Textile cover for a drinking vessel
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a textile cover for a drinking vessel showing my new design;
FIG. 2 is a front elevational view;
FIG. 3 is a rear elevational view;
FIG. 4 is a left side elevational view;
FIG. 5 is a right side elevational view;
FIG. 6 is a top plan view;
FIG. 7 is a bottom plan view;
FIG. 8 is a perspective view showing the device in actual use on a drinking vessel; and,
FIG. 9 is similar to FIG. 1, but of a modified design wherein the device is similar to that shown in FIGS. 1-8, but having a modified end flap.
The broken lines are for illustrative purposes only and form no part of the claimed design.
The ornamental design for a textile cover for a drinking vessel, as shown and described.
Referenced Cited
Patent History
Patent number: D515365
Type: Grant
Filed: Aug 13, 2004
Date of Patent: Feb 21, 2006
Inventor: Angela Cooper (Somerset, OH)
Primary Examiner: Terry A. Wallace
Attorney: Kremblas, Foster, Phillips & Pollick
Application Number: 29/211,262
Type: Grant
Filed: Aug 13, 2004
Date of Patent: Feb 21, 2006
Inventor: Angela Cooper (Somerset, OH)
Primary Examiner: Terry A. Wallace
Attorney: Kremblas, Foster, Phillips & Pollick
Application Number: 29/211,262
Current U.S. Class: