Gasoline engine with two cylinders
The broken line showing portions of the gasoline engine with two cylinders are included for information purposes only and form no part of the claimed design.
The ornamental design for a gasoline engine with two cylinders, as shown.
Referenced Cited
Patent History
Patent number: D567256
Type: Grant
Filed: Jul 11, 2005
Date of Patent: Apr 22, 2008
Inventor: Jirong Hu (Yongkang, Zhejiang Province)
Primary Examiner: Ian Simmons
Assistant Examiner: Maurice Stevens
Application Number: 29/233,813
Type: Grant
Filed: Jul 11, 2005
Date of Patent: Apr 22, 2008
Inventor: Jirong Hu (Yongkang, Zhejiang Province)
Primary Examiner: Ian Simmons
Assistant Examiner: Maurice Stevens
Application Number: 29/233,813
Current U.S. Class:
Engine (D15/1)