Combined plush bear and child's blanket
Latest Simms/Mann Institute for Education and Community Development Patents:
The broken lines shown in
The ornamental design for a combined plush bear and child's blanket, as shown and described.
Referenced Cited
U.S. Patent Documents
Other references
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Patent History
Patent number: D812697
Type: Grant
Filed: Oct 18, 2016
Date of Patent: Mar 13, 2018
Assignee: Simms/Mann Institute for Education and Community Development (Beverly Hills, CA)
Inventor: Victoria M. Simms (Beverly Hills, CA)
Primary Examiner: Sandra L Morris
Application Number: 29/581,357
Type: Grant
Filed: Oct 18, 2016
Date of Patent: Mar 13, 2018
Assignee: Simms/Mann Institute for Education and Community Development (Beverly Hills, CA)
Inventor: Victoria M. Simms (Beverly Hills, CA)
Primary Examiner: Sandra L Morris
Application Number: 29/581,357