Method and apparatus implemented in processors for real-time scheduling and task organization based on response time order of magnitude
A task scheduling method is disclosed, where each processor core is programmed with a short list of priorities, each associated with a minimum response time. The minimum response times for adjacent priorities are different by at least one order of magnitude. Each process is assigned a priority based on how its expected response time compares with the minimum response times of the priorities. Lower priorities may be assigned a timeslice period that is a fraction of the minimum response time. Also disclosed is a task division method of dividing a complex task into multiple tasks is; one of the tasks is an input gathering authority task having a higher priority, and it provides inputs to the other tasks which have a lower priority. A method that permits orderly shutdown or scaling back of task activities in case of resource emergencies is also described.
Field of the Invention
This invention relates to task scheduling and task organization in processors.
Description of the Related Art
A real-time program is one that is guaranteed to respond correctly within a certain fixed time period after its task requirement is presented to it. This can include multiple task requirements, or even an ongoing stream of task requirements, each of which expects its response within a specified time of its pertinent data's being presented. Complex real-time programming may include pertinent data from asynchronously independent sources. Frequently, a real-time system may be required to respond in an unusual or speedy fashion to an “exceptional” datum, with or without abandoning its standard processing or output.
Real-time problems are not solved by processing speed alone. Processing speed determines the amount of time between the presentation of full input data, timing stimuli, and programming and the completion of calculations that determine an output dependent on those alone. Though the programming is usually fully present, the data and stimuli may depend on complex interactions that are not fully understood, especially in rare so-called “exceptional” cases. Full testing of a complex system is usually impossible, since combinations of variables increase exponentially in the number of variables, and permutations thereof (taking account of order) increase as a factorial. For example, of 10 variables there are 2^10=1,024 combinations, and 10!=3,628,800 permutations.
It has therefore long been clear that one critical requirement is to break down a real-time task into subtasks, each with few variables, that interact in a way about which conclusions can be drawn. This meshes well with the ability of multiple computing devices to communicate with one another, and with the recent development of individual computing chips that have multiple “cores,” each of which can be working on a different subtask at the same time. Even single cores permit independent response to different stimuli (interrupts) and multiple time-shared programs (multitasking). However, major difficulties have arisen in getting the benefit of these facts, which it will be the business of the present invention to address.
Each subtask must be real-time if the combination of them is to be real-time. But in practice a great dynamic range opens up between the expected response requirement of different subtasks. For example, an interrupt response may have to be less than a microsecond, while a database search may take 10 seconds or more—a factor of over seven “orders of magnitude” (common logarithmic units, or multipliers of 10). A slow task can delay the output of a fast task, which is clearly devastating. Task priorities attempt to deal with this, but are often counterproductive (priority inversion).
Rare, so-called “exceptional” cases, as mentioned above, may not only have a completely different time requirement but use completely different programming, and yet share the same system resources. All too often, orderly sidetracking or shutdown of the “normal” programming is a goal too complex to be solved. A crude reboot is the commonly observed sequel, whether in desktop computers or in modern, computerized city buses. In a high-value complex, whether a nuclear power plant or a steel mill, this is not an acceptable solution.
In addition to nesting of component real-time subtasks within a task, it is clearly desirable to have multiple tasks working side by side and scarcely affecting each other. This apparently simpler problem has also suffered difficulties, due to contests over shared resources, and the heaping up of tasks without discipline. Common experience includes the “stammering” of video and music on a home computer.
The use of multiple pre-emptive priorities in dealing with manifold real-time response requirements is well known. Customarily, the highest priority is denoted 0, and greater priority numbers denote lower priorities. When a higher priority process comes ready on a core, it can interrupt any running process of a lower priority, and can place itself on a processing queue of pending processes of its own priority. A typical design will reach for better real-time response by increasing the number of these priorities, sometimes as high as 256.
Because these processes must communicate with each other, complicated interactions are possible, including “priority inversion,” when a higher-priority process is effectively delayed by being dependent on a lower-priority one. This leads to design unpredictability. Because of this, another school of thought leans toward reducing the number of priorities as low as two (as in the Inmos Transputer, and in many common CPUs and embedded chips which offer uninterruptible Interrupt Service Routines or ISRs and a main program which can be interrupted by the ISRs). Recently some designers of XMOS have even gone as far as advocating only one priority on multicore chips which can serve independent stimuli with independent cores.
In any core that is running multiple processes, resources must be shared so that no process is “starved” or prevented from progressing. This leads to a requirement, at least in the lower priorities, for timeslicing so that one process's long loop does not exclude others of its own priority. Processes, especially high-priority ones, also yield place by blocking on communication.
Whatever their priority scheme, chips must be coded so as most effectively to use their response capabilities, a nontrivial development task to which much prior art has been dedicated on the part of both schools. (Compare “Rate Monotonic Analysis”, mentioned in U.S. Pat. No. 7,107,590.) Particularly rich have been the lines of development descending from the Inmos Transputer and its natively parallel language, occam. These have mastered both complex coding and data flows and, at the same time, cycle-counted response times to stimuli that give conclusive real-time results as long as the task requirement is not too demanding. However, the territory at which these meet—especially when multiple asynchronous stimuli may each have a real-time requirement—is not well covered and has typically been left to the complicated RTOS approaches of the first school, who also have been unsuccessful in giving a understandable and robust answer.
Systems with only one or two priorities can respond inefficiently for high-priority events when other tasks are time-consuming and cannot be timesliced rapidly. Systems with a large number of priorities have complexity problems. A time-consuming task can continually pre-empt and starve a task whose priority is slightly lower. Unresponsiveness of a low-priority task can “hang up” a high-priority task that is waiting on communication, or conversely, if the high-priority task is allowed to transmit its priority to the communication partner (priority inheritance), the latter can unexpectedly outrank and deadlock an unrelated third party. There has been no general methodology that allows multiple unrelated tasks with varying real-time requirements to efficiently use the resources of either a uniprocessor or a multicore processor.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe current invention solves the problems with the prior art by using the power of multitasking or multicore hardware or programming capabilities in an effective way to subdivide the tasks into manageable parts. A first embodiment of the invention provides a task scheduling system and related method, designed to fit the nested timing requirements of complex tasks. A second embodiment of the invention provides a method which can be used to subdivide complex tasks in a way that will give a predictable real-time result when used in conjunction with the task scheduling system of the first embodiment. A third embodiment provides a method that allows tasks to be shut down or scaled back in an orderly fashion in case of resource need. The method of the third embodiment is particularly suitable for implementation in conjunction with the scheduling system of the first and second embodiment.
Given the success of the method part, to be discussed below, the expansion of hardware core count and capability per core points to a model where the software running on one real-time core is of modest complexity. The number of features, whether number of multitasking high-level programs or number of independent asynchronous inputs, is typically of the order of ten per core, or in some multicores even less.
In one aspect, the present invention provides a task scheduling method implemented in a processor having one or more logical cores for processing tasks, which includes: defining a number of pre-emptive priorities to be assigned to sequentially programmed tasks, the number of priorities being greater than two and less than ten, each priority being associated with a defined response time, wherein higher priorities are associated with shorter defined response times and wherein the defined response times for any two adjacent priorities are different by at least one order of magnitude; obtaining a plurality of sequentially programmed tasks, each task having an expected response time between input and consequent action or output; assigning one of the number of priorities to each task based on the expected response time of the task, such that the expected response time of each task is equal to or longer than the defined response time of the assigned priority, and is shorter than the defined response time of a priority lower than the assigned priority if such a lower priority exists; and scheduling the plurality of tasks to be run by the one or more logical cores of the processor based on the priorities assigned to each task, wherein tasks assigned higher priorities are scheduled to interrupt tasks assigned lower priorities on the same logical core, and wherein tasks assigned the same priority on the same logical core are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
In another aspect, the present invention provides a method implemented in a processor having one or more logical cores for programming a major task which has a defined response time requirement between one or more inputs and outputs depending upon such inputs, which includes: subdividing the major task into one first task and one or more second tasks, the first task having a higher priority than the second tasks, the first task having an associated first response time requirement, each second task defining a second output and having an associated second response time requirement, so that the outputs of the major task are produced within the defined response time requirement of the major task; the first task receiving input and timing from one or more sources and using them to create one or more packets with data and timing for corresponding second tasks; and each of the second tasks receiving a packet and producing outputs based on the data and timing contained in the received packet and a state received previously by the second task to produce the second output, wherein the data and timing contained in the packet received by the second task, together with the state received previously by the second task, produces enough state to enable the second task to produce the second output within the second response time requirement.
In yet another aspect, the present invention provides a method implemented on a computer for executing tasks, which includes: executing a first task, the first task having a first required output depending on an input, and a required response time between the input and the first required output, including: (a) executing first predefined program code of the first task; and (b) upon reception of a shutdown or modification signal by the first task, wherein the shutdown signal is received before the first required output is produced: (b1) executing second predefined program code of the first task, the second program code defining a second required output which is different from the first required output; (b2) producing the second required output within the required response time of the first task without producing the first required output while reducing an amount of resources being utilized by the task; and (b3) if the shutdown or modification signal was a shutdown signal, shutting down the first task after producing the second required output;
and executing a second task, the second task being executed both before and after the first task receives the shutdown or modification signal and responds to that signal by outputting the second required output and in the case of a shutdown signal by shutting down, wherein after the first task receives the shutdown or modification signal, the second task utilizes resources previously utilized by the first task, without redefining any required output of the second task.
It is to be understood that both the foregoing general description and the following detailed description are exemplary and explanatory and are intended to provide further explanation of the invention as claimed.
A method for real-time scheduling and task organization of multiple computing tasks is disclosed, applicable both to uniprocessors and to multicore processors. The method avoids complexity and performance uncertainty by assigning priorities and timeslicing parameters using only the order of magnitude of the required response time to input stimuli. This results in a very small number of pre-emptive priorities. The task organization specified by the method results in modest design complexity and predictable on-time performance without “push” prioritization techniques such as priority inheritance. It also permits orderly shutdown or scaling back of task activities in case of resource emergencies. A description is given of the application of this method, either by software or by designed-in hardware, to uniprocessor and multicore computing devices with external event, link, or interrupt hardware connections.
In this and all following paragraphs, precise terminology has to distinguish between cases when the task being referred to is assumed to be sequentially programmed, and cases when that is not necessarily true. A sequentially programmed task (which will also be referred to as a process) is a program, each of whose actions or instructions is either the end of the program or is followed, possibly after a wait, by exactly one action or instruction that is logically determined by the previous instruction and the state. The hardware executing a process may perform functions in parallel, as when a RISC core executes an arithmetic operation during the time when a previously triggered data read is still in process, but a process's run history must consist of a sequence, both in time and logically, of instructions or actions.
This terminology is based on CSP, which means “Communicating Sequential Processes,” and is well known in the art. A task is either a process or it is composed of multiple processes, running in sequence or in parallel or both, on a single logical core or on multiple cores. In the general literature, the terms “task” and “process” are used interchangeably, but in this document the term “process” is restricted to the sequentially programmed “atoms” out of which task “molecules” are built. It is important to understand that even a uniprocessor core may have multiple processes running in parallel, with one process advancing during a wait in which another process is blocked. This is called “multitasking” and is well known in the art.
When multitasking happens, even via interrupts, a question always arises of which process runs on a single logical core when two or more processes are ready. Techniques to answer this question are called “priority.” A process that has a preemptive right to run first is said to have a higher priority, which traditionally is denoted by a lower integer, so that priority 0 preempts everything else. Tasks composed of several processes may not have a uniquely defined priority. In this document, the priority of a task will be defined to be the lowest pre-emptive priority (denoted by the largest priority number) of its component processes. This corresponds to the customary terminology of the art. For instance, programs given a priority by the Linux program “nice” usually involve communication or timing driver interrupts which are of higher, in fact of top, priority.
Embodiments of the current invention solve the standoff between the two approaches, one with very large number of priorities and the other with only two or one, by using a response-time order-of-magnitude criterion to divide processes into a modest number of priorities, possibly four or eight. Because of the very wide ratio between the typical response times of each priority, the processes running under a higher priority can be treated as causing vanishingly short interruptions in processes of a lower priority.
