Beverage serving bar front
The intended use of the article in which the design is embodied is serving of beverages to persons.
The drawing is a lower perspective view of the inventively designed bar front. Portions of the depicted bar which do not constitute a part of the bar's front are presented in dashed lines.
The ornamental design for a beverage serving bar front, as shown and described.
Referenced Cited
Patent History
Patent number: D565330
Type: Grant
Filed: Apr 24, 2006
Date of Patent: Apr 1, 2008
Inventor: Kim E. Wheatcroft (Wichita, KS)
Primary Examiner: Janice E. Seeger
Assistant Examiner: Zenia I. Bennett
Attorney: Davis & Jack, L.L.C.
Application Number: 29/246,564
Type: Grant
Filed: Apr 24, 2006
Date of Patent: Apr 1, 2008
Inventor: Kim E. Wheatcroft (Wichita, KS)
Primary Examiner: Janice E. Seeger
Assistant Examiner: Zenia I. Bennett
Attorney: Davis & Jack, L.L.C.
Application Number: 29/246,564
Current U.S. Class: