Four bottle ice drink dispenser
The ornamental design for a four bottle ice drink dispenser, as shown.
Referenced Cited
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D217691 | May 1970 | Earp |
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Patent History
Patent number: D569163
Type: Grant
Filed: Jun 13, 2007
Date of Patent: May 20, 2008
Inventor: Yi Lin Gu (Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
Primary Examiner: Marianne Pandozzi
Assistant Examiner: J. Scott
Application Number: 29/281,000
Type: Grant
Filed: Jun 13, 2007
Date of Patent: May 20, 2008
Inventor: Yi Lin Gu (Shenzhen, Guangdong Province)
Primary Examiner: Marianne Pandozzi
Assistant Examiner: J. Scott
Application Number: 29/281,000
Current U.S. Class: