Combined frame, clock and mirror
2. Combined frame, clock and mirror
I claim the ornamental design for a combined frame, clock and mirror, as shown and described.
Referenced Cited
U.S. Patent Documents
D61673 | November 1922 | Aichbergee |
D131208 | January 1942 | Kauffman |
D137029 | January 1944 | Rodkey |
D144436 | April 1946 | Ylitalo |
D181502 | November 1957 | Steg |
D186380 | October 1959 | Miller |
D242027 | October 1976 | Terada |
D259862 | July 14, 1981 | You |
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Patent History
Patent number: D942763
Type: Grant
Filed: Jun 16, 2019
Date of Patent: Feb 8, 2022
Inventor: Celestine Nnamdi Okeke (Almere)
Primary Examiner: Mary Ann Calabrese
Application Number: 35/508,513
Type: Grant
Filed: Jun 16, 2019
Date of Patent: Feb 8, 2022
Inventor: Celestine Nnamdi Okeke (Almere)
Primary Examiner: Mary Ann Calabrese
Application Number: 35/508,513
Current U.S. Class: