Macadamia named "Hidden Valley A4"

A new variety of Macadamia hybrid Integrifolia.times.tetraphylla has been identified that is particularly characterized by its high number of serrations per unit length on its leaf edge and a ratio of 1:1 between 3-leaf and 4-leaf whorls.

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The present invention is directed to a new and distinct variety of Macadamia tree believed to be a cross of Macadamia integrifolia.times.tetraphylla which was identified in a cultivated area.

Among the distinct characteristics of this tree is a combination of an increase in leaf serrations per unit distance and a ratio of 1:1 between 3-leaf and 4-leaf whorls as sampled over a sample of a minimum 100 specimens.

Asexual reproduction of the new variety has been accomplished by grafting scion stock taken from the original seedling plant onto both seedling and mature rootstock of various other Macadamia varieties. The variety has maintained character regardless of rootstock, and exhibitied the following characteristics and distinctions true to form through succeeding propagations.


FIG. 1 shows a typical tree specimen of the new variety, named "Hidden Valley A4".

FIG. 2 shows typical nut clusters of the new variety.

FIG. 3 shows a comparison of the leaves of the new variety with those of the known variety `HAES 246`.

FIG. 4 shows a comparison of the kernel and nut of the new variety with the kernal and nut of the known variety `HAES 246`.

FIG. 5 shows an enlarged view of the kernel and nut of the new variety.

The variety results from a seedling derived from the open pollination of a female parent of the variety Renown, itself a hybrid of M. integrifolia.times.M. tetraphylla. The seedling may have arisen from self-pollination or from cross-pollination with the nearest possible pollinators being of the varieties Own Choice, Keauhou, Kakea and N.R.G. Based on morphological comparison, the most likely pollen parent is Own Choice. The cultivar has been successfully and successively grafted onto a variety of rootstock yielding trees of consistent character and having good yield characteristics, while maintaining kernel quality and beneficial growth characteristics. The cultivar was discovered and propagated at Hidden Valley Plantations, Beerwah, Queensland, Australia.

The following is a detailed description of the new variety, with color terminology determined in accordance with The Royal Horticultural Society (R.H.S.) Colour Chart number. The characteristics and morphology listed below represents mean measurements from a minimum of one hundred specimens from trees grown in Beerwah, Queensland, Australia.

Tree: The tree is semi-erect in habit (more than Keauhou but less than Nutty Glen), moderately branched with a canopy of medium density (more dense than Hidden Valley A16 but less dense than Keauhou or Own Choice). The branches are more drooping than Keauhou. Leaves are found with both three and four leaves per node in a 1:1 ratio throughout the tree, unlike Keauhou and Kau which have predominantly three leaves per node and Renown which has predominantly four leaves per node. The grafted stock is strongly vigorous with shoots of medium thickness (thinner than Own Choice but thicker than Hidden Valley A16) with a mean of 42 mm between nodes, which sparse pubescence and weak anthocyanin coloration (R.H.S. color 152A) on new flushes. The tree has a relatively short juvenile phase (shorter than Keauhou or Kau) and a higher tolerance to Cercospora husk spot than observed for Own Choice.

Leaves: The leaves are narrow elliptical with a mean 3.69 times longer than wide, broader than Nutty Glen or Renown but narrower than Keauhou or Kau with an acutely pointed tip similar to Renown. The leaves are serrate with a mean 1.36 spines per cm which is characteristic and more than any known variety. Serrations are more shallow than Nutty Glen and spines are shorter than Renown. Leaves are only weakly undulated and weakly rolled compared with Keauhou. The young leaves are pale green (R.H.S. 137B) and mature leaves are dark green (R.H.S. 139A) and dull surfaced (similar to Nutty Glen) with distinctly lighter margins (R.H.S. 10A).

Mean leaf length.--144.54 mm with standard deviation (s.d.) of 22.6.

Mean leaf width.--39.23 mm with s.d. of 5.84.

Mean petiole length.--8.3 mm with s.d. of 1.48.

Flower: The racemes are cream colored, larger than Keauhou or Kau, and very dense on the tree. The tree has a shorter flowering period than Keauhou, which starts earlier and finishes later, but a longer flowering period than Hidden Valley A16. The tree has a tendency to have a second late flowering in seasons with favorable rainfall.

