plant named ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’

- WinGen LLC

A new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ is disclosed, characterized by mophead inflorescences, emerging from both terminal and lateral buds. Sepals emerge greenish-white, then stay pink or light blue for the duration of inflorescence (depending upon soil pH and treatment). Plants flower early, and have mounded, cascading habits. The new variety is a Hydrangea, typically produced as an outdoor ornamental plant.

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Latin name of the genus and species: Hydrangea hybrid.

Variety denomination: ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’.


The new cultivar is a product of a planned breeding program conducted by the inventor, at a commercial nursery in Higashiomi, Shiga, Japan. The objective of the breeding program was to produce new mophead Hydrangea varieties with cascading habits. The crossing resulting in the new variety was made in May of 2017.

The seed parent is the variety Hydrangea macrophylla, ‘Cotton Candy’, unpatented. The pollen parent is an unnamed, unpatented specimen of the variety Hydrangea luteovenosa. The new variety was found and selected by the inventor in June of 2019 at the same nursery in Higashiomi, Shiga, Japan.

Asexual reproduction of the new cultivar ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ was first performed during October of 2019 in Higashiomi, Shiga, Japan, by terminal cuttings. Through subsequent propagation, multiple additional generations have been reproduced, having shown that the unique features of this cultivar are stable and reproduced true to type.


The cultivar ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary somewhat with variations in environment such as temperature, day length, and light intensity, without, however, any variance in genotype.

The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be the unique characteristics of ‘WNHYDFBPBMH.’ These characteristics in combination distinguish ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ as a new and distinct Hydrangea cultivar:

    • 1. Mophead inflorescences which emerge from both terminal and lateral buds.
    • 2. Sepals emerge greenish-white then stay pink or light blue for the duration of the inflorescence (depending upon soil pH and treatment).
    • 3. Cascading/trailing type habit.
    • 4. Leaf shape and size is intermediate between Hydrangea macrophylla and Hydrangea luteovenosa.


Plants of ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ are similar to plants of the seed parent in most horticultural characteristics, however, plants of ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ differ in the following:

    • 1. Leaves of the new variety are medium sized, while leaves of the seed parent are large.
    • 2. Flowers of the new variety set on terminal and lateral buds, while flowers of the seed parent set only on terminal buds.
    • 3. The new variety flowers earlier than the seed parent.
    • 4. Growth habit of the new variety is weeping/cascading, while the growth habit of the seed parent is upright.

Plants of ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ are similar to plants of the pollen parent in most horticultural characteristics, however, plants of ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ differ in the following:

    • 1. Leaves of the new variety are medium sized, while leaves of the pollen parent are small.
    • 2. Flower sepals of the new variety are larger than flower sepals of the pollen parent.
    • 3. Inflorescences of the new variety are mophead, while inflorescences of the pollen parent are lacecap.


Plants of the new cultivar Hydrangea ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ can be compared to the commercial variety Hydrangea ‘USHYD0405’, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 31,120. Plants of ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ are similar to plants of ‘USHYD0405’ in most horticultural characteristics, however, plants of ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ differ in the following:

    • 1. Inflorescences of the new variety are mophead, while inflorescences of this comparator are lacecap.
    • 2. Sepals of the new variety emerge greenish-white then stay pink or light blue for the duration of the inflorescence (depending upon soil pH and treatment). Sepals of this comparator emerge greenish-white then swiftly mature to white.


The accompanying photograph in FIG. 1 illustrates in full color a typical plant of ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ given aluminum treatment and grown in a poly-greenhouse in Grand Haven, Michigan. This plant is approximately 2-3 years old, grown in a #3 container.

FIG. 2 illustrates a plant if the new variety at about 2 years old, grown in the ground.

FIG. 3 illustrates in full color a close up of flowers of ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ given aluminum treatment.

The photographs were taken using conventional techniques and although colors may appear different from actual colors due to light reflectance it is as accurate as possible by conventional photographic techniques.


In the following description, color references are made to The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart 2015, except where general terms of ordinary dictionary significance are used. The following observations and measurements describe ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ plants grown outdoors in Grand Haven, Michigan. The plants were about 2 to 3 years old. Temperatures ranged from 5° C. to 10° C. at night to 18° C. to 27° C. during the day. No artificial light, photoperiodic treatments were given to the plants. Measurements and numerical values represent averages of typical plant types.

  • Botanical classification: Hydrangea hybrid ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’.


  • Typical method: Terminal cuttings.
  • Root initiation: 5 to 7 days in the summer.
  • Time to produce rooted cutting: 28 days in the summer.
  • Roots: Thin to medium, freely branching, fibrous, moderately dense. Beige to tan in color, not accurately measured with RHS chart.


  • Growth habit: Upwards and outwards in a drooping manner.
  • Shape: Mounded and cascading.
  • Height: 45 cm.
  • Plant spread: 92 cm.
  • Pot size of plant described: #3 container.
  • Age of plant described: Approximately 2 to 3 years.
  • Growth rate: Good.
  • Plant vigor: Quite vigorous.
  • Stem:
      • Branching.—Basal, pinching required.
      • Number of lateral branches.—About 30.
      • Shape.—Rounded, smooth.
      • Color.—Immature: RHS Yellow-Green 146A. Mature: RHS Brown 200A.
      • Length.—45 cm.
      • Width.—5 mm.
      • Aspect.—0 to 60°.
      • Strength.—Good, somewhat flexible.
      • Pubescence.—None.
      • Internode length.—6.5 cm.


  • Leaf:
      • Arrangement.—Opposite.
      • Shape.—Narrowly elliptic.
      • Length.—9.5 cm.
      • Width.—4 cm.
      • Apex.—Acuminate.
      • Base.—Cuneate.
      • Margin.—Serrulate.
      • Texture of top surface.—Glabrous, slightly glossy and coriaceous.
      • Texture of bottom surface.—Glabrous, slightly glossy and coriaceous with pronounced venation.
      • Pubescence.—None.
      • Color.—Young Foliage, Upper Side: RHS Yellow-Green 147A. Young Foliage, Under Side: RHS Yellow-Green 147B. Mature Foliage, Upper Side: RHS Yellow-Green 147B. Mature Foliage, Under Side: RHS Green NN137D.
  • Venation:
      • Type.—Pinnate.
      • Color.—Mature, Upper Side: RHS Yellow-Green 146A. Mature, Under Side: RHS Yellow-Green 146A.
  • Petiole:
      • Length.—1 cm.
      • Width.—2 mm.
      • Color.—Upper Side: RHS Yellow-Green 146A, with tints of Grey-Brown N199A. Under Side: RHS Yellow-Green 146A, with tints of Grey-Brown N199A.
      • Texture.—Upper Side: Glabrous. Under Side: Glabrous.


  • Natural flowering season: June to July.
  • Inflorescence type: Mophead.
  • Panicle:
      • Shape.—Globular, with a flat base; compound umbel.
      • Height.—8 cm.
      • Diameter.—13 cm.
  • Fragrance: None.
  • Sterile flowers:
      • Flowers per inflorescence.—50 to 75.
      • Aspect.—Upright and outward.
      • Shape.—Single whorl.
      • Length.—4 cm.
      • Diameter.—4 cm.
      • Depth.—0.5 cm.
      • Persistence.—Persistent.
  • Bud:
      • Length.—3 mm.
      • Diameter.—2 mm.
      • Shape.—Obovate.
      • Color.—RHS Yellow-Green 144D.
  • Petals:
      • Number per flower.—4.
      • Arrangement.—Cruciform.
      • Shape.—Elliptic.
      • Tip.—Acute.
      • Base.—Flattened.
      • Margin.—Entire.
      • Length.—3 mm.
      • Width.—2 mm.
      • Texture.—Upper side: Glabrous. Under side: Glabrous.
      • Color.—When Opening, Upper Side: Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 115B. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 70D. When Opening, Under Side: Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 115A. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 69A. Fully Opened, Upper Side: Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 115B. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 70D. Fully Opened, Under Side: Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 115A. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 69A.
  • Sepal:
      • Number.—4.
      • Arrangement.—Cruciform.
      • Shape.—Globose to elliptical.
      • Tip.—Obtuse.
      • Base.—Attenuate.
      • Margin.—Entire.
      • Length.—2.25 cm.
      • Width.—2.25 cm.
      • Texture.—Upper side: Soft and silky. Under side: Soft and silky.
      • Color.—When Opening, Upper Side: Acidic: RHS Yellow-Green 145A. Basic: RHS Yellow-Green 145A. When Opening, Under Side: Acidic: RHS Yellow-Green 145A. Basic: RHS Yellow-Green 145A. Fully Opened, Upper Side: Acidic: RHS Blue 100C. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 68D. Fully Opened, Under Side: Acidic: RHS Blue 100C. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 69A.
  • Pedicle:
      • Length.—2 cm.
      • Diameter.—1.5 cm.
      • Angle.—45° relative to peduncle.
      • Strength.—Good, somewhat flexible.
      • Texture.—Slightly pubescent.
      • Color.—Acidic: RHS Red-Purple 69B, with tints of Blue 100C. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 69B.
  • Fertile flowers:
      • Flowers per inflorescence.—About 50.
      • Aspect.—Upright.
      • Shape.—Round, single whorl of petals.
      • Length.—5 mm.
      • Diameter.—5 mm.
      • Depth.—4 mm.
      • Persistence.—Self-cleaning.
  • Bud:
      • Length.—4 mm.
      • Bud diameter.—3 mm.
      • Bud shape.—Obovate.
      • Bud color.—RHS Yellow-Green 144D.
  • Petals:
      • Number per flower.—5.
      • Arrangement.—Stellate.
      • Shape.—Elliptic.
      • Tip.—Acute.
      • Base.—Flattened.
      • Margin.—Entire.
      • Length.—2 mm.
      • Width.—1.5 mm.
      • Texture.—Upper Side: Glabrous. Under Side: Glabrous.
      • Color.—When Opening, Upper Side: Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 115B. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 70D. When Opening, Under Side: Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 115A. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 69A. Fully Opened, Upper Side: Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 115B. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 70D. Fully Opened, Under Side: Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 115A. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 69A.
  • Sepal:
      • Number.—5.
      • Arrangement.—Stellate.
      • Shape.—Elliptic.
      • Tip.—Acute.
      • Base.—Fused.
      • Margin.—Entire.
      • Length.—1 mm.
      • Width.—1 mm.
      • Texture.—Upper Side: Glabrous. Under Side: Glabrous.
      • Color.—When Opening, Upper Side: RHS Yellow-Green 150C. When Opening, Under Side: RHS Yellow-Green 150C. Fully Opened, Upper Side: RHS Yellow-Green 150C. Fully Opened, Under Side: RHS Yellow-Green 150C.
  • Pedicle:
      • Length.—4 mm.
      • Diameter.—1 mm.
      • Angle.—45° relative to peduncle.
      • Strength.—Good, somewhat flexible.
      • Texture.—Slightly pubescent.
      • Color.—Acidic: RHS Red-Purple 69B, with tints of Blue-Green 115A. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 69B.


  • Sterile flower:
  • Pistil:
      • Number.—1.
      • Length.—2 mm.
  • Stigma:
      • Shape.—2-lobed, fused.
      • Color.—RHS White 155B.
      • Style length.—2 mm.
      • Style color.—Acidic: RHS Violet-Blue 98C. Basic: RHS Red-purple 65A.
  • Stamens:
      • Number.—6 to 8.
      • Filament length.—3 mm.
      • Filament color.—Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 112B. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 69C.
  • Anthers:
      • Shape.—Oblong.
      • Length.—1 mm.
      • Color.—Acidic: RHS Yellow-Orange 18C with tints of Blue-Green 115B. Basic: RHS Yellow-Orange 18C.
      • Pollen amount.—Sparse.
  • Fertile flower:
  • Stamens:
      • Number.—6 to 8.
      • Filament length.—3 mm.
      • Filament color.—Acidic: RHS Blue-Green 112B. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 69C.
  • Anthers:
      • Shape.—Oblong.
      • Length.—1 mm.
      • Color.—Acidic: RHS Yellow-Orange 18C, with tints of Blue-Green 115B. Basic: RHS Yellow-Orange 18C.
      • Pollen amount.—Sparse.
  • Pistil:
      • Number.—1.
      • Length.—2 mm.
  • Stigma:
      • Shape.—3-lobed, fused.
      • Color.—RHS White 155B.
      • Style length.—3 mm.
      • Style color.—Acidic: RHS Violet-Blue 98C. Basic: RHS Red-Purple 65A.


  • Disease resistance: Neither resistance nor susceptibility to the normal diseases and pests of Hydrangea has been observed.
  • Drought tolerance and cold tolerance: The new cultivar can tolerate cold temperatures to approximately −31° C. and tolerates an upper temperature range to at least 38° C.


1. A new and distinct cultivar of Hydrangea plant named ‘WNHYDFBPBMH’ as herein illustrated and described.

Patent History
Patent number: PP35988
Type: Grant
Filed: Nov 6, 2023
Date of Patent: Jul 9, 2024
Assignee: WinGen LLC (Mustang Ridge, TX)
Inventor: Ushio Sakazaki (Shiga)
Primary Examiner: Karen M Redden
Application Number: 18/387,279
Current U.S. Class: Hydrangea (PLT/250)
International Classification: A01H 5/00 (20180101); A01H 6/48 (20180101);