Western style boot with side pocket
The broken line showing the outline of the boot in
The current design for a western style boot with side pocket includes a western style boot with a side pocket utilizing a button flap located on the right side of the boot. The boot includes a set of decorative laces in order to present the appearance of a dress shoe.
The ornamental design for a western style boot with a side pocket, as shown and described.
Referenced Cited
Patent History
Patent number: D551829
Type: Grant
Filed: Apr 5, 2006
Date of Patent: Oct 2, 2007
Inventor: Thomas Earl McLin (Lubbock, TX)
Primary Examiner: Stella Reid
Assistant Examiner: Rashida C. McCoy
Attorney: Hurley & Guinn
Application Number: 29/257,500
Type: Grant
Filed: Apr 5, 2006
Date of Patent: Oct 2, 2007
Inventor: Thomas Earl McLin (Lubbock, TX)
Primary Examiner: Stella Reid
Assistant Examiner: Rashida C. McCoy
Attorney: Hurley & Guinn
Application Number: 29/257,500
Current U.S. Class: