Abstract: A security system including a security module positioned so that personnel traveling from a first zone to a second zone pass through the module for identification and verification of access. The module includes a card reader on one wall for reading an identification card inserted by the personnel, a scale for weighing personnel within the module, sensors for measuring the height, girth, position and direction of movement of personnel passing through the module, and video cameras for viewing such personnel. Information relating to whether the card is used properly, whether the card is correct and valid, whether issued to the person carrying the card and whether the person should be traveling between the zones at that time is determined and alerts provided when violations occur. The scale includes a floor plate suspended within the module.
December 27, 1994
Date of Patent:
April 1, 1997
American Engineering Corporation
Leonard C. Moses, John H. W. Kendall, Bradley G. Hyde
Abstract: A security system including a security module positioned so that personnel traveling from a first zone to a second zone pass through the module for identification and verification of access. The module includes a card reader on one wall for reading an identification card inserted by the personnel, a scale for weighing personnel within the module, sensors for measuring the height, girth, position and direction of movement of personnel passing through the module, and video cameras for viewing such personnel. Information relating to whether the card is used properly, whether the card is correct and valid, whether issued to the person carrying the card and whether the person should be traveling between the zones at that time is determined and alerts provided when violations occur. The scale includes a floor plate suspended within the module.
November 25, 1992
Date of Patent:
March 28, 1995
American Engineering Corporation
Leonard C. Moses, John H. W. Kendall, Bradley G. Hyde
Abstract: A domestic security closure in a form of a cabinet having a front opening (9) defined at the top of a framework (2) partially embedded in the floor and providing a guide for a pair of rigid steel doors (10,12) which can be lifted by use of a counter-weighted chain drive system (20,21,24,25) from a retracted position below floor level (8) to a raised position in which they are locked in place securely to close the cabinet, for instance using a mortise deadlock (29) and a locking bar (27). The flush floor enables entry of relatively bulky and valuable items without lifting.