Kentucky bluegrass `Ba 72-492`

A variety of Kentucky bluegrass having a high level of disease resistance, excellent turf performance in the sun and shade and a medium level of seed yield potential.

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Kentucky bluegrasses have been disclosed in U.S. Plant Pat. No. 3,156 which issued on May 9, 1972; U.S. Plant Pat. No. 3,186 which issued on May 23, 1972; U.S. Plant Pat. No. 4,336 which issued on Nov. 28, 1978; U.S. Plant patent application, Ser. No. 872,537, filed June 10, 1986; U.S. Plant patent application, Ser. No. 910,146, filed Sept. 19, 1986; and U.S. Plant patent application, Ser. No. 028,424, filed of even date herewith.


The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of Poa pratensis which has been designated Ba 72-492 Kentucky bluegrass.

Ba 72-492 plant material originated by crossing a Kentucky bluegrass plant ("Gnome") disclosed in U.S. Plant patent application Ser. No. 872,537, the seed parent, with a pollen parent plant. As a result of this breeding, a distinct variety was produced and asexually propagated by rhizomes, tillers and disseminules. Seed of Ba 72-492 was produced first at Marysville, Ohio and later at Gervais, Oreg.

Asexual reproduction of Ba 72-492 by propagules (tillers and rhizomes) and by disseminules (modified caryopses produced by apomixis) has consistently produced plants indistinguishable from the mother plant.

Ba 72-492 has a number of highly desirable characteristics including a good level of resistance to Helminthosporium spp that causes leaf spot, melting out and crown rot, Ustilago striiformis that causes stripe smut, Erysiphe graminis that causes powdery mildew, and Puccinia spp. that causes rust; an attractive leafy turf type growth habit; moderately wide leaf blades; an attractive green color which can be maintained throughout the entire growing season; good turf performance as evidenced by consistently high scores in tests throughout the U.S.A. and Canada; and a medium seed yield potential in the bluegrass seed production region of the U.S.A.

In comparison with its seed parent, Gnome, the new variety is more shade tolerant and has better resistance to powdery mildew and rust. In comparison to another Kentucky bluegrass (Ba 72-500) which is disclosed in U.S. Plant patent application Ser. No. 910,146 which also has Gnome as its seed parent, Ba 72-492 produces seeds that are shorter than Ba 72-500 and the panicle of Ba 72-492 does not nod as much as Ba 72-500.


FIG. 1 is a photograph of Ba 72-492 Kentucky bluegrass plant in the vegetative stage including the extensive root and rhizome system;

FIG. 2 is a photograph of Ba 72-492 Kentucky bluegrass panicle; and

FIG. 3 is a photograph of Ba 72-492 Kentucky bluegrass seed.


Ba 72-492 Kentucky bluegrass (Poa protensis L.) is perennial with creeping rhizomes forming a moderately dense turf. When plants overwinter in the field with freezing temperatures and then are brought into the greenhouse during late winter to continue growth undisturbed by clipping under moderate temperatures ( F.), culms are erect averaging 486 mm in length with an average of 2.2 nodes per culm. The uppermost internode averages 10.5 cm, and the peduncle averages 12.6 cm in length and 0.552 mm in thickness. The flag leaf averages 5.2 cm in length, 3.6 mm in width and 0.117 mm in thickness. The panicle is generally erect as opposed to nodding with an average length of 12.6 cm, width of 4.2 cm, and 5.5 whorls. The lowest whorl has an average of 4.0 branches and the third whorl from the bottom of the panicle has an average of 3.0 branches. The average spikelet at the tip of a branch in the lowest whorl is 5.2 mm in length and has 4.4 florets with an outer glume of 2.9 mm and an inner glume of 3.3 mm in length. A similar spikelet from the third whorl from the bottom of the panicle is 5.0 mm in length and has 4.2 florets with an outer glume of 3.0 mm and an inner glume of 3.3 mm in length. After the seed has been conditioned, the lemma has a generally smooth keel and almost no long fine hairs at the base. The seed of Ba 72-492 is 2.53 mm in length and 0.76 mm in width with approximately 1,275,740 seeds per pound. Comparisons of Ba 72-492 with other bluegrass varieties on seed dimensions are shown in Table 1 and on seed numbers per pound are shown in Table 2.

                TABLE 1                                                     


     Seed Measurements of Ba 72-492 and Other                                  

     Bluegrass Varieties After Conditioning                                    

                     Length  Width                                             

     Variety         (mm)    (mm)                                              


     Ba 72-492       2.53    0.76                                              

     Ba 70-139       2.86    0.78                                              

     Ba 72-500       2.77    0.80                                              

     Baron           3.07    0.86                                              

     Bristol         2.73    0.80                                              

     Nassau          2.96    0.78                                              

     Newport         2.76    0.71                                              

     Park            3.04    0.72                                              

     Ram I           3.51    0.84                                              

     Victa           3.20    0.86                                              

     LSD (.05)       0.19    0.06                                              


                TABLE 2                                                     


     Seed Counts per Pound of Ba 72-492 and                                    

     Other Bluegrass Varieties After Conditioning                              

                 Number of Seeds                                               

                 Per Pound                                                     


     Ba 72-492     1,275,740                                                   

     Adelphi       1,383,976                                                   

     America       1,659,824                                                   

     Gnome         1,017,641                                                   

     Baron         1,051,693                                                   

     Birka         1,223,530                                                   

     Bonnieblue    1,135,303                                                   

     Bristol       1,270,821                                                   

     Classic       1,250,316                                                   

     Eclipse       1,335,668                                                   

     Georgetown    1,232,913                                                   

     Glade         1,108,441                                                   

     Kenblue       1,463,923                                                   

     Merit         1,109,728                                                   

     Nassau        1,127,130                                                   

     Newport       1,226,481                                                   

     Park          1,248,349                                                   

     Sydsport      1,355,644                                                   

     Vantage       1,555,303                                                   

     Victa         1,038,298                                                   


Since environmental conditions such as soil and climate may influence morphological characters to some extent, comparisons of morphological characteristics of Ba 72-492 are made with other Kentucky bluegrass varieties in Tables 3-7.

                TABLE 3                                                     


     Morphological Comparisons of Ba 72-492 and Other                          

     Bluegrass Varieties Grown As Unmowed Spaced Plants                        

     in the Field at Marysville, Ohio.                                         

            Mature Plant                                                       

                       Leaf Blade                                              


            Height     Width     Density                                       

            2 Year Mean                                                        

                       Annual    2 Year Mean                                   


     Ba 74-492                                                                 

              40           2.4       52                                        

     A-34     63           2.4       61                                        

     Bristol  31           2.0       38                                        

     Glade    35           2.3       58                                        

     Kenblue  51           2.0       43                                        

     Merion   28           2.3       26                                        

     Nugget   23           2.1       34                                        

     Parade   53           3.0       67                                        

     Park     51           2.1       54                                        

     P-104    39           2.4       33                                        

     Vantage  54           2.3       52                                        

     Victa    38           2.5       49                                        



      Mature Plant Height (cm)  includes panicles.                             

      Leaf Blade Width  1-4, 4 = wide blade.                                   

      Panicle Density  1-100, 100 = high panicle density                       

                TABLE 4                                                     


     Morphological Comparison of Panicles of Ba 72-492 and Other               

     Bluegrass Varieties in the Greenhouse at Marysville, Ohio.                


                                         Number of                             

             Panicle  Panicle    Panicle Whorls                                

     Variety Nodding* Length (cm)                                              

                                 Width (cm)                                    

                                         Per Panicle                           


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             1.2      7.5        4.2     5.5                                   

     Ba 70-139                                                                 

             2.0      6.7        3.7     4.8                                   

     Ba 72-500                                                                 

             2.0      6.8        3.8     5.0                                   

     Baron   1.0      7.8        4.1     5.2                                   

     Bristol 2.0      9.7        5.0     5.0                                   

     Nassau  2.0      10.0       6.0     5.0                                   

     Newport 2.0      10.3       4.4     4.5                                   

     Park    1.6      9.0        3.7     4.0                                   

     Ram I   2.0      9.0        4.7     4.0                                   

     Victa   1.2      7.5        4.1     5.4                                   

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

             0.5      1.6        1.0     0.8                                   


                           Peduncle  Peduncle                                  

     Number of Branches    Length    Width                                     

     Variety Lower Whorl                                                       

                        Third Whorl                                            

                                   (cm)    (mm)                                


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             4.0        3.0        12.6    0.558                               

     Ba 70-139                                                                 

             3.8        2.7        13.2    0.610                               

     Ba 72-500                                                                 

             4.0        2.4        12.9    0.660                               

     Baron   3.8        2.5        12.7    0.559                               

     Bristol 3.3        2.7        15.0    0.686                               

     Nassau  3.0        2.0         8.0    0.533                               

     Newport 2.3        2.3        18.0    0.558                               

     Park    4.3        3.7        14.3    0.787                               

     Ram I   2.5        2.0        18.5    0.610                               

     Victa   4.4        3.4        12.2    0.711                               

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

             0.7        0.8         3.7    0.018                               


      *Panicle nodding rated 1 = erect, 2 = nodding.                           

                TABLE 5                                                     


     Morphological Comparison of Culms and Flag Leaves of                      

     Ba 72-492 and Other Bluegrass Varieties in the Greenhouse                 

     at Marysville, Ohio.                                                      


             Flag Leaf   Flag Leaf   Flag Leaf                                 

     Variety Length (cm) Width (mm)  Thickness (mm)                            


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             5.2         3.6         0.117                                     

     Ba 70-139                                                                 

             4.7         3.2         0.112                                     

     Ba 72-500                                                                 

             4.1         3.2         0.112                                     

     Baron   4.5         3.2         0.119                                     

     Bristol 5.5         3.4         0.127                                     

     Nassau  6.2         3.1         0.127                                     

     Newport 6.1         3.5         0.135                                     

     Park    4.2         2.6         0.109                                     

     Ram I   4.7         3.1         0.127                                     

     Victa   5.9         4.0         0.124                                     

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

             1.8         0.6         0.013                                     


             Top Internode                                                     

                         Culm        Number of                                 

     Variety Length (cm) Length (mm) Nodes Per Culm                            


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             10.5        486         2.2                                       

     Ba 70-139                                                                 

             10.2        435         2.7                                       

     Ba 72-500                                                                 

              9.8        439         2.7                                       

     Baron   10.1        482         2.5                                       

     Bristol 11.3        522         2.7                                       

     Nassau  11.2        450         2.5                                       

     Newport 11.2        547         2.3                                       

     Park    13.0        578         3.0                                       

     Ram I   10.2        527         3.0                                       

     Victa   10.6        474         2.4                                       

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

              2.1         79         0.6                                       


                TABLE 6                                                     


     Morphological Comparison of Spikelets and Florets of Ba 72-492            

     and Other Bluegrass Varieties in the Greenhouse                           

     at Marysville, Ohio.                                                      


                            Number of Florets                                  

     Spikelet               per Spikelet                                       

     Length (mm)            Lowest   Third                                     

     Variety Lowest Whorl                                                      

                         Third Whorl                                           

                                    Whorl  Whorl                               


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             5.2         5.0        4.4    4.2                                 

     Ba 70-139                                                                 

             5.2         5.2        4.2    4.0                                 

     Ba 72-500                                                                 

             5.1         5.0        4.2    3.9                                 

     Baron   5.0         5.0        3.7    3.8                                 

     Bristol 6.2         6.0        5.7    5.3                                 

     Nassau  4.6         4.6        4.5    4.5                                 

     Newport 5.3         5.2        5.2    5.2                                 

     Park    6.5         6.7        5.2    4.7                                 

     Ram I   4.7         5.2        5.2    5.5                                 

     Victa   5.2         5.0        3.8    3.8                                 

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

             0.9         0.8        1.1    1.0                                 


            Glume Length (mm)                                                  

            Outer         Inner                                                

              Lowest              Lowest                                       

     Variety  Whorl    Third Whorl                                             

                                  Whorl  Third Whorl                           


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              2.9      3.0        3.3    3.3                                   

     Ba 70-139                                                                 

              3.2      3.1        3.5    3.5                                   

     Ba 72-500                                                                 

              3.1      3.1        3.4    3.4                                   

     Baron    2.9      2.8        3.4    3.3                                   

     Bristol  3.4      3.3        3.7    3.9                                   

     Nassau   2.3      2.4        2.7    2.7                                   

     Newport  2.6      2.5        2.9    2.9                                   

     Park     3.0      3.2        3.5    3.7                                   

     Ram I    2.6      2.4        2.9    2.7                                   

     Victa    2.8      3.0        3.3    3.3                                   

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

              0.5      0.4        0.4    0.4                                   


                TABLE 7                                                     


     Morphological Comparison of Leaves of Ba 72-492 and Other                 

     Bluegrass Varieties in the Greenhouse at Marysville, Ohio.                



              Ligule   Leaf    Leaf   Angle                                    

              Length   Length  Width  (Degrees                                 

     Variety  (mm)     (mm)    (mm)   From Horizontal)                         


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              0.28     239     4.4    52                                       

     Ba 70-139                                                                 

              0.26     218     4.1    55                                       

     Ba 72-500                                                                 

              0.25     204     4.1    50                                       

     Baron    0.30     313     4.4    63                                       

     Bristol  0.30     253     4.3    37                                       

     Nassau   0.22     226     3.5    39                                       

     Newport  0.22     251     4.1    50                                       

     Park     0.33     329     4.2    44                                       

     Ram I    0.18     188     3.7    40                                       

     Victa    0.28     235     4.3    52                                       

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

              0.11      49     0.6    10                                       


             Hairs.sup.a Around Ligule on                                      

                              Hairs.sup.a on                                   

                                        Hairs.sup.b on                         

     Variety Upper Surface of the Leaf                                         

                              Collar    Ligule                                 


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             1.0              3.2       1.3                                    

     Ba 70-139                                                                 

             1.0              3.5       1.5                                    

     Ba 72-500                                                                 

             1.0              3.5       2.7                                    

     Baron   1.0              5.0       4.0                                    

     Bristol 1.3              4.7       4.3                                    

     Nassau  2.7              5.0       1.0                                    

     Newport 1.0              4.0       0.8                                    

     Park    1.0              1.7       0.0                                    

     Ram I   1.0              3.7       0.3                                    

     Victa   1.0              3.3       2.2                                    

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

             0.3              1.4       1.8                                    


      .sup.a Hairs around ligule and on collar rated 1- 5: 1 = none, 5 = many. 

      .sup.b Hairs on ligule rated 0-5: 0 = none, 5 = many.                    

Ba 72-492 has performed well throughout the U.S.A. and Canada as exhibited by high turf quality ratings in many different locations in comparison to other varieties as shown in Table 8.

                TABLE 8                                                     


     Comparison of the Turf Quality of Ba 72-492 and Other Bluegrass           

     Varieties in the U.S.A. and Canada                                        


              St. Louis Winnipeg Beltsville                                    


              Missouri  Manitoba Maryland New Jersey                           

              1 Year    2 Year   1 Year   2 Year                               

     Variety  Mean      Mean     Mean     Mean                                 


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              3.2       6.4      5.7      6.2                                  

     A-34               6.6      5.6                                           

     Adelphi  2.9                5.9      6.4                                  

     Admiral            6.0                                                    

     America  2.8                                                              

     Aquila             7.1               5.7                                  

     Banff                       4.8                                           

     Baron    2.7       6.2      5.3      6.4                                  

     Birka    2.3                         5.9                                  

     Bonnieblue                  5.0      6.7                                  


     Bristol  2.7                5.0      6.5                                  

     Cheri                       5.1      6.0                                  

     Columbia                    4.9      5.9                                  

     Eclipse                     5.9      7.2                                  

     Enmundi                     5.5      6.3                                  

     Fylking                     4.9      5.7                                  

     Geary                                3.6                                  



     Glade    2.8                5.3      6.7                                  

     Gnome    2.9                         6.4                                  

     Kenblue                              3.3                                  

     Melba              6.9                                                    

     Merion                      5.3      6.0                                  

     Merit    2.8       6.5      6.1      6.2                                  

     Midnight                    5.5      7.3                                  

     Monopoly                    4.9      5.7                                  


     Mystic             6.6                                                    

     Nassau             5.9      4.5      5.9                                  


     Nugget             7.1                                                    

     Parade                      5.0      5.6                                  

     Park     1.8                                                              

     Ram I                       4.6      6.2                                  


     SD Common                            3.2                                  

     Shasta             7.1               5.7                                  

     Sydsport 2.7                5.8      6.0                                  


              2.7       6.8      5.8      6.1                                  

     Trampas            6.3                                                    


     Vantage  2.6                5.5      3.6                                  

     Victa    2.8                5.5      6.5                                  

     Wabash                               4.8                                  


              Lincoln              Gervais                                     


              Nebraska Agassiz British                                         

                                   Oregon Ohio                                 

              2 Year   Columbia    3 Year 5 Year                               

     Variety  Mean     1 Year Mean Mean   Mean                                 


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              6.0      5.5         2.6    2.8                                  

     A-34     6.2                                                              

     Adelphi  6.1                  2.4    2.7                                  


     America                       2.5                                         



     Baron    5.6                                                              

     Birka    5.9                                                              



     Bono              5.2                                                     

     Bristol  5.9      6.1         2.8    2.7                                  

     Cheri    6.3                                                              


     Eclipse  5.8                                                              

     Enmundi  5.9                                                              

     Fylking  6.1                                                              


     Georgetown        4.9                                                     

     Geronimo          5.1                                                     

     Glade    6.4                  2.5                                         

     Gnome                         2.3                                         

     Kenblue                       1.4                                         

     Melba             5.9                                                     

     Merion   5.9      5.3                                                     

     Merit    6.0      4.9         2.4                                         

     Midnight 5.9                                                              





     Newport                              1.4                                  


     Parade   6.5                         2.7                                  

     Park     5.7                         2.1                                  

     Ram I    5.9                                                              


     SD Common                                                                 


     Sydsport 6.3                                                              



     Trampas           5.7                                                     

     Trenton  5.8                         2.6                                  

     Vantage  5.7                  2.2    2.6                                  




              Prince Frederick                                                 

                            Somis      Marysville                              

              Maryland      California Ohio                                    

     Variety  4 Year Mean   1 Year Mean                                        

                                       2 Year Mean                             


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              2.2           2.8        2.3                                     


     Adelphi  2.4                      1.9                                     





     Baron    2.4                                                              

     Birka    1.8                                                              



     Bono     1.9                                                              

     Bristol  2.3           3.0        2.1                                     


     Columbia 2.5                                                              







     Glade                             2.0                                     

     Gnome                             2.0                                     

     Kenblue  1.8                                                              



     Merit    2.3                                                              

     Midnight 2.4                                                              


     Mosa                   2.3                                                






     Park     2.0                                                              

     Ram I    2.4                                                              

     Rugby    2.2                                                              

     SD Common                                                                 


     Sydsport                          2.0                                     



     Trenton  2.4                                                              

     Vantage  2.3                                                              

     Victa    2.3           2.5        2.0                                     



      Rating Scale: Larger number indicates higher quality.                    

