Rubber band gun

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FIG. 1 is a side view of a rubber band gun embodiment of the disclosure;

FIG. 2 is a front perspective view of a rubber band gun;

FIG. 3 is a rear perspective view of a rubber band gun;

FIG. 4 is a top perspective view of a rubber band gun;

FIG. 5 is a top-rear perspective view of a rubber band gun; and,

FIG. 6 is a top view of a rubber band gun.

The broken lines shown are included for the purpose of illustrating the unclaimed portions of the article and form no part of the claimed design.


I claim the ornamental design for a rubber band gun, as shown and described.

Referenced Cited
U.S. Patent Documents
1759084 May 1930 Baum et al.
2573142 October 1951 Herring
2741238 April 1956 Arnold
3119385 January 1964 Ashley
3297012 January 1967 Kirkland
3437084 April 1969 Hyter
D225547 December 1972 Griffin
D247986 May 23, 1978 Clyde
4308850 January 5, 1982 Hunter
D274922 July 31, 1984 Smith
4800864 January 31, 1989 Small
D305252 December 26, 1989 Nielson et al.
5170770 December 15, 1992 Vosloh
Patent History
Patent number: D698873
Type: Grant
Filed: Nov 7, 2012
Date of Patent: Feb 4, 2014
Assignee: Lowman Log Works Inc. (Lowman, ID)
Inventor: Wade D. Overlie (Lowman, ID)
Primary Examiner: Cynthia M Chin
Application Number: 29/436,557
Current U.S. Class: Handgun (D21/574)