Raspberry plant named ‘PS-15.031-85’

- Plant Sciences, Inc.

This invention relates to a new and distinct everbearing variety of raspberry plant named ‘PS-15.031-85’. The new variety is primarily adapted to the growing conditions of the central coast of California and is characterized by the following: mid-season primocane production with medium sized fruit of moderate red coloration. Fruit is of consistent broad conic shape, releases easily from receptacle, is glossy and possesses very good flavor. Foliage is strongly convex, medium green, possessing strong rugosity, weak gloss and equal 3-5 foliates. Primocanes have an absent or very weak waxy coat, medium thorn density of small dark red prickles and very weak anthocyanin coloration.

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Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed: Rubus idaeus.

Variety denomination: ‘PS-15.031-85’.


The present invention relates to a new and distinct fall bearing raspberry variety designated as ‘PS-15.031-85’. This new variety is a result of a controlled cross made in 2015 in Watsonville, California between raspberry variety ‘MAJESTIC’ (patented, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 31,716) as the female parent and raspberry variety ‘RR 12.050-29’ (unpatented) as the male parent in an ongoing breeding program. The variety is botanically known as Rubus idaeus and was tested as RR 15.031-85 and PS-3185.

The seedling resulting from the aforementioned cross was asexually propagated by dormant canes in Santa Cruz County, California and was subsequently selected by the inventor from a controlled breeding plot in Watsonville, California in 2017. After its selection, the new variety was further asexually propagated by dormant canes, roots and non-dormant root shoot cuttings in Watsonville (Santa Cruz County), Manteca (San Joaquin County), and Macdoel (Siskiyou County), California. The new variety was then extensively tested over the next several years in fruiting fields in Watsonville, California. This propagation has demonstrated that the combination of traits disclosed herein as characterizing the new variety are fixed and remain true to type through successive generations of asexual reproduction.


‘PS-15.031-85’ is primarily adapted to the climate and growing conditions of the central coast of California. This region provides the necessary year-round temperatures required for it to produce and maintain a strong vigorous plant and to remain in fruit production from July through December on primocanes and in the ensuing year from May through July on the floricanes. Damage to fruit and young leaves has been observed in summer temperatures at or above 95° F. (35° C.). No winter damage has been observed on fruiting plants in off-cycle (winter) production regions of USDA climate zones 9b and above. No winter damage has been observed on dormant plants in on-cycle (summer) production regions of USDA climate zones 7b-9b. In climate zones below this, winter hardiness is unknown for ‘PS-15.031-85’. ‘PS-15.031-85’ is not drought tolerant and requires frequent irrigation to maintain proper plant health. The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be unique characteristics of ‘PS-15.031-85’, which in combination distinguish this raspberry plant as a new and distinct variety:

    • 1. Dark red spines
    • 2. Medium fruit yield
    • 3. Moderate red fruit color
    • 4. Absent to very weak primocane glaucosity
    • 5. Very good flavor

The raspberry variety that is believed to be most closely related to the new raspberry variety ‘PS-15.031-85’ is the raspberry variety ‘MAJESTIC’ (patented, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 31,716). In comparison to the similar raspberry variety ‘MAJESTIC’, ‘PS-15.031-85’ differs by the following combination of characteristics described in Table 1:

Comparison Between ‘PS-15.031-85’ and Majestic

TABLE 1 ‘MAJESTIC’ (U.S. Plant Pat. Characteristic ‘PS-15.031-85’ No. 31,716) Thorn coloration (tip) RHS 183B RHS N186B Dark red Dark greyish purple Leaf shape (cross section) Strongly convex Slightly convex Rugosity Strong Medium Color mature fruit RHS N45B RHS 43A Moderate red Vivid reddish orange Relative size of drupes Large Medium Predominant shape of fruit Broad conic Conical Peduncle anthocyanin intensity Strong Absent to very weak Relative number of pedicel 11.4 22.1 prickles Few Many

‘PS-15.031-85’ differs from its parents, ‘MAJESTIC’ and ‘RR 12.050-29’ by the following combination of characteristics described in Table 2:

Comparison Between ‘PS-15.031-85’, Majestic and RR 12.050-29

TABLE 2 ‘MAJESTIC’ (U.S. Plant Pat. Characteristic ‘PS-15.031-85’ No. 31,716) ‘RR 12.050-29’ Productivity Medium High Medium Crates/Acre (18 Mo) 8,439 10,490 7,465 Glossiness (fruit) High High Low Firmness (fruit) High High Very high Adherence of Weak Very weak Medium receptacle Floricane time of Early Medium Medium fruiting Fruit size Medium Medium Large Primocane fruit 5.8 4.2 6.9 weight (g) Flavor Very good Very Good Poor Soluble Solids 10.4 10.8 7.7 (% brix)

For identification, a series of molecular markers have been determined for this new variety.


The accompanying color photographs illustrate the overall appearance of typical specimens of the new raspberry variety, ‘PS-15.031-85’ at various stages of development as true as reasonably possible with color reproductions of this type. Color in the photographs may differ slightly from the color value cited in the detailed botanical description which accurately describes the color of ‘PS-15.031-85’. The depicted plant and plant parts of the new raspberry variety ‘PS-15.031-85’ were taken in Watsonville, California and are approximately 2 to 16 months old:

FIG. 1 shows typical primocane fruit shape, color and gloss characteristics of ‘PS-15.031-85’ taken in the month of October 2022;

FIG. 2 shows typical shape, gloss, coloration, foliate and rugosity characteristics of ‘PS-15.031-85’ taken in the month of October 2022;

FIG. 3 shows typical fruiting lateral characteristics of ‘PS-15.031-85’ taken in the month of June 2023;

FIG. 4 shows typical floricane plant characteristics of ‘PS-15.031-85’ taken in the month of June 2023.


‘PS-15.031-85’ has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The characteristics of the new variety may vary in detail, depending upon variations in environmental factors, including weather (temperature, humidity and light intensity), day length, soil type, and location.

The aforementioned photographs, together with the following description of the new raspberry variety ‘PS-15.031-85’, unless otherwise noted, are based upon observations taken during the 2022-2023 growing season in Watsonville, California. Primocane measurements and ratings were taken from plants of ‘PS-15.031-85’ dug from a nursery located in Siskiyou County, California during the middle of October 2021 and planted approximately 3 to 4 weeks later in Watsonville, California. The approximate age of the observed primocane plants is 7 to 8 months. Floricane measurements and ratings were taken from the same planting of ‘PS-15.031-85’ at an approximate age of 16 to 18 months. Yield observations and fruit quality characteristics are averaged from three years of data collected from the 2020 through 2023 production seasons. Flower measurements and characteristics are from secondary flowers unless otherwise noted. Fruit characteristics and measurements are from secondary fruit unless otherwise noted. Foliage characteristics and measurements are from 3-foliate foliage unless otherwise noted.

Color terminology where noted follows The R.H.S. Colour Chart Sixth Edition, Royal Horticultural Society, London, United Kingdom (2015).

The following Tables 3-7 describe fruit, plant, foliage, flower and pest/disease characteristics of the new raspberry ‘PS-15.031-85’ in comparison to the similar raspberry variety ‘MAJESTIC’ (patented, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 31,716).

Comparison Between PS-15.031-85 and Majestic

TABLE 3 FRUIT CHARACTERISTICS ‘MAJESTIC’ (U.S. Plant Pat. Characteristic ‘PS-15.031-85’ No. 31,716) Color mature fruit RHS N45B RHS 43A Moderate red Vivid reddish orange Color achenes RHS 159A RHS 159A Light yellowish pink Light yellowish pink Fruit length (mm) 24.14 25.49 Fruit width (mm) 24.23 22.73 Length/width ratio 1.00 1.12 As long as broad Longer than broad Seed weight (mg) 1.61 1.68 Drupelets per berry 91 131 Weight of single 0.068 0.044 drupe (g/drupe) Drupe length (mm) 4.95 7.15 Drupe diameter (mm) 4.65 4.19 Relative size of drupes Large Medium Fruit size Medium Medium Fruit per node 10 11 Predominant shape Broad conic Conical Receptacle length (mm) 23.55 23.55 Receptacle diameter (mm) 9.22 10.41 Receptacle color RHS 158B RHS 155B Pale yellow Yellowish white Evenness of color (fruit) Even Even Glossiness High High Adherence of receptacle Weak Weak Firmness of flesh High High Firmness of skin High High Soluble Solids (% brix) 10.5 10.8 Flavor Very Good Very good Fruit use (Intended market) Fresh Market Fresh Market

TABLE 4 PLANT CHARACTERISTICS ‘MAJESTIC’ (U.S. Plant Pat. Characteristic ‘PS-15.031-85’ No. 31,716) General: Habit Upright Upright Plant height (m) 1.6 1.8 Plant width (cm) 30 35 Time to initiate roots 12-14 10-12 (days) Canes per hill 10.8 10.4 Productivity Medium High Crates/Acre (18-Mo) 8,439 10,490 Self-fruitfulness Yes Yes Type of bearing Everbearing Everbearing Primocane: Color (true) RHS 145B RHS 145A Light yellow green Strong yellow green Length (cm) 160.1 178.1 Basal diameter (mm) 11.62 13.62 Diameter central 1/3 (mm) 9.36 11.38 Lateral length at central 40.1 28.5 1/3 (cm) No. fruiting laterals per 14.1 15.3 cane Total nodes per cane 33 35 Internode length at 39.01 39.01 central 1/3 (mm) Anthocyanin coloration RHS 59C RHS 59B Moderate purplish red Deep purplish red Anthocyanin intensity Absent to very weak Absent to very weak Pubescence Absent Absent Vegetative bud length 5.81 10.34 (mm) Vegetative bud diameter 4.77 5.46 (mm) Vegetative bud shape Ovate Ovate Vegetative bud color RHS 187B RHS 187B Dark red Dark red Strength of waxy coat Absent to very weak Absent to very weak (glaucosity) Time of flowering Medium Medium Time of fruiting Medium Medium Length of fruiting season Long Long % of total yield 43% 44% Flowering period Late June to Late June to Late November Late November Harvest period Late July to Late July to Late December Late December Primocane fruit weight (g) 5.8 4.2 Primocane yield (g/plant) 1,633 2,571 Young Shoots: Number (per meter) 15-20 15-20 Medium Medium Anthocyanin presence Present Present Anthocyanin coloration RHS 180A RHS 179A Moderate red Moderate red Anthocyanin intensity Weak Medium Prickles: Prickle coloration (tip) RHS 183B RHS N186B Dark red Dark greyish purple Prickle coloration (base) RHS 183B RHS N186C Dark red Dark greyish red Prickle length at central 0.89 0.70 1/3 (mm) Prickle base at central 0.80 1.23 1/3 (mm) Prickle presence Present Present Prickle density per cm at 8.46 5.35 central 1/3 Dense Medium Prickle texture Rigid Rigid Attitude of the tip Horizontal Horizontal Floricane: Color (true) RHS 165B RHS 165B Brownish orange Brownish orange Length (cm) 108.3 130.8 Width at central 1/3 (mm) 9.11 10.88 Total nodes per cane 17 20 Internode length at 26.10 40.70 central 1/3 (mm) Fruiting lateral attitude Erect Erect Time bud burst Early Medium Time of flowering Early Medium Time of fruiting Early Medium Length of fruiting season Medium to long Medium to long % of total yield 57% 56% Flowering period Late April to Late April to Late June Late June Harvest period Late May to Late May to Late July Late July Floricane fruit weight (g) 5.6 4.0 Floricane yield (g/plant) 2,165 3,273

TABLE 5 FOLIAGE CHARACTERISTICS ‘MAJESTIC’ (U.S. Plant Pat. ‘PS-15.031-85’ No. 31,716) Characteristic (3 Foliate) (3 Foliate) General: Color of upper surface RHS NN137A RHS 137A Greyish olive green Moderate olive green Color of lower surface RHS 190B RHS 192A Pale green Pale yellow green Venation Pinnate Pinnate Shape in cross section Strongly convex Slightly convex Arrangement Compound Compound Relief between veins Strong Medium (rugosity) Glossiness Weak Weak Number of leaflets/leaf Equal 3-5 Equal 3-5 Total leaf length (cm) 22.5 21.2 Total leaf width (cm) 21.3 22.1 Terminal Leaflet: Length (mm) 136.2 116.2 Width (mm) 101.7 79.1 Length/width ratio 1.3 1.5 Longer than broad Longer than broad Size Medium Medium Shape Lobed Cordate Shape of base Cordate Cordate Shape of tip Acuminate Acuminate Margins Biserrate Biserrate Lateral Leaflet: Length (mm) 106.3 104.9 Width (mm) 72.2 77.2 Length/width ratio 1.5 1.3 Longer than broad Longer than broad Rachis length (mm) 35.6 43.1 Rachis diameter (mm) 2.23 1.90 Rachis anthocyanin RHS 184A RHS 184A coloration of upper surface Greyish red Greyish red Rachis anthocyanin Absent to very weak Weak intensity Orientation Opposite Opposite Arrangement Compound Compound Shape Ovate Ovate Overlapping Overlapping Overlapping Shape of the base Rounded Rounded Shape of the tip Acuminate Acuminate Margins Biserrate Biserrate Petiole: Length (mm) 52.92 61.10 Width (mm) 3.01 4.68 Prickle presence Yes Yes Prickle orientation Erect Erect Anthocyanin coloration of RHS 181C RHS 180B upper surface Moderate red Moderate red Anthocyanin intensity of Weak Absent to very weak upper surface Stipule length (mm) 10.91 10.70 Stipule width (mm) 0.90 0.89 Stipule orientation Erect Erect