Fruit: The husk is of medium thickness (similar to Keauhou, thinner than Renown) with a medium hilum end point (smaller than Renown and larger than Kau) and a mildly shouldered pedicel (less than Own Choice). Husk dehiscence is partly on the tree (less than Nutty Glen and Renown) but mainly on the ground. There is an average of 1.7 nuts per raceme. There is no pre-germination on the tree observed (as in Nutty Glen) and very low incidence of fruit remaining on the tree or double embryo fruit as compared with Own Choice.

Mean fruit length.--50.05 mm with s.d. 2.82 (with pedicel and hilum).

Mean fruit width.--33.76 mm with s.d. 1.76.

Nut: The nuts are oval, 1.04 times longer than wider, less oval and more even than Renown but less round than Keauhou. The shell is light brown (R.H.S. 164A) with a smooth surface (smoother than Nutty Glen or Renown but more coarse than Kau) and a moderate sheen (more than Nutty Glen but less than Keauhou). The shell is thinner at the micropyle end (thinner than Kau but thicker than Nutty Glen). The suture is about the same color as the shell while the micropyle is barely visible. No twin mark is evident. There is moderate (less than Renown or Nutty Glen) pale flecking (R.H.S. 165C) in radial streaks from the micropyle end.

Mean nut diameter.--26.27 mm (Range 22-30 mm) with s.d. 1.38.

Mean nut weight.--7.5 gm.

Kernel: The kernel is ovoid, creamy white with very little upper/lower color difference and a mean weight of 3.5 gm. The kernel averages about 45% of the weight of the nut at 1.5% moisture content. All kernels have an oil accumulation about above 72% (100% first grade floaters recorded).

Yield: Recorded nut yields to date have been estimated to be higher per unit area than for Keauhou or Own Choice. This is based on recording yield per tree divided by tree silhouette area.

The following Table 1 compares many of these features of Hidden Valley A4 (HVA4) with the other varieties Hidden Valley A16 (HVA16), Keauhou, Kau, Own Choice, Nutty Glen, and Renown.

                TABLE 1                                                     
     Character  HV A4       Keauhou    Kau                                     
     Growth     semi-       spreading  erect                                   
     habit      erect                                                          
     Canopy     medium      medium     high                                    
     density    low                                                            
     Lower      drooping    level      strongly                                
     branch                            rising                                  
     Vigour,    v-strong    medium     med-weak                                
     Shoot      medium      medium     med-thin                                
                weak        absent     absent                                  
                RHS 152A                                                       
     Juvenile   v-short     medium     long                                    
     No. per    3,4 (50%)   3          3                                       
     Shape      Narrow      Obovate    Obovate                                 
     Tip        acute       obtuse     obtuse                                  
                pointed     rounded    pointed                                 
     Length/    3.69        3.25       3.42                                    
     length (mm)                                                               
                144.54      138.82     125.09                                  
     Petiole    8.28        10.43      9.24                                    
     length (mm)                                                               
     Marg:      1.36        0.12       0.17                                    
     Mid portion                                                               
                weak        med-strong med-weak                                
     Rolling    mid-weak    med-weak   med-weak                                
     Mature     dark        dark       dark                                    
     colour     green       green      green                                   
     RHS Chart  139A        139A       139A                                    
     Immature   green       green      green                                   
     RHS Chart  137B        137A-B     141A                                    
     Margin     paler       paler      similar                                 
     Leaf sheen medium      med-high   med-high                                
     Vein colour                                                               
                153 B       152D       152C                                    
                or C                                                           
     FLOWERING AND FRUIT                                                       
     Flowering  med-late    medium     v-early                                 
     Duration   short       medium     long                                    
                1.7         1.5 (est)  2.5 (est)                               
     Raceme     very        dense      medium                                  
     density    dense                                                          
     on tree                                                                   
     Raceme     long        short      short-med                               
     Husk color 137A-B      137A       137B                                    
     Husk thick-                                                               
                3.7 mm      3 mm       2.7 mm                                  
     % nut      14.1%       11.7%      10.6%                                   
     Hilum      medium      medium     small                                   
     Pedicel    weak        absent                                             
     Dehiscence off-tree    off-tree 1 off-tree                                
     (1-5)      1                      1                                       
     Splitting  both 3      off-tree 5 off-tree                                
     (1-5)                             5                                       
     Nut Shape  oval        round      round                                   
     length/    1.04        0.98       0.99                                    
     Nut        26.27       25.55      25.00                                   
     diameter (mm)                                                             
     Range (mm) 22-30       21-30      22-28                                   
     Std        1.38        1.46       1.37                                    
     deviation (mm)                                                            
     Kernel     3.6-3.8     2.3-2.7    2.2-2.5                                 
     weight (gm)                                                               
     % of Nut   43-47       34-38      32-34                                   
     Shell      smooth      mild-rough smooth                                  
     Shell      medium      dull       dull                                    
     Shell      moderate    slight     moderate                                
     Micropyle  v-slight    obvious    v-slight                                
     Shell      164A        165B       165B                                    
     Suture     same        same       lighter                                 
     Character  Own Choice  Nutty Glen Renown                                  
     Growth     spreading   semi-erect semi-                                   
     habit                             erect                                   
     Canopy     high        low        medium                                  
     Lower      drooping    rising     drooping                                
     Vigour,    strong                 strong                                  
     Shoot      thin        med-thin   medium                                  
                weak                   medium                                  
     colouration                       weak                                    
     Juvenile   med-short                                                      
     No. per    3           4          4                                       
     Shape      Narrow      Narrow     Broad                                   
                Elliptical  Obovate    Lanceolate                              
     Tip        obtuse      acute      acute                                   
                rounded     either     pointed                                 
     Length/    2.81        4.53       3.91                                    
     length (mm)                                                               
                128.16      153.40     169.93                                  
     Petiole    8.65        4.77       7.33                                    
     length (mm)                                                               
     Marg:      0.09        0.90       0.78                                    
     Mid portion                                                               
                medium      weak       weak                                    
     Rolling    med strong  weak       med-weak                                
     Mature     dark        dark       dark                                    
     colour     green       green      green                                   
     RHS Chart  139A                   137A                                    
     Immature   green       green      green                                   
     RHS Chart  137B                   143A                                    
     Margin     paler       paler      paler                                   
     Leaf sheen low         medium     low-med                                 
     Vein colour                                                               
                152D                   153D                                    
     FLOWERING AND FRUIT                                                       
     Flowering  early       late       med-late                                
                2.0 (est)              1.5 (est)                               
     Raceme     dense                  med-                                    
     density                           dense                                   
     on tree                                                                   
     Raceme     medium      long       long                                    
     Husk color 137A                   138A                                    
     Husk thick-                                                               
                3.2 mm      4.3 mm     4.4 mm                                  
     % nut      12.1%       15.4%      16.4%                                   
     Hilum      med-small   small      large                                   
     Pedicel    absent      absent     weak                                    
     Dehiscence both 2                 on-tree                                 
     (1-5)                             3                                       
     Splitting  off tree 4  on-tree 1  on-tree                                 
     (1-5)                             2                                       
     Nut Shape  round       round      oval                                    
     length/    1.04        0.99       1.12                                    
     Nut        25.96       28.04      26.85                                   
     diameter (mm)                                                             
     Range (mm) 21-30       23-34      23-30                                   
     Std        1.57        2.02       1.45                                    
     deviation (mm)                                                            
     Kernel     2.5-2.7     4.0        3.2-3.6                                 
     weight (gm)                                                               
     % of Nut   33-36       46-47      39-41                                   
     Shell      smooth      rough      rough                                   
     Shell      dull        med-shiny  shiny                                   
     Shell      mod-heavy   mod-slight mod-heavy                               
     Micropyle  v-slight    v-slight   v-slight                                
     Shell      165A-B      165A-B     165B                                    
     Suture     same        same       lighter                                 


1. A new and distinct hybrid Macadamia integrifolia.times.tetraphylla named Hidden Valley A4 substantially as shown and described.

Patent History
Patent number: PP7490
Type: Grant
Filed: Apr 26, 1989
Date of Patent: Apr 9, 1991
Inventors: Henry F. D. Bell (Beerwah, Queensland 4519), Margaret A. Bell (Beerwah, Queensland 4519), David J. D. Bell (Beerwah, Queensland 4519)
Primary Examiner: Howard J. Locker
Law Firm: Quarles & Brady
Application Number: 7/344,279
Current U.S. Class: Plt/30
International Classification: A01H 500;