Chrysanthemum plant named `Cream Reagan`
A new and distinct cultivar of Chrysanthemum plant named `Cream Reagan`, bearing small to medium sized pale yellow blooms with a yellow-green center and performance of 24-28 days.
The cultivar `Cream Reagan` as described and illustrated herein is related to the following cultivars:
`Dark Red Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 9,929);
`Sunny Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 9,928);
`Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,642);
`Salmon Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,869);
`Sulfur Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,786);
`Dark Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,966);
`Orange Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,769);
`Bronze Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,865);
`White Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,784);
`Coral Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,974);
`Yellow Reagan` (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,884);
`Dark Splendid Reagan` (U.S. Plant patent application Ser. No. 08/646,224); and
`Splendid Reagan` (U.S. Plant patent application Ser. No. 08/738,605).
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention comprises a new and distinct cultivar of Chrysanthemum plant which is a natural occurring sport of a parent Chrysanthemum named `Reagan`. Parent Chrysanthemum `Reagan` is described in U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,642. The new cultivar was discovered as a whole plant mutation in 1990 in a greenhouse in Holland.
The invention has been asexually reproduced by cuttings at the same location. The new cultivar has been found to retain all of its distinctive characteristics through successive asexual propagations.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention is a new and distinct variety of Chrysanthemum of a small to medium sized bloom and pale yellow color.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSThe present invention of a new and distinct variety of Chrysanthemum is shown in the accompanying drawings, the color being as nearly true as possible with color photographs of this type.
FIG. 1 shows the full bloom of the new cultivar.
FIG. 2 shows the various stages of bloom of the new cultivar.
FIG. 3 shows foliage and petiole of the new cultivar.
DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTIONThis new variety of Chrysanthemum is of the botanical classification Chrysanthemum morifolium. When grown in the vicinity of Ter Aar, Holland, it has a response time of approximately 71/2 weeks. This new variety produces small to medium sized pale yellow blooms with a yellow-green center having a 4 week performance (i.e., vase life of 24-28 days). This new variety of Chrysanthemum has been found to retain its distinctive characteristics throughout successive propagations and may be planted under greenhouse conditions in Holland between weeks 50 and 35.
The following is a description of the plant and characteristics (color designations are from R.H.S. Color Chart) that distinguish it from related known varieties and its antecedents. The color designations are taken from the plant itself. Accordingly, any discrepancies between the color designations and the colors depicted in the photographs are due to photographic tolerances.
______________________________________ Detailed Botanical Description and Comparative Data ______________________________________ CULTIVAR Cream Reagan Sunny Reagan ______________________________________ Bud Size Medium Medium cross section cross section .+-.1.0 cm .+-.1.0 cm height .+-.0.7 cm height .+-.0.7 cm Form Round and flat Round and flat Outside Color Near Yellow 8A Between Yellow 7A/Yellow 9A Bloom Size Small to Medium Medium Fully Expanded 6-61/2 cm 61/2-7 cm Borne Upper portion Upper portion, single flower per single flower per peduncle lower peduncle, lower portion plural flo- portion plural wers per peduncle flowers per pe- duncle Peduncle Lengths Near the top .+-.14 Near the top .+-.14 cm, near the cm, near the middle .+-.24 cm middle .+-.24 cm, near the bottom near the bottom .+-.28 cm .+-.28 cm Peduncle Lateral Medium medium Shoot, Attachment Peduncle Lateral Medium medium Shoot, Angle Form Single (Daisy) Single (Daisy) Performance Very good 24-28 Very good 24-28 days ( C.) days ( C.) Color Center of Flower: Immature Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 143B 151C Mature Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 154A 154A Base of Petals Nearest Yellow 4C Yellow 5A dee- pening slightly to Yellow 6A in the basal half Outer Petals Nearest Yellow 4C Yellow 5A dee- pening slightly to Yellow 6A in the basal half Inside of Petals Nearest Yellow 4C Yellow 5A dee- pening slightly to Yellow 6A in the basal half Reverse of Petals Nearest Yellow 4C Yellow 6A Tonality from A pale yellow A yellow daisy Distance daisy with a fresh with a fresh looking center ha- looking center ving a little or no having a little or pollen no pollen Discoloration None Some to Yellow 5B Pollen Yellow-Orange Yellow-Orange 14A 14A Petals Texture Upperside smooth, Upperside underside smooth smooth, undersi- de smooth Number 24-30 (two rows) 24-30 (two rows) Cross-section Convex (no keels) convex, two keels Arrangement Imbricated Imbricated Persistence Good. Petals keep Good. Petals straight or reflex keep straight or somewhat at the reflex somewhat edge at the end of at the edge at the blooming. end of blooming. Fragrance Typical Chrysan- Typical Chrysan- themum themum Disc Diameter Medium to large Medium to large (1.5-2.0 cm) (1.5-2.0 cm) Reproductive Organs Stamen Yellow, thick, 3 Yellow, thick, mm in length 3 mm in length Pollen Appears at late Appears at late stage of blooming stage of blooming Styles Green, thick Green, thick Style Length .+-.5 mm .+-.5 mm Stigmas Yellow Yellow Stigma Width .+-.1 mm .+-.1 mm Ovaries Enclosed in calyx Enclosed in calyx Plant Form Spray mum meant Spray mum meant for erect culture. for erect culture. Herbaceous. Herbaceous. Growth Medium to tall Strong Height 100-125 cm 100-125 cm Stem Color Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 143C 144A Stem Strength Medium Strong Stem Brittleness Absent Absent Stem Anthocyanin Absent Present, mainly Coloration at the base Internodes 3-31/2 cm 3 cm Flowering Response 71/2 weeks 71/2 weeks Foliage Color Upperside green Upperside Green 137A. Underside 137A. Underside Green 137C. Green 137C. Size Length .+-.12 cm. Length .+-.12 cm. Width .+-.10 cm. Width .+-.9 cm. Quantity 22-28 22-28 Shape Lobed, see Lobed photograph Texture Upperside rough, Upperside rough, underside smooth, underside slightly hirsute smooth, slightly hirsute Ribs and Veins Ribs well develo- Ribs well deve- ped. Veins not so loped. Veins not developed. so developed. Edge Crenated Crenated Shape of Base of Round Round Sinus Between Lateral Lobes Margin of Sinus Converging Converging Between Lateral Lobes Shape of Base Cordate Truncate Apex Mucronate Mucronate Growth Difference in ave- +5 cm +10 cm rage length Response time Difference in days +1/2 +11/2 of average response Response to ALAR (g/100 l 300 450 H.sub.2 O) Year of Discovery 1990 1991 ______________________________________ CULTIVAR Yellow Reagan Coral Reagan ______________________________________ Bud Size Medium Medium cross section cross section .+-.1.0 cm .+-.1.0 cm height .+-.0.7 cm height .+-.0.7 cm Form Round and flat Round and flat Outside Color Yellow 9C Greyed Purple 186A Bloom Size Medium Medium Fully Expanded 61/2-7 cm 61/2-7 cm Borne Upper portion Upper portion, single flower per single flower per peduncle, lower peduncle, lower portion plural portion plural flowers per pe- flowers per pe- duncle duncle Peduncle Lengths Near the top .+-.14 Near the top .+-.14 cm, near the cm, near the middle .+-.24 cm middle .+-.24 cm, near the bottom near the bottom .+-.28 cm .+-.28 cm Peduncle Lateral weak to medium weak to medium Shoot, Attachment Peduncle Lateral small small Shoot, Angle Form Single (Daisy) Single (Daisy) Performance Very good 24-28 Very good 24-28 days ( C.) days ( C.) Color Center of Flower: Immature Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 151C 151C Mature Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 154A 154A Base of Petals Yellow 5C Greyed-Red 179C but redder Outer Petals Yellow 5C Greyed Red 179C but redder Inside of Petals Yellow 5C Greyed Red 179C but redder Reverse of Petals Yellow 4C Greyed Yellow 162D tinged with Red Purple 71B between ribs and margin Tonality from A yellow daisy A pale bronze Distance with a fresh daisy with a looking center fresh looking having a little or center having a no pollen little or no pollen Discoloration Some to yellow Some to yellow- 5B orange 23C Pollen Yellow-Orange Yellow-Orange 14A 14A Petals Texture Upperside Upperside smooth, undersi- smooth, undersi- de smooth de smooth Number 24-30 (two rows) 24-30 (two rows) Cross-section flat, two keels flat, two keels Arrangement Imbricated Imbricated Persistence Good. Petals keep Good. Petals straight or reflex keep straight or somewhat at the reflex somewhat edge at the end of at the edge at the blooming. end of blooming. Fragrance Typical Chrysan- Typical Chrysan- themum themum Disc Diameter Medium Medium (1.5 cm) (1.5 cm) Reproductive Organs Stamen Yellow, thick, 3 Yellow, thick, mm in length 3 mm in length Pollen Appears at late Appears at late stage of blooming stage of blooming Styles Green, thick Green, thick Style Length .+-.5 mm .+-.5 mm Stigmas Yellow Yellow Stigma Width .+-.1 mm .+-.1 mm Ovaries Enclosed in calyx Enclosed in calyx Plant Form Spray mum meant Spray mum meant for erect culture. for erect culture. Herbaceous. Herbaceous. Growth Strong Strong Height 100-125 cm 100-125 cm Stem Color Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 146B 144A Stem Strength Medium Medium Stem Brittleness Absent Absent Stem Anthocyanin Absent Present Coloration Internodes 3 cm 3 cm Flowering Response 71/2 weeks 71/2 weeks Foliage Color Upperside green Upperside Green 137A. Underside 137A. Underside Green 137C. Green 137C. Size Length .+-.12 cm. Length .+-.12 cm. Width .+-.9 cm. Width .+-.9 cm. Quantity 22-28 22-28 Shape Lobed Lobed Texture Upperside rough, Upperside rough, underside smooth, underside slightly hirsute smooth, slightly hirsute Ribs and Veins Ribs well deve- Ribs well deve- loped. Veins not loped. Veins not so developed. so developed. Edge Crenated Crenated Shape of Base of Round Round Sinus Between Lateral Lobes Margin of Sinus Parallel Converging Between Lateral Lobes Shape of Base Asymmetric Asymmetric Apex Mucronate Cuspidate Growth Difference in ave- 0 -5 cm rage length Response time Difference in days +1 +1 of average response Response to ALAR (g/100 l 280 250 H.sub.2 O) Year of Discovery 1990 1998 ______________________________________ CULTIVAR Bronze Reagan Salmon Reagan ______________________________________ Bud Size Medium Medium cross section cross section .+-.1.0 cm .+-.1.0 cm height .+-.0.7 cm height .+-.0.7 cm Form Round and flat Round and flat Outside Color Greyed Red Nearest to Yellow 179C 23D Bloom Size Medium Medium Fully Expanded 61/2-7 cm 61/2-7 cm Borne Upper portion, Upper portion, single flower per single flower per peduncle, lower peduncle, lower portion plural portion plural flowers per pe- flowers per pe- duncle duncle Peduncle Lengths Near the top .+-.14 Near the top .+-.14 cm, near the cm, near the middle .+-.24 cm middle .+-.24 cm, near the bottom near the bottom .+-.28 cm .+-.28 cm Peduncle Lateral weak medium Shoot, Attachment Peduncle Lateral small medium Shoot, Angle Form Single (Daisy) Single (Daisy) Performance Very good 24-28 Very good 24-28 days ( C.) days ( C.) Color Center of Flower: Immature Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 151C 151C Mature Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 154A 154A Base of Petals Yellow 8A with Nearest to orange an overlay of 29C Greyed Red 179B Outer Petals Yellow 8A with Nearest to orange an overlay of 29C Greyed Red 179B Inside of Petals Yellow 8A Nearest to orange an overlay of 29C Greyed Red 179B Reverse of Petals Yellow 8C tin- Nearest to orange ged along the 22D center with Greyed Red 179B in a tesse- lated pattern Tonality from A pale bronze A yellow-orange Distance daisy with a to orange daisy fresh looking with a fresh look- center having a ing center having little or no pollen a little or no pollen Discoloration None None Pollen Yellow-Orange Yellow-Orange 14A 14A Petals Texture Upperside Upperside smooth, undersi- smooth, undersi- de smooth de smooth Number 24-30 (two rows) 24-30 (two rows) Cross-section flat, two keels flat, two keels Arrangement Imbricated Imbricated Persistence Good. Petals keep Good. Petals straight or reflex keep straight or somewhat at the reflex somewhat edge at the end of at the edge at the blooming. end of blooming. Fragrance Typical Chrysan- Typical Chrysan- themum themum Disc Diameter Medium Medium (1.5 cm) (1.5 cm) Reproductive Organs Stamen Yellow, thick, 3 Yellow, thick, mm in length 3 mm in length Pollen Appears at late Appears at late stage of blooming stage of blooming Styles Green, thick Green, thick Style Length .+-.5 mm .+-.5 mm Stigmas Yellow Yellow Stigma Width .+-.1 mm .+-.1 mm Ovaries Enclosed in calyx Enclosed in calyx Plant Form Spray mum meant Spray mum meant for erect culture. for erect culture. Herbaceous. Herbaceous. Growth Strong Strong Height 100-125 cm 100-125 cm Stem Color Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 144A 144A Stem Strength Medium Medium Stem Brittleness Absent Present Stem Anthocyanin Present Present Coloration Internodes 3 cm 3 cm Flowering Response 71/2 weeks 71/2 weeks Foliage Color Upperside green Upperside Green 137A. Underside 137A. Underside Green 137C. Green 137C. Size Length .