In addition, Ba 72-492 tolerates shady growing conditions very well which is an important characteristic that allows an even broader range of use. Comparisons of Ba 72-492 and other varieties for shade performance are found in Table 9 and Table 10.

                TABLE 9                                                     


     Turf Performance Ratings Under Natural Shade of                           

     Ba 72-492 and Other Bluegrass Varieties at Marysville, Ohio               

            Quality                  4 Yr                                      

            Year 1 Year 2   Year 3  Year 4 Mean                                


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              2.2      2.6      2.5   2.6    2.5                               

     Merion   1.8      1.6      2.0   1.8    1.8                               

     Fylking  1.8      1.9      1.9   2.0    1.9                               

     A-34     2.0      2.2      2.6   2.7    2.4                               

     Park     1.7      1.8      1.9   2.0    1.9                               

     Newport  1.9      1.7      1.9   2.1    1.9                               

     Bristol  1.8      2.1      2.2   1.8    2.0                               

     Enmundi  2.0      2.0      2.2   2.5    2.2                               


              2.0      1.7      2.0   1.7    1.9                               


              1.8      2.1      2.1   1.7    1.9                               

     Aquila   1.8      1.7      1.7   2.1    1.8                               

     Parade   1.8      2.0      2.2   1.8    2.0                               

     Victa    2.0      1.5      1.8   2.0    1.8                               

     LSD (.05)         .46            .47                                      


      Rated 1-4, 4 = Best                                                      

                TABLE 10                                                    


     Turf Performance Ratings Under Natural Shade of Ba 72-492                 

     and Other Bluegrass Varieties at Gervais, Oregon                          



     Year 1                Year 2                                              

             June    Aug.   Oct. Mean  Feb.  Sept.                             



     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             3.3     3.2    2.8  3.1   2.5   2.8  2.7                          

     Bristol 2.5     2.8    2.3  2.6   3.0   1.7  2.4                          

     Gnome   3.5     1.0    1.0  1.8   1.0   0.5  .8                           

     Victa   2.8     1.8    1.7  2.1   2.0   1.8  1.9                          


             .97     .97    .63        .95   .96                               


             Year 3 Feb.   Year 4 May 4 Yr Mean                                


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             2.2           1.8        2.5                                      

     Bristol 2.0           2.3        2.3                                      

     Gnome   1.3           2.3        1.6                                      

     Victa   1.8           1.0        1.7                                      


             .83           .80                                                 


      Rated 1-4, 4 = Best                                                      

The new variety has a pleasant medium green color which can be maintained throughout the growing season and widely scattered locations in the U.S.A. and Canada as shown by the comparative test results in Table 11.

                TABLE 11                                                    


     Comparison of Turf Color of Ba 72-492 and Other Bluegrass                 

     Varieties at Various Locations in the U.S.A. and Canada.                  


                       Truro                 Agassiz                           

              St. Louis                                                        

                       Nova    Winnipeg                                        



              Missouri Scotia  Manitoba                                        



              1 Year   1 Year  1 Year 2 Year 1 Year                            

     Variety  Mean     Mean    Mean   Mean   Mean                              


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              9.2      7.1     7.2    7.0    5.7                               

     A-34                      6.3    6.5                                      

     Adelphi  9.4                     7.2                                      

     America  9.4                     7.0                                      

     Aquila                    7.3    6.7                                      

     Baron    9.2              7.3    6.9                                      

     Birka    9.1                     6.7                                      

     Bonnieblue                       7.0                                      

     Bono     9.0                            6.0                               

     Bristol  9.5                     7.3    7.0                               

     Cheri                            7.0                                      

     Eclipse                          7.0                                      

     Enmundi                          7.0                                      

     Fylking                          6.8                                      

     Georgetown                              6.2                               

     Geronimo                                5.8                               

     Glade    9.3                     7.1                                      

     Gnome    9.3      7.5                                                     


     Melba             6.9                                                     

     Merion                           6.9    5.7                               

     Merit    9.2              7.2    7.0    6.5                               

     Midnight                  8.1    7.9                                      

     Mystic                    6.5                                             

     Nassau                    7.2                                             


     Nugget                    7.3                                             

     Parade                           6.8                                      

     Park     9.0                     6.1                                      

     Ram I                            7.3                                      

     Rugby                            6.8                                      

     Shasta                    7.2                                             

     Sydsport 9.2                     7.0                                      


              9.0              6.6    6.8                                      

     Trampas           6.9                                                     

     Vantage  9.2                     6.8                                      

     Victa    9.2      7.5            6.9                                      



              Gervais  Marysville                                              



              Oregon   Ohio      Maryland California                           

              3 Year   4 Year    4 Year   1 Year                               

     Variety  Mean     Mean      Mean     Mean                                 


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              6.9      7.2       7.6      6.7                                  


     Adelphi  7.6                7.4                                           

     America  7.6                         6.5                                  



     Birka                                6.3                                  


     Bono                                 6.2                                  

     Bristol  9.3      7.8       8.3      7.6                                  




     Fylking           6.6                                                     



     Glade    8.3                8.0      7.0                                  

     Gnome    7.4                                                              

     Kenblue  6.6      7.2                5.8                                  


     Merion            6.9                                                     

     Merit    7.4      7.1       7.4      5.8                                  

     Midnight                             5.5                                  



     Newport  7.5      7.0                6.0                                  



     Park                        6.8                                           

     Ram I                                7.3                                  

     Rugby                                6.7                                  


     Sydsport          7.1                                                     



     Vantage           6.9       6.8      5.7                                  

     Victa    7.1      7.1       7.6      6.0                                  


      Rating Scale: Larger number indicates darker green color.                

Turf diseases are one of the major causes of inconsistent and poor turf performance among locations and years. Comparisons of resistance to leaf spot (also known as melting out and crown rot) caused by Helminthosporium vagans, powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe graminis, rust caused by Puccinia spp., dollarspot caused by Sclerotina homeocarpa, and red thread caused by Corticium fuciform are presented in Tables 12,13,14,15,16 and 17, respectively.

                TABLE 12                                                    


     Comparison of Leafspot Disease Incidence on Ba 72-492 and                 

     Other Bluegrasses at Several Locations in the U.S.A. and                  




              St. Louis.sup.a                                                  




              Missouri  Maryland  New Jersey                                   


              1 Year    1 Year    1 Year  1 Year                               

     Variety  Mean      Mean      Mean    Mean                                 


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              3         8.3       6.3     3.0                                  

     A-34               5.3       4.3                                          

     Adelphi  2         8.0       5.7                                          

     America  8                                                                

     Aquila                       6.3                                          

     Banff              5.3       7.0                                          

     Baron    2         7.0       8.7                                          

     Birka    5                   6.3                                          

     Bonnieblue                   7.0                                          

     Bono     7                           3.0                                  

     Bristol  2         7.0       8.3     2.3                                  

     Cheri              6.3                                                    

     Columbia           5.7       6.3                                          

     Eclipse            7.7       9.0                                          

     Enmundi            7.0                                                    

     Fylking            6.7       6.3                                          

     Geary                        2.0                                          

     Georgetown                           4.3                                  

     Geronimo                             4.7                                  

     Glade    2         7.3       6.3                                          

     Gnome    2         7.0       8.0                                          

     Kenblue            3.3       1.7                                          

     Merion             6.3       7.7     3.0                                  

     Merit    3         7.3       7.7                                          

     Midnight           7.0       7.0                                          

     Monopoly           5.3       6.0                                          

     Nassau             7.7       7.4                                          


     Parade             6.0       5.0                                          

     Park     52                                                               

     Ram I              6.5       7.0                                          

     Regent                               3.7                                  

     Rugby                        5.0                                          

     Shasta                       6.0                                          

     Sydsport 3         7.3       6.3                                          


              7         7.7                                                    

     Trenton                      6.0                                          

     Vantage  7         5.0       2.0                                          

     Victa    2         8.0       7.0                                          

     Wabash                       2.0                                          

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

              7                   1.9                                          




              Gervais.sup.a Oregon                                             

                           Ohio       Ohio(Shade)                              

     Variety  3 Year Mean  5 Year Mean                                         

                                      1 Year Mean                              


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              22           4          0                                        


     Adelphi  46           9                                                   

     America  29                      0                                        




     Birka                            0                                        



     Bristol   8           5          2                                        









     Glade    46                      0                                        

     Gnome    76                      0                                        

     Kenblue  75                      67                                       


     Merit    65                                                               




     Newport  45                                                               

     Parade                10                                                  

     Park                  54                                                  

     Ram I                                                                     





     Touchdown                        0                                        


     Vantage               15                                                  

     Victa    70           7          0                                        


     LSD (.05)                                                                 

              15           5          4                                        



      .sup.a % of turf affected by disease                                     

      .sup.b 1-9, 9 = least disease                                            

      .sup.c 1-9, 9 = most disease                                             

                TABLE 13                                                    


     Comparison of Powdery Mildew Disease Incidence on                         

     Ba 72-492 and Other Bluegrasses.                                          


     Gervais        Natural Shade.sup.b                                        

             Oregon     Marysville Ohio                                        

                                     Marysville Ohio                           

     Variety 1 Year Mean                                                       

                        3 Year Mean  2 Year Mean                               


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              5          3           5                                         



     America                         7                                         

     Banff              15                                                     

     Birka                           2                                         

     Bristol  3         10           1                                         

     Eclipse                         3                                         

     Geronimo                        40                                        

     Glade              37           21                                        

     Gnome   78                      61                                        

     Kenblue                         2                                         


     Monopoly            2                                                     


     Newport            33                                                     




     Rugby              15                                                     

     Touchdown                       0                                         


     Victa   35         47           52                                        

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

             21         16           6                                         


                               Spaced Plants - Sun.sup.b                       

             Prince Frederick Maryland                                         

                               Marysville Ohio                                 

     Variety 1 Year Mean       2 Year Mean                                     


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              2                14                                              

     A-34     2                52                                              

     Adelphi 12                23                                              




     Bristol  1                15                                              



     Glade   57                 8                                              


     Kenblue                   20                                              

     Merion                    12                                              


     Mosa    58                                                                


     Nugget                     5                                              

     Parade                     5                                              

     Park                      15                                              



     Vantage                   34                                              

     Victa   25                14                                              

     LSD (.05)                                                                 



      .sup.a Rated 0-9,9 = least disease                                       

      .sup.b Rated as % of turf affected by disease                            

                TABLE 14                                                    


     Comparison of Stem Rust (Puccinia graminis)                               

     Disease Incidence on Ba 72-492 and Other                                  

     Bluegrasses at Adelphia, New Jersey                                       


            Ba 72-492                                                          






            Banff   6.5                                                        

            Bristol 7.7                                                        

            Parade  6.2                                                        



            Ram I   7.0                                                        

            Victa   5.6                                                        

            Merit   5.7                                                        

            Baron   6.4                                                        

            Nassau  6.8                                                        

            Eclipse 4.7                                                        

            Aquila  6.9                                                        



            Adelphi 7.1                                                        

            America 7.4                                                        

            Vantage 6.2                                                        



            Birka   3.5                                                        

            Merion  2.4                                                        

            LSD (.05)                                                          



      Rated 1-9, 9 = No disease                                                

                TABLE 15                                                    


     Comparison of Rust (Puccinia spp.) Disease                                

     Incidence on Ba 72-492 and Other Bluegrasses.                             

                                    Unmowed Spaced                             

             Turf         Gervais.sup.b                                        



                          Oregon    Marysville.sup.b                           

             British Columbia                                                  

                          1 Year    Ohio                                       

     Variety 2 Year Mean  Mean      2 Year Mean                                


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             1.2           2         9                                         

     A-34                           12                                         

     Adelphi              23        10                                         

     America               9                                                   

     Bono    2.1                                                               

     Bristol 1.2           6        17                                         



     Glade                 4        11                                         

     Gnome                13                                                   

     Kenblue              30        23                                         

     Merion  2.8                    16                                         

     Merit   2.9           8                                                   

     Newport              23                                                   

     Nugget                         12                                         

     Parade                         15                                         

     Park                           25                                         

     Vantage                        36                                         

     Victa                 9        14                                         

     LSD (.05)            12                                                   


      .sup.a Rated 1-9, 9 = most disease                                       

      .sup.b Rated as % of disease incidence                                   

                TABLE 16                                                    


     Comparison of Dollarspot Incidence                                        

     on Ba 72-492 and Other Bluegrasses.                                       

                  Prince Frederick                                             


     Variety      Maryland     Ohio                                            


     Ba 72-492     9           60                                              

     Adelphi       8           20                                              

     America                   13                                              

     Baron        50           23                                              

     Birka         6           47                                              

     Bonnieblue   10                                                           

     Bono          4           63                                              

     Bristol       6           17                                              

     Columbia     10                                                           

     Eclipse                    8                                              

     Glade                     40                                              

     Gnome                     22                                              

     Kenblue       8           37                                              

     Merit         4                                                           

     Midnight      6                                                           

     Park                      33                                              

     Ram I        40                                                           

     Rugby        12                                                           

     Sydsport                  43                                              

     Touchdown                 50                                              

     Trenton      28                                                           

     Vantage      11           15                                              

     Victa         5           23                                              

     Wabash       11                                                           

     LSD (.05)    19           24                                              


      Rating: % of turf that is affected by disease.                           

                TABLE 17                                                    


     Comparison of Red Thread Disease                                          

     Incidence on Ba 72-492 and Other                                          

     Bluegrasses at Gervais, Oregon.                                           

                 Red Thread                                                    


     Ba 72-492     7                                                           

     Victa         10                                                          

     Bristol       0                                                           

     Glade         15                                                          

     Adelphi       0                                                           

     Kenblue       23                                                          

     Newport       3                                                           

     America       2                                                           

     Merit         7                                                           

     Gnome         0                                                           

     LSD (.05)     13                                                          


      Rating: % of turf affected by disease                                    

Tests in Maryland and Ohio indicate that Ba 72-492 is not highly susceptible to stripe smut caused by Ustilago striiformis since some unreleased selections of bluegrass had a high incidence of stripe smut but Ba 72-492 was not affected.

The new variety has a low growth habit and a slower vertical growth rate than many varieties and especially the common type of varieties such as Park, Kenblue and Newport, as indicated by comparisons in Table 18, which should allow it to tolerate lower mowing heights and possibly decrease the total number of mowings per year without sacrificing overall turf performance.

                TABLE 18                                                    


     Comparison of Growth Habit of Ba 72-492 and                               

     Other Bluegrasses at Marysville, Ohio.                                    

              Test 1      Test 2      Test 3                                   

     Variety  1 Year Mean.sup.a                                                

                          2 Year Mean.sup.a                                    

                                      3 Year Mean.sup.b                        


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

              2.0         1.4         74                                       

     Adelphi  2.0         2.4                                                  

     America  1.8                                                              

     Baron    1.8                                                              

     Birka    2.0                                                              

     Bono     2.0                                                              

     Bristol  2.0         2.0         74                                       

     Eclipse  2.0                                                              

     Fylking                          93                                       

     Glade    2.2                                                              

     Gnome    2.0                                                              

     Kenblue  2.9                     96                                       

     Merion                           78                                       

     Merit                            84                                       

     Newport                          100                                      

     Parade               2.2                                                  

     Park     2.9         2.2                                                  

     Sydsport 1.9                     72                                       



     Vantage  2.7         2.0         84                                       

     Victa    1.9         2.0         77                                       

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

              0.3         0.5         12                                       


      .sup.a Rated 1-5, 5 = high growth, 1 = dwarf.                            

      .sup.b Rated as height (mm) of turf about one week after last mowing.    

The leaf texture of Ba 72-492 is similar to many bluegrass varieties when maintained under mowed turf conditions as the comparisons show in Table 19.

                TABLE 19                                                    


     Comparison of Leaf Texture of Ba 72-492 and Other                         

     Bluegrasses Under Mowed Turf Conditions.                                  

             St. Louis   Agassiz      Marysville                               

     Variety Missouri    British Columbia                                      



     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             4.0         6.0          5.0                                      

     Adelphi 5.3                                                               

     America 6.0                                                               

     Baron   4.6                                                               

     Birka   6.0                                                               

     Bono    5.6         6.7                                                   

     Bristol 5.3         7.0          5.0                                      

     Fylking                          5.8                                      

     Geronimo            5.7                                                   

     Glade   6.0                                                               

     Gnome   4.3                                                               

     Kenblue                          5.5                                      

     Merion              6.3          5.0                                      

     Merit   4.3         5.0          5.0                                      

     Newport                          5.0                                      

     Park    6.0                                                               


             5.0                      5.0                                      



     Vantage 6.0                      5.3                                      

     Victa   4.4                      4.8                                      

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

             0.7                      0.4                                      


      Rating: 1-9, 9 = finest texture.                                         

Ba 72-492 has a medium level of seed yielding ability which should make it an economically feasible variety to produce for commercial markets as shown in Table 20.

                TABLE 20                                                    


     Seed Yield Comparisons of Ba 72-492 and Other Bluegrass                   

     Varieties in Oregon                                                       

     Gervais           La Grande                                               

             Year   Year         Year             Madras                       

     Variety 1      2      Mean  1    Year 2                                   

                                            Mean  Year 1                       


     Ba 72-492                                                                 

             585     864   725   1025 846   936    875                         

     Ba 72-500                                                                 

             559     757   658    876 857   867   1113                         

     Victa   780    1394   1087  1419 1200  1310  1324                         

     Newport 435    1256   846                                                 

     Bristol 347     808   578   1089 970   1030                               

     Mosa    322    1060   691                                                 

     Julia   296    1016   656                    1194                         

     Trampas                                       388                         

     LSD (.05)                                                                 

             140     134          149 181   220                                


      Ratings: Pounds per acre of conditioned seed.                            

The low susceptibility of Ba 72-492 to rust and lodging under typical seed field conditions should aid in producing economical seed crops as noted by the comparative results on Table 21.

                TABLE 21                                                    


     Plant Characteristics of Ba 72-492 and Other Bluegrass Varieties          

     at Gervais, Oregon Under Seed Production Conditions.                      

             Rust        Lodging                                               

             Year 1      Year 1  Year 2                                        


     Ba 72-492 1             2.5     0.2                                       

     Victa     2             2.0     0                                         

     Bristol   4             4.0     1                                         

     Newport   4             4.0     1                                         

     Mosa      4             2.0     0                                         

     Julia     4             5.0     4                                         



      Rust: 1-4, 4 = very susceptible                                          

      Lodging: 0-5, 5 = severe lodging                                         


1. A variety of Kentucky bluegrass plant, substantially as shown and described, characterized particularly by a high level of resistance to diseases, a desirable green color throughout the growing season, a high quality persistent turf under a wide range of environmental conditions including shady conditions and a medium level of seed yielding capacity.

Patent History
Patent number: PP6537
Type: Grant
Filed: Mar 17, 1987
Date of Patent: Jan 17, 1989
Assignee: The O. M. Scott & Sons Company (Marysville, OH)
Inventors: Virgil D. Meier (Marysville, OH), Eugene W. Mayer (Marysville, OH)
Primary Examiner: James R. Feyrer
Application Number: 7/27,285
Current U.S. Class: Plt/88
International Classification: A01H 500;