Gemstone pavilion with sixty-four facets
The crown of the gemstone is not shown and does not form part of the claimed design.
The characteristic feature of the design resides in the number of facets in the pavilion of the gemstone.
I claim the ornamental design for a gemstone pavilion with sixty-four facets, as shown.
Referenced Cited
Patent History
Patent number: D592993
Type: Grant
Filed: May 8, 2008
Date of Patent: May 26, 2009
Assignee: Niza C Diamonds, LLC (New York, NY)
Inventor: David M. Polak (New York, NY)
Primary Examiner: R. Seifert
Attorney: Fleit Gibbons Gutman Bongini & Bianco PL
Application Number: 29/317,889
Type: Grant
Filed: May 8, 2008
Date of Patent: May 26, 2009
Assignee: Niza C Diamonds, LLC (New York, NY)
Inventor: David M. Polak (New York, NY)
Primary Examiner: R. Seifert
Attorney: Fleit Gibbons Gutman Bongini & Bianco PL
Application Number: 29/317,889
Current U.S. Class:
Faceted (D11/90)