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Compositions: Coating Or Plastic Patents
Coating Or Plastic Compositions (106/unnumbered Subclass)
Protein Or Derivative Containing (106/124) Patents
Casein Or Derivative (106/138) Patents (Class 106/FOR116)
Casein Or Derivative (106/138) Patents (Class 106/FOR116)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
With carbohydrate or derivative (106/139) (Class 106/FOR117)
Cellulose or derivative (106/140) (Class 106/FOR118)
Cellulose ether or ester (106/141) (Class 106/FOR119)
With fat, fatty oil, fatty oil acid or salt thereof (106/142) (Class 106/FOR120)
Fatty oil (106/143) (Class 106/FOR121)
With natural resin or derivative (106/144) (Class 106/FOR122)
With wax, bituminous material or tarry residue (106/145) (Class 106/FOR123)
With solvent or dispersing medium (106/146) (Class 106/FOR124)
With flux or plasticizer (106/147) (Class 106/FOR125)
With filler, dye or pigment (106/148) (Class 106/FOR126)
There are no patents to show for this class.