Latest NIKE, Inc. Patents:
The two broken line circles within the shaded area represent eyelets which form no part of the claimed design. The broken lines immediately adjacent to the shaded area define the bounds of the claimed design and form no part thereof. The broken lines depicting the remainder of the shoe show features that form no part of the claimed design.
The ornamental design for a shoe, as shown and described.
Referenced Cited
Patent History
Patent number: D903284
Type: Grant
Filed: May 24, 2019
Date of Patent: Dec 1, 2020
Assignee: NIKE, Inc. (Beaverton, OR)
Inventor: Jason G. Petrie (Portland, OR)
Primary Examiner: Cynthia Ramirez
Assistant Examiner: Laura H Yu
Application Number: 29/692,420
Type: Grant
Filed: May 24, 2019
Date of Patent: Dec 1, 2020
Assignee: NIKE, Inc. (Beaverton, OR)
Inventor: Jason G. Petrie (Portland, OR)
Primary Examiner: Cynthia Ramirez
Assistant Examiner: Laura H Yu
Application Number: 29/692,420
Current U.S. Class: