Latin name of the genus and species of the plant claimed: Musa acuminata.
Variety denomination: ‘HG07.’
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS This application is co-pending with the following additional applications by the same inventor: “DESSERT BANANA PLANT NAMED ‘SH-4199’” (patent application Ser. No. 18/469,772), “DESSERT BANANA PLANT NAMED ‘WW01’” (patent application Ser. No. 18/469,766), “DESSERT BANANA PLANT NAMED ‘NW02’” (patent application Ser. No. 18/469,776), and “DESSERT BANANA PLANT NAMED ‘WH02’” (patent application Ser. No. 18/469,781). The plants of these applications, as well as the plant of the present application, were created in the banana breeding program of Applicant/Owner/Assignee, FHIA.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to a new and distinctive hybrid banana variety named ‘HG07’. This new hybrid variety was the result of a field cross performed in La Lima Cortés, Honduras, between ‘HG’ x ‘HG’ (Both unpatented). ‘HG’ is a triploid plant (AAA) susceptible to Black Sigatoka leaf spot disease and Fusarium oxysporum race 1, belonging to the Gros Michel group. ‘HG’ is a mutant of Gros Michel used in genetic improvement to generate tetraploid mothers; varieties of the Cavendish group replaced this variety due to its susceptibility to fusariosis. In the 20th century, it was one of the world's most commercialized fruits due to its excellent taste and yield.
‘HG07’ is a tetraploid hybrid (AAAA) created for the genetic improvement of the Gros Michel banana group. This hybrid was selected in 2018 from several first-generation seedlings from the cross between ‘HG’ x ‘HG’. It was chosen as a tetraploid hybrid maintaining the “Gros Michel” type stature and taste of its female parental line and producing bunches of 25 kilograms with fruits of the same quality as their parents. ‘HG07’ was asexually reproduced by corms in La Lima Cortes, Honduras. All plants and fruit run true to the initially selected plant and are identical in all aspects.
‘HG07’ is a selection of crosses made between plants of the “HG” variety, inheriting its flavor, cluster shape, and plant structure. The few differences between ‘HG07’ and its parents can be seen in the shape of the fruit, which is slightly smaller and has shorter fingers. Another important difference is the fertility when used as a mother; ‘HG07’ is more fertile than its ‘HG’ parents. The other characteristics are very similar between ‘HG07’ and its ‘HG’ parents.
When comparing ‘HG07’ with a commercial cultivar such as ‘Grand Naine’ or ‘Williams’, we can say that there are important characteristic differences such as: the size of the plant, which is superior in ‘HG07’; the flavor of commercial varieties is simpler than that of ‘HG07’; the commercial varieties and ‘HG07’ have equal susceptibility to diseases such as Black Sigatoka; and commercial varieties are resistant to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Race 1, while ‘HG07’ is susceptible.
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION ‘HG07’ is a hybrid dessert banana variety with a tall stature, is tolerant to Black Sigatoka, and produces high-quality fruit.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS The figures describe the characteristics of the ‘HG07’ hybrid banana variety. The color shown in the photographs is as nearly accurate as reasonably possible in this type's color representation.
FIG. 1 shows the typical appearance of a plant at nine months old;
FIGS. 2A-B shows blotches at the petiole base (A) and a petiole canal leaf (B);
FIGS. 3A-C shows the shape of a leaf blade base (A) and leaf upper (B) and leaf lower (C) surfaces;
FIG. 4 shows typical suckers;
FIG. 5 shows a usual fruit bunch;
FIG. 6 shows a male bud;
FIGS. 7A-C shows bracts of a male bud;
FIG. 8A-B shows compound tepal (A) and free tepals (B) lobes;
FIG. 9A-B shows style shape (A) and ovary (B);
FIG. 10 shows a typical male flower;
FIG. 11 shows rowed ovules; and
FIG. 12 shows a typical second hand.
DETAILED BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION The following is a detailed botanical description of the new variety ‘HG07’ at nine months old. The report is from plants located in La Lima, Cortés, Honduras, that were evaluated in 2023. The descriptions concord with the internationally standardized “Descriptors for Banana (Musa spp.)” elaborated by IPGRI/INIBAP/CIRAD, 1996, and The U.K.'s Royal Horticultural Society's (R.H.S.) Colour Chart, 2001. The ‘HG07’ plant and its fruit may differ slightly from the detailed descriptors shown below due to variations in cultural practices, soil types, and climatic conditions under which the variety may be cultivated.
Botanical Description of ‘HG07’
Leaf habit Intermediate
Dwarfism Normal
Pseudostem height ≥3 (3.2) meters
Pseudostem aspect Normal
Pseudostem color Yellow-Green (N144C,
Pseudostem appearance Shiny (not waxy)
The predominant underlying Blue-Green (112D, RHS)
color of the pseudostem
Pigmentation of the underlying Red (46A, RHS)
Sap color Watery (White 155C RHS)
Wax-on leaf sheaths Very Little or no visible
sign of wax
Number of suckers 5
Development of suckers Very good
Position of suckers Close to parent (vertical
Blotches at the petiole base Extensive pigmentation
Blotches color Brown (N200A, RHS)
Petiole canal leaf III Wide with erect margins
Petiole margins Winged and clasping the
Wing type Dry, short wings
Petiole margin color Purple (77A, RHS)
Edge of petiole margin Colourless (Without a
color line along)
Petiole margin width >1 cm
Leaf blade length 171 to 220 cm
Leaf blade width 71 to 80 cm
Petiole length ≤50 cm
Color of the leaf's upper Surface Green (137B, RHS)
Appearance of leaf upper surface Shiny
Color of the leaf's lower surface Yellow-Green (147B, RHS)
The appearance of the Dull
leaf's lower surface
Wax on leaves Very Little or no visible
sign of wax
The insertion point of the Symmetric
leaf blade on the petiole
The shape of the leaf blade base Both sides rounded
Leaf corrugation Even, smooth
Venation pattern Single centralized
Color of midrib dorsal surface Yellow-Green (144B, RHS)
Color of midrib ventral surface Green-White (157A, RHS)
Color of cigar leaf dorsal surface Green (139C, RHS)
Blotches on leaves of water Without blotches
Peduncle length 31-60 cm
Empty nodes on the peduncle Two or more
Peduncle width 7-12 cm
Peduncle color Yellow-Green (144A, RHS)
Peduncle hairiness Slightly hairy
Bunch position Hanging vertically
Bunch shape Truncated cone shape
Bunch appearance Compact
Flowers that form the fruit Female
Fruits Biseriate
Rachis type Present and male buds may
be degenerated or persistent.
Rachis position Failing vertically
Rachis appearance Bare
Male bud type Normal (present)
Male bud shape Intermediate
Male bud size 25-30 cm
Bract base shape Large shoulder
Bract apex shape Slightly Pointed
Bract imbrication Old bracts overlap at the
apex of the bud.
Color of the bract external face Greyed-Purple (187A, RHS)
Color of the bract internal face Greyed-Purple (185A, RHS)
Color of the bract apex No tinted with yellow (the
color is uniform until apex)
Color stripes on the bract Without discolored lines (not
ridges) on the external face
Bract scars on rachis Very prominent
Fading of color on bract base Color discontinuing towards
the base.
Male bract shape Ovate
Male bract lifting Lifting two or more at a time
Bract behavior before falling Revolute (Rolling)
Wax on the bract Moderately waxy
Presence of grooves on the bract Moderate
Male flower behavior Falling before the bract
Compound tepal basic color Green-White (157D, RHS)
Compound tepal pigmentation Rust-colored spots
Lobe color of compound tepal Yellow (7B, RHS)
Lobe development of com- Developed
pound tepal
Free tepal color Translucent White
Free tepal shape Oval
Free tepal appearance Simple folding under the apex
Free tepal apex development Developed
Free tepal apex shape Triangular
Anther exertion Exerted
Filament color Greyed-White (156B, RHS)
Anther color Green-White (157C, RHS)
Pollen sacs color Greyed-Green (196D, RHS)
Pollen vitality Abundant
Style basic color Greyed-White (196D, RHS)
Pigmentation on style Without pigmentation
Style exertion Exerted
Style shape Curved at the base
Stigma color Yellow-Orange (20B, RHS)
Ovary shape Arched
Ovary basic color Green-White (157B, RHS)
Ovary pigmentation Very few or no visible signs
of pigmentation
The dominant color of male Green-White (157D, RHS)
Irregular flowers Absent
Arrangement of ovules Two rowed
Fruit position Parallel to the stalk
Number of fruits observed ≥17, specifically between
on the mid-hand of the bunch 120 and 140 fingers per
Fruit length ≤15 cm (12 to 15 cm)
Fruit diameter 8 to 10 cm
Fruit shape (longitudinal Curved (sharp curve)
Transverse section of fruit Pronounced ridged
Fruit apex Bottle-necked
Average weight of a fruit 150 g
Average weight of bunch of fruit 21 kg
Average number of bunches per One
Remains of flower relicts at the Persistent style
fruit apex
Fruit pedicel length 11 to 20 mm
Fruit pedicel width >10 mm
Average fruit pedicel width 5 cm
Pedicel surface Hairy
Fusion of pedicel Very partially or no visible
sign of fusion
Immature fruit peel color Green (143C, RHS)
Mature fruit peel color Yellow-Orange (16B, RHS)
Fruit peel thickness ≥3 (3 to 5) mm
Adherence to the fruit peel Fruit peels easily
Cracks in fruit peel Without Cracks
Pulp in fruit With pulp
Pulp color before maturity Yellow-Green (150D, RHS)
Pulp color at maturity Yellow (13D, RHS)
Fruits fall from hands. No finger drop
Flesh texture Firm (hard texture)
Predominant taste Sweet (like Cavendish)
Presence of seed with the Without seeds
source of pollen