+-.12 cm. Length .+-.12 cm. Width .+-.9 cm. Width .+-.9 cm. Quantity 22-28 22-28 Shape Lobed Lobed Texture Upperside rough, Upperside rough, underside smooth, underside slightly hirsute smooth, slightly hirsute Ribs and Veins Ribs well deve- Ribs well deve- loped. Veins not loped. Veins not so developed. so developed. Edge Crenated Crenated Shape of Base of Round Round Sinus Between Lateral Lobes Margin of Sinus Converging Parallel Between Lateral Lobes Shape of Base Asymmetric Asymmetric Apex Cuspidate Cuspidate Growth Difference in ave- 0 +10 cm rage length Response time Difference in days -1/2 0 of average response Response to ALAR (g/100 l 250 450 H.sub.2 O) Year of Discovery 1998 1997 ______________________________________ CULTIVAR Sulfur Reagan Parent Cultivar Reagan ______________________________________ Bud Size Medium Medium cross section cross section .+-.1.0 cm .+-.1.0 cm height .+-.0.7 cm height .+-.0.7 cm Form Round and flat Round and flat Outside Color Yellow 10C Greyed Purple 186D but paler Bloom Size Medium Medium Fully Expanded 7-71/2 cm 61/2-7 cm Borne Upper portion Upper portion, single flower per single flower per peduncle, lower peduncle, lower portion plural portion plural flowers per pe- flowers per pe- duncle duncle Peduncle Lengths Near the top .+-.14 Near the top .+-.14 cm, near the cm, near the middle .+-.24 cm middle .+-.24 cm, near the bottom near the bottom .+-.28 cm .+-.28 cm Peduncle Lateral weak to medium Medium Shoot, Attachment Peduncle Lateral small Medium Shoot, Angle Form Single (Daisy) Single (Daisy) Performance Very good 24-28 Very good 24-28 days ( C.) days ( C.) Color Center of Flower: Immature Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 151C 151C Mature Yellow-Green Yellow-Green 154A 154A Base of Petals Yellow 6D Purple 75B Outer Petals Yellow 6D Purple 75B Inside of Petals Yellow 6D Purple 75B Reverse of Petals Yellow 6D Red-Purple 69D but paler Tonality from A yellow daisy A pale pink daisy Distance with a fresh look- with a fresh look- ing center having a ing center having little or no pollen a little or no pollen Discoloration None Some to Red- Purple 69D Pollen Yellow-Orange Yellow-Orange 14A 14A Petals Texture Upperside smooth, Upperside smooth, underside smooth underside smmoth Number 24-30 (two rows) 24-30 (two rows) Cross-section flat, two keels flat, two keels Arrangement Imbricated Imbricated Persistence Good. Petals keep Good. Petals straight or reflex keep straight or somewhat at the reflex somewhat edge at the end of at the edge at the blooming. end of blooming. Fragrance Typical Chrysan- Typical Chrysan- themum themum Disc Diameter Medium Medium (1.5 cm) (1.5 cm) Reproductive Organs Stamen Yellow, thick, 3 Yellow, thick, mm in length 3 mm in length Pollen Appears at late Appears at late stage of blooming stage of blooming Styles Green, thick Green, thick Style Length .+-.5 mm .+-.5 mm Stigmas Yellow Yellow Stigma Width .+-.1 mm .+-.1 mm Ovaries Enclosed in calyx Enclosed in calyx Plant Form Spray mum meant Spray mum meant for erect culture. for erect culture. Herbaceous. Herbaceous. Growth Strong Strong Height 100-125 cm 100-125 cm Stem Color nearest Green Yellow-Green 143C 144A Stem Strength Medium to strong Medium Stem Brittleness Absent Present Stem Anthocyanin Absent Absent Coloration Internodes 3 cm 3 cm Flowering Response 71/2 weeks 71/2 weeks Foliage Color Upperside Green Upperside Green 137A. Underside 137A. Underside Green 137C. Green 137C. Size Length .+-.12 cm. Length .+-.12 cm. Width .+-.9 cm. Width .+-.9 cm. Quantity 22-28 22-28 Shape Lobed Lobed Texture Upperside rough, Upperside rough, underside smooth, underside slightly hirsute smooth, slightly hirsute Ribs and Veins Ribs well deve- Ribs well deve- loped. Veins not loped. Veins not so developed. so developed. Edge Crenated Crenated Shape of Base of Round Round Sinus Between Lateral Lobes Margin of Sinus Parallel Converging Between Lateral Lobes Shape of Base Asymmetric Rounded Apex Mucronate Cuspidate Growth Difference in ave- +10 cm 0 rage length Response time Difference in days -1 0 of average response Response to ALAR (g/100 l 450 300 H.sub.2 O) Year of Discovery 1990 1996 ______________________________________
1. A new and distinct variety of Chrysanthemum plant as described and illustrated.
Type: Grant
Filed: Oct 29, 1996
Date of Patent: Jan 20, 1998
Inventor: Robert Noodelijk (2481 KN Woubrugge)
Primary Examiner: Howard J. Locker
Law Firm: Parkhurst, Wendel & Burr, L.L.P.
Application Number: 8/738,606
International Classification: A01H 500;