Abstract: The subject of the present disclosure is a new and distinct variety of miniature rose plant, named "Cottontail", which is characterized by its vigorous growth habit and abundance of white blooms, borne usually on sprays of 6 to 12 or more blooms.
Abstract: The subject of the present disclosure is a new and distinct variety of miniature rose plant, named `My Delight`, which is characterized by its blooms of pale Azalea Pink with slightly deeper inner petals and exceptionally good form.
Abstract: The present invention relates to a nectarine tree and more particularly to a new and distinct variety broadly characterized by a large, vigorous, very productive, early blooming tree which regularly bears medium size, globose fruit with almost solid red skin which becomes almost maroon when fully ripe and yellow-gold flesh which ripens with the earliest commercial varieties and is of good eating quality and excellent firmness for shipping and long shelf life. The cultivar name of this nectarine tree is Early Diamond.
Abstract: A new red spray carnation cultivar particularly distinguished by its relatively small flowers, borne on relatively short and rather thin but erect stems, which bloom profusely during the midseason of its Spring and Fall blooming seasons. This plant has a vigorous, upright growth habit with abundant foliage, a very branched habit, and a height averaging about 99 cm. at eight months. A particular advantage of this new plant is that it is very resistant to Fusarium oxysporum as observed INRA, Antibes, Alpes-Maritimes, France.
July 25, 1983
Date of Patent:
April 16, 1985
Laboratoire de Physiologie Vegetale de La Londe
Abstract: A chrysanthemum cultivar named Ballerina identified by the combined chacteristics of spider capitulum form, with tubular shaped ray florets, decorative capitulum type, white floret color, diameter across the face of capitulum up to 85 mm., medium plant height, upright branching pattern, average natural season flowering date of September 15, and average flowering response period of seven weeks in photoperiodic controlled short day programs with excellent adaptability and performance in April - May pot mum flowerings.