to the bristle bed 404 via the engagement with, and relative movement to, hair pulls that bristle bed 404 to move the bristle bed 404 within the slot 406, thereby varying a cross-sectional area of the air outlets 408 defined by that bristle bed 404. For example, in FIG. 15 a cross-sectional area of a first air outlet 408a defined by a first bristle bed 404a is increased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in a first direction, whilst a cross-sectional area of a second air outlet 408b defined by the first bristle bed 404a is decreased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in the first direction. In such a manner an increased amount of airflow may pass through the first air outlet 408a in response to engagement of the first bristle bed 404a with hair in use. It will of course be appreciated that engagement with hair and relative motion in a second direction opposite to the first direction will decrease the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet 408a whilst increasing the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet 404b.

The bristle beds 404 are movable within the slots 406 in response to engagement of hair with the attachment 400 such that movement of the bristle beds occurs in both a radial and a circumferential direction. This may provide greater flexibility of motion compared to either radial or circumferential motion alone.

As previously mentioned, each of the bristle beds 404 is linked to adjacent bristle beds 404 by the continuous resilient band 414. When a bristle bed 404, for example the first bristle bed 404a of FIG. 16, is engaged with hair in use, forces from such an engagement apply forces to the bristle bed 404 that cause the bristle bed 404 to move slightly radially inwardly toward the centre of the attachment 400. Such a radial motion causes the continuous resilient band 414 to relax slightly in the region of the bristle bed 404 that is engaged with hair. This enables motion of the remaining bristle beds 404, aided by airflow within the interior of the attachment 400, to move to close their corresponding air outlets 408.

Thus air outlets 408 on a first side 416 of the attachment 400 engaged with hair in use may experience an increase in cross-sectional area, whilst air outlets 408 on a second side 418 of the attachment 400 not engaged with hair in use may experience a decrease in cross-sectional area, with air outlets 408 on the second side 418 of the attachment 400 being closed in response to an increase in cross-sectional area of air outlets 408 on a first opposing side 416 of the attachment 400. This may enable a greater volume of airflow to be provided through one side of the attachment 400 relative to the other opposing side of the attachment 400, which may provide increased efficiency, for example with less wasted airflow directed away from hair in use, and may provide increased styling control with airflow primarily directed only in a desired direction in use, thereby decreasing the risk of stray airflow affecting a styling process. The first 416 and second 418 sides of the attachment 400 are located on opposite sides of a central longitudinal axis C of the attachment 400.

As seen in FIG. 16, the slots 406 in the main body 402, and the bristle beds 404, are shaped such that airflow through the air outlets 408 in use is in a direction having a tangential as well as a radial component. This may assist in directing airflow along a length of hair in use, which may provide increased efficiency and decreased dry times.

A further embodiment of an attachment 500 is illustrated schematically in FIGS. 17 and 18.

The attachment 500 of FIGS. 17 and 18 is similar to the attachment 100 of FIGS. 3 to 6, and the attachment 400 of FIGS. 13 and 16, in that the attachment 500 of FIGS. 17 and 18 comprises a main body 502 and bristle beds 504 located in slots 506 formed in the main body 502. Each bristle bed 504 comprises a body portion 510 with a plurality of bristles 512 extending outwardly from the body portion 510, and each bristle bed 504, along with an adjacent portion of the main body 502, at least partially defines two air outlets 508. For example, a first end 514 of a first bristle bed 504a adjacent a first portion 516 of the main body 502 defines a first air outlet 508a, whilst a second end 518 of the first bristle bed 504a adjacent a second portion 520 of the main body 502 defines a second air outlet 508b.

The first end 514 of the first bristle bed 504a is connected to the second portion 520 of the main body 502 by a rod 522 (illustrated in dashed lines). The first end 514 of the first bristle bed 504a is pivotally connected to the rod 522, whilst the rod 522 is pivotally connected to the second portion 520 of the main body 502. In such a manner the first bristle bed 504a is movable relative to the main body 502 in both radial and circumferential directions. Other bristle beds 504 are connected to the main body 502 in a similar way.

When airflow flows through the attachment 500 in use, and the attachment 500 is not engaged with hair, the internal air pressure of the attachment 500 forces the bristle beds 504 radially outwardly, and in particular each of the first 514 and second 518 ends of the first bristle bed 504a are biased radially outwardly by the airflow. This is referred to as a rest configuration, and is illustrated in FIG. 17. In the rest configuration airflow through each air outlet 508 is substantially equal, and diffuse airflow may be provided about the periphery of the attachment 500 through each air outlet 508.

When bristles 512 of a bristle bed 504 engage with hair in use, as illustrated in FIG. 18, the force applied to the bristle bed 504 via the engagement with, and relative movement to, hair pulls that bristle bed 504 to move the bristle bed 504 within the slot 506, thereby varying a cross-sectional area of the air outlets 508 defined by that bristle bed 504. For example, in FIG. 18 a cross-sectional area of the first air outlet 508a defined by the first bristle bed 504a is increased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in a first direction, whilst a cross-sectional area of the second air outlet 508b defined by the first bristle bed 504a is decreased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in the first direction. In such a manner an increased amount of airflow may pass through the first air outlet 508a in response to engagement of the first bristle bed 504a with hair in use. It will of course be appreciated that engagement with hair and relative motion in a second direction opposite to the first direction will decrease the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet 508a whilst increasing the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet 504b.

The bristle beds 504 are movable within the slots 506 in response to engagement of hair with the attachment 500 such that movement of the bristle beds occurs in both a radial and a circumferential direction. This may provide greater flexibility of motion compared to either radial or circumferential motion alone.

An air outlet 508 on a first side of the attachment 500 engaged with hair in use may experience an increase in cross-sectional area, whilst air outlets 508 on a second side of the attachment 500 not engaged with hair in use may not experience an increase in cross-sectional area. This may enable a greater volume of airflow to be provided through one side of the attachment 500 relative to the other opposing side of the attachment 500, which may provide increased efficiency, for example with less wasted airflow directed away from hair in use, and may provide increased styling control with airflow primarily directed only in a desired direction in use, thereby decreasing the risk of stray airflow affecting a styling process.

A further embodiment of an attachment 600 is illustrated schematically in FIGS. 19 and 20.

The attachment 600 comprises a main body 602, and a plurality of movable members 604 disposed in slots 606 formed on the main body 602.

Each movable member 604 is generally cylindrical in form, and is located within a corresponding slot 606 such that the movable members 604 each define two air outlets 608 with adjacent portions of the main body 602.

The main body 602 comprises a central column 610, and an outer surface of the central column 610 is shaped to define receiving spaces 612 for the movable members 604. The central column 610 thus has a generally sprocket-like cross-sectional profile, as seen in FIGS. 19 and 20. The movable members 604 are disposed within the interior of the main body 602 such that the movable members 604 are movable between the central column 610 and radially outer portions of the main body 602 that define the slots 606, as will be discussed hereafter. The movable members 604 may be thought of as floating between the central column 610 and the radially outer portions of the main body 602, with no mechanical connection between the movable members 604 and the central column 610, and no mechanical connection between the movable members 604 and the radially outer portions of the main body 602.

A plurality of bristles 614 extend outwardly from the radially outer portions of the main body 602.

When airflow flows through the attachment 600 in use, and the attachment 600 is not engaged with hair, the internal air pressure of the attachment 600 forces the movable members 604 radially outwardly. This is referred to as a rest configuration, and is illustrated in FIG. 19. In the rest configuration airflow is still able to flow through the air outlets 608, airflow through each air outlet 608 is substantially equal, and diffuse airflow may be provided about the periphery of the attachment 600 through each air outlet 608.

When a movable member 604 is engaged with hair in use, as illustrated in FIG. 20, the force applied to the movable member 604 via the engagement with hair pushes that movable member 604 to move the movable member 604 radially inwardly within the slot 606, thereby increasing a cross-sectional area of the air outlets 608 defined by that bristle bed 604. In such a manner an increased amount of airflow may pass through the air outlets 608 in response to engagement of the movable member 604 that defines the air outlets 608 with hair in use. The movable members 604 are receivable within the receiving spaces 612 of the central column 610 when engaged with hair in use, such that the central column 610 acts as a stopping member for the movable members 604, and the air outlets 608 have their maximal cross-sectional area when the movable members 604 are received within the receiving spaces 612 of the central column 610.

The movable members 604 are movable within the slots 606 in response to engagement of hair with the attachment 600 such that movement of the movable members 604 occurs in a radial direction. This may enable movement of the movable members 604 in response to radial forces experienced by the movable members 604 in use, for example radial forces experienced in response to engagement of the movable members 604 with hair in use.

An air outlet 608 on a first side of the attachment 600 engaged with hair in use may experience an increase in cross-sectional area, whilst air outlets 608 on a second side of the attachment 600 not engaged with hair in use may not experience an increase in cross-sectional area. This may enable a greater volume of airflow to be provided through one side of the attachment 600 relative to the other opposing side of the attachment 600, which may provide increased efficiency, for example with less wasted airflow directed away from hair in use, and may provide increased styling control with airflow primarily directed only in a desired direction in use, thereby decreasing the risk of stray airflow affecting a styling process.

A further embodiment of an attachment 700 is illustrated schematically in FIGS. 21 to 23.

The attachment 700 of FIGS. 21 to 23 comprises a main body 702 and bristle beds 704 located in slots 706 formed in the main body 702. Here the bristle beds 704 have a width greater than an outermost width of the slots 706, and are located radially inwardly of the main body 702 such that the bristle beds 704 cannot move radially outwardly from the main body 702 through the slots 706. Each bristle bed 704, along with an adjacent portion of the main body 702, at least partially defines two air outlets 708.

Each bristle bed 704 comprises a body portion 710, with a plurality of bristles 712 extending outwardly from the body portion 710, and pivot points 714 extending from the body portion 710 in a direction orthogonal to that in which the bristles 712 extend. It will be appreciated that only a single pivot point 714 per bristle bed 704 is illustrated in FIGS. 21 and 22, but that in practice each bristle bed 704 may have multiple pivot points 714, for example with opposing pivot points 714 extending from opposite ends of each bristle bed 704.

The main body 702 comprises a plurality of channels 716 within which respective pivot points 714 of bristle beds 704 are received. The channels 716 extend in generally radial directions from a central longitudinal axis C of the attachment 700, and have curved, tapered ends. The pivot points 714 are slidable within the channels 716, as will be described hereafter.

When airflow flows through the attachment 700 in use, and the attachment is not engaged with hair, the internal air pressure of the attachment 700 forces the bristle beds 704 radially outwardly, with the shape of the channels 716 such that the air outlets 708 are open to the same degree. This is referred to as a rest configuration, and is illustrated in FIG. 21. In the rest configuration airflow through each air outlet 708 is substantially equal, and diffuse airflow may be provided about the periphery of the attachment 700 through each air outlet 708.

When bristles 712 of a bristle bed 704 engage with hair in use, as illustrated in FIG. 22, the force applied to the bristle bed 704 via the engagement with, and relative movement to, hair pulls that bristle bed 704 to move the bristle bed 704 within the slot 706, with the pivot point 714 sliding inwardly within the channel 716, thereby varying a cross-sectional area of the air outlets 708 defined by that bristle bed 704. For example, in FIG. 21 a cross-sectional area of a first air outlet 708a defined by a first bristle bed 704a is increased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in a first direction, whilst a cross-sectional area of a second air outlet 708b defined by the first bristle bed 704a is decreased in response to engagement with hair and relative movement in the first direction. In such a manner an increased amount of airflow may pass through the first air outlet 708a in response to engagement of the first bristle bed 704a with hair in use. It will of course be appreciated that engagement with hair and relative motion in a second direction opposite to the first direction will decrease the cross-sectional area of the first air outlet 708a whilst increasing the cross-sectional area of the second air outlet 704b.

Given the arrangement of the pivot points 714 and the channel 716, movement of the bristle beds in a radial direction to vary cross-sectional areas of air outlets 708 defined by the same bristle bed 704 in the same manner, for example the cross-sectional areas either being both increased or both decreased, is also possible.