The current invention is based on the following insight. A process that is serving a functionality with a given response time must clearly have a run-time, from input to associated output, that is less than that response time but can be of its order of magnitude without harm. This means that if it is interrupted by a process serving a functionality with a relatively much shorter response time, that one interruption will not much affect its performance, because the interruption itself is for less than the much shorter response time. If it timeshares with processes whose functionality has response time of its own order of magnitude, using a round-robin, its expected net maximum response time will be multiplied by the total number of such processes.
According to a first embodiment of the invention, each core is programmed, in either a uniprocessor or a multicore system, with a short list of priorities, each associated with a minimum response time. The minimum response times for any two adjacent priorities are different by at least one order of magnitude. Processes serving functionalities that have an expected response time equal to or longer than that minimum response time can be assigned to that priority. The expected response time of the process is the expected time between input and consequent action or output of the process. Typically, each process will be assigned to the lowest priority allowed by this criterion.
In the first embodiment, lower priorities, typically all priorities but priority 0 and sometimes priority 1, may be assigned a timeslice period that is a fraction of the minimum response time. On any given core, which fraction this may be will be influenced by typical usage and process count for that priority.
A high priority, such as priority 0 or 1, may not have a timeslice capability, typically if it is known that all tasks in that priority will block on communication after running a small fraction of the priority's minimum response time. Not having timeslice capability means the task is scheduled to run until completion or blocking on state (e.g. waiting for asynchronous input, output, timeout or event) before a next task with that priority is scheduled. The absence of timeslicing can reduce context switch overhead. In the case of the lowest priorities, context is typically very heavy and context switching must be comparatively infrequent if relative overhead is to be kept to a minimum, so timeslice periods are long.
Two exemplary implementations of the first embodiment are illustrated in
Additional method and apparatus according to embodiments of the current invention permit the assumption of modest complexity per core to continue to apply, despite the possibly high complexity of the full system requirements. This requires task organization that permits full requirements to be subdivided into modestly complex subtasks which interact in a time-predictable and resource-predictable fashion. It also, in many real cases, requires orderly task shutdown or scale-back in response to unpredictable events that on occasion may make a large sudden demand on resources.
A second embodiment of the invention provides a method and apparatus for subdividing a real-time response (task) into a higher-priority task called an “input-gathering authority task,” or for short an “authority task,” and zero or more lower-priority “construction tasks.” A construction task is started by a delivery of data and timing that forms its “foundational state,” and then spends extensive effort constructing its output. An authority task collects data and timing from one or several asynchronous sources, and delivers it to the construction task or to output in an action called a “data fling.” It is possible that the output of the construction task, with or without a further data fling, may be the input of a later construction task or tasks, all contributing to the real-time response to the original data, and it is also possible for multiple construction tasks to operate in parallel as part of a real-time response. Direct output from the authority task is possible (e.g. zero construction tasks) if little or no computation is needed, only passed-through data or timing of a stimulus or a combination thereof.
The design principle (the “ASAP principle”) for construction and authority tasks is that the data and timing required for the foundational state of the construction task should be supplied in such a way as to permit it to begin work as soon as possible. This implies the authority task should be able to gather all the asynchronous data required for the foundational state of the construction task, should be higher priority than the construction task, and should have an output FIFO (the “fling FIFO”) of priority as high as itself or at least higher than that of the construction task. This fling FIFO should also have capacity enough to buffer all the authority's data flings until the construction task comes ready to receive, and ability to transmit all buffered data in one fling to the construction task when that comes ready. In addition, the data reception by the construction task should be so designed (possible both for channel and for alternation or select) that a low-priority communication partner that comes ready later does not deschedule. By contrast, a high-priority process should deschedule while communicating a long message to or from a low-priority process, so that the actual data communication is treated as an extended act at the lower priority, and should be exempted from the typical relation between priority and response time if this is a necessary part of its function, as for an authority task or an output driver.
A third embodiment relates to orderly task shutdown or scale-back of tasks. This embodiment provides a method and apparatus for shutting down or modifying a task, without causing it to fail or take overly long, in the case of unexpected need for its resources, or a reduction in the ability of the system to support them. Such a situation is commonly called an “exception” but is here treated as a part of normal programming.
The third embodiment requires that, as a part of normal running, the task be receptive from time to time to a signal, here called a “shutdown signal” though it may require only a scale-back or behavior change rather than a shutdown. The shutdown signal causes a branch in the programming of the task which does three things:
(A) It may redefine the output requirement of the task (i.e. what the task is required to output), and causes it to produce its output requirement, whether redefined or not, before shutting down or when modified. It should be noted that the task may have received input before the shutdown signal whose output is still in process at the time the shutdown signal arrives. Such “in the pipeline” output will be produced and satisfy either the output requirement or the redefined output requirement. The task may also receive input after the shutdown signal and will produce output dependent on this input according to the redefined output requirement.
What the output requirement is redefined to depends on the nature of the tasks and the need of the system. In general several design principles are followed:
(1) It is safe to operate over the time period in question (until shutdown or repair).
(2) It uses resources physically close to the output (here “output” includes actuators as well as data).
(3) It is minimalistic not only from the resource and power point of view, but also from design. By abandoning resources, it makes them available to the emergency task. By using minimalistic design, it reduces variables, behaves understandably, and satisfies (1).
(4) It is optimized quite differently from the standard program. Cost-effectiveness and efficiency feedback, with its big databases and network presence, goes away (as in the example in
(B) It does not cause the task to spend longer than its original response time requirement. In other words, the task to produce its new output requirements within its original response time requirement.
(C) It may permit the task being shut down or modified to return resources to the system or to other tasks operating in the system. In other words, the scale-back of normal requirements is so managed that fewer resources are needed, and the difference is then re-assigned to the emergency task.
This is a normal and functional branch of the programming, and therefore implies that the shutdown signal must spread in such a way that other tasks for which the output of (A) may be input are ready to deal with any modifications. Techniques for doing this are known in the art.
Because the resources are the same, by using the task division method of the second embodiment to subdivide the tasks both of standard and of safe mode, and by using the task scheduling method of the first embodiment to schedule all tasks, the transition between the standard and safe mode is comparatively easy.
In this example, the design targets are:
The priorities are:
In this case, the fraction described above is 1/10.
In the drawings, no internal communications or links are shown. It is not to be assumed that only areas neighboring in the drawings are connected by channels. Channel ends can connect any tasks in a core, and in the multiprocessor, can connect any two cores. The technology for this is well known, e.g. Transputer and XMOS. In the discussion to follow, “core” means hardware that can run a task, so that one “core” may in some designs consist of more than one physical core, working together in a fine-grained parallel fashion to decode and execute an instruction stream.
The inputs (stimuli) Event1 101, Event2 102, System Clock 103, and Serial Byte 104 are received in P0. Each pair of P0 processes consists of an input ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) 105 feeding a FIFO 106. The FIFO may be of any depth, and may be software or hardware. Its depth is designed to decouple input from the accepting lower-priority processes, which may be any of the ones below (not shown). Note that the term “FIFO” as used in this disclosure can refer to any combination of software and hardware that performs the FIFO receiver function.
Priority 1 processes are Sound generator 107, Motor1 108, Motor2 109, and Mouse 110, and the first three have external outputs 111. Priority 2 processes are Click response 112 and Window response 113, outputting to graphics 114. The low priority P3 processes are Math output 115, Search1 output 116, and Search2 output 117. These feed back through channels to higher-priority processes to be output (not shown). This technology is known and predictable. Specifics on coding channels are well known to those skilled in the art.
To the right of
Note that the tasks shown here are merely examples; the system can handle any tasks.
The same process rotation and latency calculations can be carried out on
The priorities and tasks of
As mentioned earlier, in a second embodiment of the present invention, a task may be subdivided into a higher-priority authority task and zero or more lower-priority construction tasks. In cases where more than one asynchronous input contributes to the foundational state of a construction task, authority tasks can be added in the process scheduling system, an example of which is shown in
The new Priority 1 has three authority tasks 423, each gathering input from more than one raw input via FIFOs 406. These internal channels are shown in 422; other internal channels are omitted. The fling FIFOs 424 transmit foundational state to lower-priority tasks below. As indicated by 425, the new Priority 1 will become much more efficient if the fling FIFOs are also implemented in hardware. Notice that one Priority 0 task (the one accepting 404) is its own authority task (left FIFO 406) for an unspecified construction task that needs only one input.
Not shown in
The design is deliberately friendly to long timeslices for low-priority construction tasks, which may be able to loop over several inputs in the “quick construction” case. As
The non-descheduling property of the receiver causes the construction task to continue shortly after receiving data fling 606, and similarly after receiving four more authority flings at 607. No more are forthcoming in this burst; it completes work at 609, and deschedules, restoring the state of an empty fling FIFO and completion of all construction. The timeslice that it could have used stretches from 610 to 611, but it closes down early in this example. In general, a construction task that does not wait for data after foundational state is established will therefore not deschedule, except for timeslicing, before finishing the work on its data cluster. If, in the algorithm required to generate the real-time response, new asynchronous data is required after some calculation, then a new construction task is started at that point.
The action shown in
A conservative bound on its real-time response is therefore possible. Let b equal the upper bound on its interrupt burden during the work to be undertaken for a worst-case input cluster, and W be the maximum work on that cluster (counting construction task cycles only, and including reception time for the foundational data fling). Let S be the maximum sum of timeslices for all other processes of the same priority, and T its timeslice. Therefore S≦(n−1)T, where n is the number of processes of this priority, but it may be less if some of the other processes are known never to use up one timeslice.
Then time to completion≦R, where
This formula is to a degree recursive, but since it is an upper bound it can be approximated easily from above.
This task organization is applicable to both the uniprocessor embodiment and the multiprocessor embodiment. The multiprocessor allows n and hence S to be reduced, and by distributing the inputs and authority tasks it allows b to be reduced, which implies that this design can make near-full utilization of the available processors, as long as tasks (including efficiently farmed-out parallel tasks) outnumber cores.
This depends on the efficiency of the data flings, as well as the task organization. Therefore both embodiments are naturally aided by some components being implemented in hardware. First, as noted above, are the FIFOs of both kinds shown: if implemented in hardware they lead to a 50% or more reduction in process count in the highest priorities, which will proportionately reduce b for construction tasks. A second is data channels between tasks, whether on the same core or on different cores. This art was traditionally well supported on the Transputer and is available on modern multicore chips from companies like XMOS and Adapteva, but their descheduling behavior may require adjustment to fit the design of the present embodiments.
A particularly desirable multicore feature available in the standard art is wormhole routing, classically found on the Amatek 2010, Intel Touchstone Delta and iWarp, and the Transputer T9000 design, and currently part of the IE 1355 and Spacewire protocols supported by 4Links and others. This permits software to specify a channel connection even between tasks on different cores, and the transmission is managed efficiently through hardware routing of small “flits,” without cluttering each core with many mux and demux router tasks. In order to satisfy the ASAP principle for this design, one of two approaches can be taken. If many hardware channels are available, complete networks can be dedicated to each order of magnitude of message size, preventing long messages from blocking short ones and driving up worst-case latency per unit of data transmitted for short messages. (Note that very high-priority processes typically do not transmit long messages to each other, because of the priority to response-time relation.) The other solution is for messages requiring wormholes to be subdivided into small packets. This means requiring each authority task to be on the same core as its construction task, so as not to require a wormhole, which may increase the number of authority tasks required.
The low count of priorities means that the partial ordering of processes is lighter than in the fully ranked approach. Processes of nearly the same response time are incomparable, unrelated processes of slower response time have no effect, and unrelated processes of faster response time become part of the interrupt burden without causing deadlock or priority inversion. Analysis of a given real-time response thus becomes provably independent of others when the data itself is independent.
The behavior of the construction tasks is analogous to “value-added” production in economics, and is tractable even for complex real-time systems. Using the above-described sequencing tools and methods, a real-time requirement, which requires certain output within a certain time after the arrival of the last of certain input necessary to generate the output, is subjected to top-down design as a major task, which is broken up in series or in parallel or both into construction tasks which receive timely foundational state from authority tasks and progress directly to production of output which may be final output of the real-time requirement or intermediate output contributing to foundational state of later construction tasks. Because of the analogy of this design technique with the known function of designing the value-added subcontracting of economic projects involving communication, dependency, and timing, this approach will be called “value-added” in following discussion.
Some practical examples of implementations of the embodiments are described with references to
The use of “value-added” production (construction tasks) is particularly well adapted to real-time systems that have available a wealth of hardware cores, whether single cores (as in many robotics applications) or multicores. Virtually all modern CPU cores offer an accurate, readable timer with very fine resolution. This means that components of a real-time constrained system can apply delay control (e.g.
Low-level CPUs 811 each include a Bluetooth receiver 812 which communicates 813 with an analog stepper driver 814. The programming is capable of producing output with microsecond-range timing that is not interfered with by the Bluetooth reception, a task that is not difficult with modern art of low-level CPUs given the simplicity of the task assigned to this CPU. The analog signals 815 drive stepper motors 816 which position the actuator in pursuit of the target position curve.
A second, related application of “value-added” is to expansion, in which needed construction tasks spread among a sea of cores that may start idle (
When contraction is called for, such as when the power has failed and a system must conserve auxiliary power, or when a demanding new task (e.g. “MELTDOWN ALERT” in a nuclear power plant) must conscript most resources, the “value-added” approach continues to permit predictable success. To continue the economic analogy, it must arrange “layoffs”, “reductions in hours”, and “transfers” (
Finally, the “value-added” design of this invention is well adapted to nesting and remapping. This is because each task, with its component subtasks, is well defined in terms of input, output, and timing. This makes it possible for a prospective replacement component to be tested separately from the system (
The boundary of the stepper control as defined in
On the standard CPU 1103, a data receiver 1111 converts input from 1104 to the protocol expected for commands of positioning and timing sent across 805 in
This kind of redesigning will be successful on any level, as long as the requirements of the invention are adhered to.
As mentioned above, the fling FIFOs may be implemented by software or hardware. Hardware FIFOs may be preferred. A hardware FIFO typically has the highest priority. A FIFO implemented by software or a hardware and software combination will be assigned a priority in accordance with the embodiments described earlier.
The task scheduling system described above may be implemented by software or hardware. Hardware implementation may be preferred due to speed, and is expected to lead to major real-time performance improvement. The descheduling of a high-priority process but not of a low-priority process under some communication conditions, described above in the paragraph about the ASAP principle, may also best be implemented in hardware.
It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that various modification and variations can be made in the method and related apparatus of the present invention without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention. Thus, it is intended that the present invention cover modifications and variations that come within the scope of the appended claims and their equivalents.
1. A method of a responsive hardware device implemented in a processor having one or more logical cores for programming a major task, comprising:
- receiving the major task, wherein the major task has a defined response time requirement requires certain output within a certain time after the arrival of the last of certain input necessary to generate the output;
- subdividing the major task into one first task and one or more second tasks, the first task having a higher priority than the one or more second tasks, the first task having an associated first response time requirement, each second task defining a second output and having an associated second response time requirement, so that the outputs of the major task are produced within the defined response time requirement of the major task;
- the first task receiving data and timing input from one or more hardware sources to build a foundational state of each of the one or more second tasks and using the data and timing input to create one or more packets with the data and timing for each of the one or more second tasks; and
- each of the one or more second tasks receiving the one or more packets and producing outputs based on the data and timing contained in the received one or more packets and the foundational state received previously by the second task to produce the second output, wherein the data and timing contained in the one or more packets received by the second task, together with the foundational state received previously by the second task, constitutes input as a state to enable the second task to produce the second output within the second response time requirement.
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Type: Grant
Filed: Jul 12, 2016
Date of Patent: May 9, 2017
Patent Publication Number: 20160321111
Inventor: Lawrence J. Dickson (National City, CA)
Primary Examiner: Sisley Kim
Application Number: 15/208,507
International Classification: G06F 9/46 (20060101); G06F 9/50 (20060101); G06F 9/48 (20060101);