TABLE 6 FLOWER CHARACTERISTICS ‘MAJESTIC’ (U.S. Plant Pat. Characteristic ‘PS-15.031-85’ No. 31,716) Petal color (upper surface) RHS NN155A RHS 155C Yellowish white Greenish white Petal color (lower surface) RHS NN155A RHS 155C Yellowish white Greenish white Flower diameter (mm) 26.31 21.22 Petal Length (mm) 8.47 7.46 Petal width (mm) 3.60 3.10 Petal length/width ratio 2.35 2.40 Much longer Much longer than broad than broad Petal shape in cross section Flat Flat Petal shape (overall) Narrowly spatulate Narrowly spatulate Petal shape (apex) Rounded Rounded Petal shape (base) Attenuate Attenuate Petal margin Entire Entire Petal texture Glabrous Glabrous No. petals/flower 5.2 5.2 No. sepals/flower 5.8 5.4 Sepal length (mm) 9.29 9.70 Sepal width at base (mm) 3.60 5.20 Sepal shape Widely deltate Widely deltate Sepal shape (apex) Acuminate Acuminate Sepal coloration (upper RHS 144A RHS 144A surface) Strong yellow green Strong yellow green Sepal coloration (lower RHS 144B RHS 144B surface) Strong yellow green Strong yellow green Sepal margin Entire Entire Sepal texture Slightly pubescent Slightly pubescent No. stamen/flower 81 95 Filament length (mm) 4.80 5.19 Filament color RHS 155C RHS 155C Greenish white Greenish white Pollen quantity High High Pollen color RHS 196D RHS 196D Yellowish white Yellowish white Anther length (mm) 1.23 1.12 Anther diameter (mm) 0.49 0.51 Anther coloration RHS 155C RHS 155C (pre-dehiscence) Greenish white Greenish white Anther coloration RHS 165B RHS 165B (post-dehiscence) Brownish orange Brownish orange Stigma shape Lobed Lobed Stigma length (mm) 0.12 0.10 Stigma diameter (mm) 0.40 0.41 Stigma coloration RHS 145D RHS 145D Light yellow green Light yellow green Style length (mm) 3.07 3.10 Style diameter (mm) 0.42 0.40 Style coloration RHS 145D RHS 145D Light yellow green Light yellow green Ovule length (mm) 1.12 1.39 Ovule diameter (mm) 0.99 1.42 Ovule coloration RHS 145B RHS 145B Light yellow green Light yellow green Pedicle length (mm) 27.35 20.15 Pedicle diameter (mm) 1.59 1.42 Pedicle anthocyanin RHS 182A RHS 181C coloration Moderate red Moderate red Pedicle anthocyanin intensity Strong Absent to very weak Relative number of pedicel 11.4 22.1 prickles Few Many Peduncle anthocyanin Present Present presence Peduncle anthocyanin RHS 184A RHS 184A coloration Greyish red Greyish red Peduncle anthocyanin Weak Absent to very weak intensity

TABLE 7 PEST AND DISEASE REACTIONS ‘MAJESTIC’ (U.S. Plant Pat. Characteristic ‘PS-15.031-85’ No. 31,716) Spotted wing drosophila Susceptible Susceptible (Drosophila suzukii) Two spotted spider mite Susceptible Susceptible (Tetranychus urticae) Grey fruit mold Susceptible Susceptible (Botrytis cinerae) Powdery mildew Moderately Moderately (Podosphaera aphanis susceptible susceptible var. aphonic) Yellow rust Moderately resistant Moderately resistant (Phragmidium rubi-idaei)


1. A new and distinct raspberry variety of raspberry plant named ‘PS-15.031-85’, as described and illustrated herein.

Referenced Cited
U.S. Patent Documents
PP31716 May 5, 2020 Adams
Patent History
Patent number: PP35900
Type: Grant
Filed: Jun 23, 2023
Date of Patent: Jul 2, 2024
Assignee: Plant Sciences, Inc. (Watsonville, CA)
Inventor: Scott W. Adams (Carmel Valley, CA)
Primary Examiner: Susan McCormick Ewoldt
Application Number: 18/213,755
Current U.S. Class: Raspberry (PLT/204)
International Classification: A01H 5/08 (20180101); A01H 6/74 (20180101);