For example, as illustrated in FIG. 23, in response to a resultant radial force from engagement with hair, the pivot point 714 of the first bristle bed 704a moves inwardly within the channel 716 such that the first bristle bed 704a moves radially inwardly within the slot 706 to increase the cross-sectional area of each of the first 708a and second 708b air outlets. Similarly, when a force applied by engagement of hair is removed, ie when the first bristle bed 704a is no longer engaged by hair, airflow within the attachment 700 pushes the first bristle bed 704a radially outwardly to the rest configuration, with the pivot point 714 sliding radially outwardly within the channel 716, to decrease the cross-sectional area of the first 708a and second 708b air outlets.

The bristle beds 704 are thus movable within the slots 706 in response to engagement of hair with the attachment 700 such that movement of the bristle beds occurs in both a radial and a circumferential direction. This may provide greater flexibility of motion compared to either radial or circumferential motion alone.

An air outlet 708 on a first side of the attachment 700 engaged with hair in use may experience an increase in cross-sectional area, whilst air outlets 708 on a second side of the attachment 700 not engaged with hair in use may not experience an increase in cross-sectional area. This may enable a greater volume of airflow to be provided through one side of the attachment 700 relative to the other opposing side of the attachment 700, which may provide increased efficiency, for example with less wasted airflow directed away from hair in use, and may provide increased styling control with airflow primarily directed only in a desired direction in use, thereby decreasing the risk of stray airflow affecting a styling process.

As seen in FIGS. 21 to 23, the slots 706 in the main body 702, and the bristle beds 704, are shaped such that airflow through the air outlets 708 in use is in a direction having a tangential as well as a radial component. This may assist in directing airflow along a length of hair in use, which may provide increased efficiency and decreased dry times.

Common to each of the attachments 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 described herein is that each attachment 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 has a movable member that at least partially defines an air outlet, movement of the movable member varies a cross-sectional area of the air outlet, and the movable member is movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the haircare appliance. This may vary a volume of airflow passing through the air outlet without the need to change a flow rate of the airflow generator. The movable member being movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the haircare appliance may enable movement of the movable member in response to radial forces experienced by the movable member in use, for example radial forces experienced in response to engagement of the movable member with hair in use.

Embodiments are also envisaged where, rather than the haircare appliance 10 comprising a handle unit 12 and an attachment 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 the haircare appliance 10 is a single-piece unit, for example taking the form of the combined handle unit 12 and attachment 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 previously described.

Whilst embodiments described herein have been depicted with “first” and “second” sides, it will be appreciated by a person skilled in the art that in practice whichever side of the attachment 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 is engaged with hair may be considered a “first side” as discussed herein, with the opposite side of the attachment 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 not engaged with hair considered a “second side” as discussed herein.

Similarly, it will be apparent to a person skilled in the art that the number of bristle beds of the attachments 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700 described herein may vary from those shown, for example with attachments having at least two bristle beds envisaged.


1. An attachment for a haircare appliance, the attachment comprising an air inlet, and an air outlet for emitting airflow, wherein the air outlet is at least partially defined by a movable member, movement of the movable member varies a cross-sectional area of the air outlet, and the movable member is movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the attachment.

2. The attachment as claimed in claim 1, wherein the movable member is configured to move in response to engagement of hair with the movable member in use.

3. The attachment as claimed in claim 1, wherein the attachment comprises a fixed member that at least partially defines the air outlet, and the movable member is movable relative to the fixed member to vary the cross-sectional area of the air outlet.

4. The attachment as claimed in claim 1, wherein the movable member is movable in a circumferential direction relative to the central axis.

5. The attachment as claimed in claim 1, wherein the movable member is biased into a rest configuration in which the air outlet comprises a first cross-sectional area, and the movable member is movable in response to engagement of the movable member within hair to increase the cross-sectional area of the air outlet to a second cross-sectional area greater than the first cross-sectional area.

6. The attachment as claimed in claim 1, wherein the movable member is movable in a radially inward direction toward the central axis to increase the cross-sectional area of the air outlet.

7. The attachment as claimed in claim 1, wherein the movable member is movable in a radially outward direction away from the central axis to increase the cross-sectional area of the air outlet.

8. The attachment as claimed in claim 1, wherein the movable member is located intermediate two adjacent fixed members, the air outlet comprises first and second apertures, the first fixed member and the movable member define the first aperture, the second fixed member and the movable member define the second aperture, and movement of the movable member varies cross-sectional areas of the first and second apertures.

9. The attachment as claimed in claim 8, wherein engagement of hair with the movable member to apply a force to the movable member in a first direction increases a cross-sectional area of the first aperture and decreases a cross-sectional area of the second aperture, and engagement of hair with the movable member to apply a force to the movable member in a second direction opposite to the first direction increases a cross-sectional area of the second aperture and decreases a cross-sectional area of the first aperture.

10. The attachment as claimed in claim 9, wherein the movable member is pivotable such that engagement of hair with the movable member to apply the force to the movable member in the first direction causes a first end of the movable member to increase the cross-sectional area of the first aperture and causes a second end of the movable member opposite the first end of the movable member to decrease the cross-sectional area of the second aperture, and engagement of hair with the movable member to apply the force to the movable member in the second direction causes the first end of the movable member to decrease the cross-sectional area of the first aperture and causes the second end of the movable member to increase the cross-sectional area of the second aperture.

11. The attachment as claimed in claim 10, wherein a pivot point about which the movable member is pivotable is located in a channel such that the pivot point is slidable in a radial direction within the channel.

12. The attachment as claimed in claim 10, wherein the first end of the movable member is located adjacent the first fixed member, the second end of the movable member is located adjacent the second fixed member, the first end of the movable member is connected to the second fixed member by a rod, the movable member pivotable relative to the rod and the rod pivotable relative to the second fixed member.

13. The attachment as claimed in claim 8, wherein the movable member comprises a first portion at least partially defining the first aperture, and a second portion at least partially defining the second aperture, the first portion and the second portion pivotally connected such that the first and second portions are independently movable relative to one another.

14. The attachment as claimed in claim 8, wherein movement of the movable member in a first direction increases the cross-sectional area of each of the first and second apertures, and movement of the movable member in a second direction opposite to the first direction decreases the cross-sectional area of each of the first and second apertures.

15. The attachment as claimed in claim 14, wherein movement of the movable member is constrained such that the first and second apertures comprise maximal and minimal cross-sectional areas at boundaries of motion of the movable member.

16. The attachment as claimed in claim 15, wherein the attachment comprises a stopping member located radially inwardly of the movable member, and the stopping member is shaped to constrain motion of the movable member.

17. The attachment as claimed in claim 8, wherein the movable member is movable to vary the cross-sectional area of the first and second apertures against the force of a biasing member.

18. The attachment as claimed in claim 1, wherein the attachment comprises a plurality of movable members movable in a radial direction relative to the central axis of attachment, and each of the plurality of movable members at least partially defining a respective one of a plurality of air outlets, the plurality of air outlets spaced about a periphery of the attachment.

19. The attachment as claimed in claim 18, wherein a first one of the plurality of movable members is located on a first side of the attachment, a second one of the plurality of movable members is located on a second side of the attachment, a first one of the plurality of air outlets is located on the first side of the attachment, a second one of the plurality of air outlets is located on the second side of the attachment opposite to the first side of the attachment, and movement of the first moveable member to vary a cross-sectional area of the first air outlet causes movement of the second movable member to vary a cross-sectional area of the second air outlet.

20. A haircare appliance comprising an air inlet, an air outlet, and an airflow generator for generating an airflow from the air inlet to the air outlet, wherein the air outlet is at least partially defined by a movable member, movement of the movable member varies a cross-sectional area of the air outlet, and the movable member is movable in a radial direction relative to a central axis of the haircare appliance.

21. The haircare appliance as claimed in claim 20, wherein the haircare appliance comprises a handle unit within which the airflow generator is disposed, and an attachment comprising the air outlet and the movable member, the attachment removably attachable to the handle unit.

Patent History
Publication number: 20240298773
Type: Application
Filed: Dec 3, 2021
Publication Date: Sep 12, 2024
Applicant: Dyson Technology Limited (Wiltshire)
Inventors: Ayrton Lloyd Taylor PEEL (Gloucester), Robert Mark Brett COULTON (Bristol)
Application Number: 18/268,332
International Classification: A45D 20/12 (20060101); A45D 20/26 (20060101);