Transitional pocketbook organizer insert sack
My “transitional pocketbook organizer insert sack” is characterized by the many compartments, the frame that allows the sack to remain open until closed, and the chain attached to the rear of the sack.
I claim the ornamental design for a “transitional pocketbook organizer insert sack,” as shown and described.
Referenced Cited
Patent History
Patent number: D628805
Type: Grant
Filed: Jul 5, 2008
Date of Patent: Dec 14, 2010
Inventor: Debra Laverne Simpson (North Babylon, NY)
Primary Examiner: Holly H Baynham
Application Number: 29/308,775
Type: Grant
Filed: Jul 5, 2008
Date of Patent: Dec 14, 2010
Inventor: Debra Laverne Simpson (North Babylon, NY)
Primary Examiner: Holly H Baynham
Application Number: 29/308,775
Current U.S. Class: