Combined Patents (Class 141/98)
  • Patent number: 5086814
    Abstract: Device for releasing a remaining gas which can easily puncture a hole without involving danger and a cap of a pressure can container which removably stores such a device. The remaining gas releasing device has a flexible sponge plate, a push pin member with its pin portion fitted into the center of one of the surfaces of the sponge plate, a center hole rigid sheet member positioned around the push pin member, a gas-impermeable rigid sheet plate bonded to the surfaces of the center hole rigid plate member, an adhesive sheet plate bonded to the other surface of the sponge plate so that the other surface is covered therewith and having a small hole at its center, and a release sheet plate peelably bonded to the adhesive sheet plate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 1990
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1992
    Assignee: Taito Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Motohisa Sato, Ichiro Matuda
  • Patent number: 5086813
    Abstract: Apparatus for aseptically transferring material between enclosures. Apparatus for transferring the material includes a fluid receiver assembly (12) comprising an adapter (24), and a fitting (93) mounted in the adapter (24). The fitting has a plurality of needle guide channels (86) leading from the outside of the fluid receiver assembly (12) toward the interior of the enclosure (10), and a seal (26) at the ends of the channels (86). A pierceable, self-closing seal (26) is between ends of each of the channels (86) and the interior of the enclosure. Projected extensions of the channels pass through corresponding holes (40) in the adapter, so that needles (101) inserted into the channels (86) can penetrate the seal (26) and enter the interior of the enclosure (10). A plurality of needles (101) in a novel needle bundle (95) may be used in making the transfer. An assembly for transferring material between two stationary enclosures comprises a pair of novel needle bundles (295) and connecting tubing (266).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 7, 1990
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1992
    Inventor: Edwin J. Galloway
  • Patent number: 5086818
    Abstract: A beverage storage and dispensing device is disclosed and includes a housing having top, bottom, front and rear surfaces. A liquid storage chamber is disposed within the housing for storing a beverage including insulation for maintaining the temperature of the beverage within the storage chamber. An inlet is provided for introducing the beverage into the storage chamber, and a mechanism is provided for mounting the housing in an upright position. An arrangement is provided for selectively dispensing beverage from the storage chamber into a liquid receiver device including an orifice defined in the bottom surface of the housing and extending into the storage chamber. A closure device slidingly moves between a first position wherein the orifice is covered and a second position wherein the orifice is uncovered to permit selective passage of beverage by gravity flow therethrough.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 27, 1990
    Date of Patent: February 11, 1992
    Inventor: Larry A. Bendt
  • Patent number: 5085257
    Abstract: A sump cover containment assembly is provided for use with containment sumps utilized with underground fluid holding tanks having a sump cover with an access hole therein, a frame which communicates with the containment sump to which the sump cover is attached and a sump shield positioned between the containment sump and the frame and having a hole which communicates with the interior of the containment sump as well as with the sump cover access hole.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 17, 1990
    Date of Patent: February 4, 1992
    Inventor: Philip E. Smith
  • Patent number: 5083433
    Abstract: A preassembled, prefilled hydraulic actuator apparatus for a motor vehicle clutch and adapted for connection to a non-integral fluid reservoir. The apparatus comprises a master cylinder having a supply inlet and a working pressure outlet, a slave cylinder having an inlet, a working pressure conduit interconnecting the outlet of the master cylinder and the inlet of the slave cylinder, and a low-pressure supply conduit for connection to a reservoir. In one embodiment, the supply conduit is connected at one end to the master cylinder inlet and the free end of the supply conduit is sealed by a bung partition, a piercing coupling is provided on the free end of the supply conduit, and the coupling is connected to an outlet fitting on a prefilled reservoir which may also serve as the hydraulic fluid source for the brake system of the vehicle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1990
    Date of Patent: January 28, 1992
    Assignee: Automotive Products plc
    Inventor: Keith V. Leigh-Monstevens
  • Patent number: 5083591
    Abstract: An automated paint-batching system for producing paint cans of any size and color. The system includes a plurality of paint-batching cells, with each cell having a machine comprised of either one or two dispensing stations. When two dispensing stations are used, the two dispensing stations are: A first tint-station, where a small volumetric dispensing of the base, water-base or oil-base, of the paint is dispensed, in order to wet the bottom of the can, at the first station, thereafter, is dispensed all of the liquid colorants making up the formula of the paint can, and a second base-dispensing station at which the remainder of the base of the formula of the paint is dispensed. Each of the first and second stations of the paint-batching machine of the invention has operatively associated therewith a weighing platform upon which rests the paint can during the dispensing at the respective station used in quality-control weighing of each dispensing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 1989
    Date of Patent: January 28, 1992
    Assignee: Dunn Edwards, Corp., & Fluid Management Ltd. Part.
    Inventors: Kenneth N. Edwards, Edward D. Edwards, Philip Howlett, Larry Frederickson
  • Patent number: 5082034
    Abstract: An above-ground secondary containment dispensing system for a primary tank holding liquids. The system includes a 10,000 gallon primary tank and a secondary containment unit which includes a dike surrounding the tank. In the preferred embodiment, the dike is a right parallepiped having an open top and a floor. Preferably, the dike is provided with internal support means to support the tank above the floor of the dike and an external support means to support the dike above the ground to enable the entire unit to be moved easily. A loading platform is mounted adjacent to the tank and includes both glycol and water loading arms. In the preferred embodiment, a single pump is used for both tank off-loading and to issue product to the de-icing units. Preferably, a level detector mounted in the tank is operatively associated with the pump to disable the pump when the tank is full and/or to provide an indication to a user when the tank is full.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 3, 1990
    Date of Patent: January 21, 1992
    Assignee: Four Seasons Industrial Services, Inc.
    Inventor: Gerald E. Soper
  • Patent number: 5082035
    Abstract: Apparatus for quick, clean and convenient changing of the oil or other fluids of a vehicle of particular use to the "do-it-yourselfer." The apparatus is sized so as to fit under most vehicles when resting on one side thereof and is provided with an extensible snorkel having a funnel mounted on the end thereof for collecting the fluid that is mounted in a recess in one side thereof so as not to catch on the undercarriage of the vehicle when slid under or out from under the vehicle. Once positioned, the funnel is raised into close approximation with the oil drain plug, oil filter neck, or other location from which fluid is to be collected, and the fluid is drained into the funnel and directed down through the snorkel into the container. The container is then stood upright for dispensing the stored oil through a valve, which is also recessed in the container, into a larger recycling or other collection facility.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 29, 1991
    Date of Patent: January 21, 1992
    Inventor: Boyce A. Maxwell
  • Patent number: 5080149
    Abstract: A collapsible and disposable container for engine oil which can package fresh engine oil for dispensing into internal combustion engines, or alternatively can be employed for catching, holding and storing engine oil drained from an internal combustion engine when it is desired to change the oil.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 23, 1990
    Date of Patent: January 14, 1992
    Inventor: Anthony L. Peoples
  • Patent number: 5074344
    Abstract: A toner container includes a containing portion and a cover. The cover is generally to be positioned adjacent a toner sump and the containing portion slid off the cover onto the sump. To prevent accidental removal of the cover when the container is not in a receiving apparatus, a releasable latch is provided for holding the cover on the container. The latch is releasable by the same motion used to position the containing portion over the sump.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 22, 1990
    Date of Patent: December 24, 1991
    Assignee: Eastman Kodak Company
    Inventors: Ronald R. Vacek, Kenneth D. Corby, Jeffrey C. Robertson
  • Patent number: 5069259
    Abstract: A device for winterizing boats by replacement of coolant water in the engine thereof with antifreeze solution, such device including a pair of elongated substantially parallel rods having their opposite ends interconnected by clamping elements operable to vary the distance separating the rods. Each rod carries a sealing head which can be sealingly positioned over the water intake on opposite sides of the outdrive of an engine to be winterized. The sealing heads can be independently adjusted in their positions along the elongated rods. One of the sealing heads carries a fitting by means of which an antifreeze solution can be connected to the sealing head to allow the solution to be passed through the sealing head, through intake ports and into the engine to replace coolant water in the engine which is displaced through discharge ports of the engine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 5, 1990
    Date of Patent: December 3, 1991
    Inventor: Marvin A. Ahlefeld
  • Patent number: 5067530
    Abstract: The waste oil collector has a catch pan supported in a cantilever manner by a pair of legs. Apertures are provided in an end wall of the catch pan to which bottles for collecting the drained oil are connected. The bottles extend outwardly at an incline and serve as a counterbalance for supporting the catch pan in the cantilever manner from the legs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 28, 1990
    Date of Patent: November 26, 1991
    Assignee: Allied Plastics, Inc.
    Inventor: Edward H. Short, III
  • Patent number: 5067529
    Abstract: A multi-stage, batch or continuous, manual or automated process and apparatus for safely depressurizing, de-capping (decrimping plus pulling caps), and recycling aerosol cans, propellants, solvents, chemicals, dip tubes, and can tops. The apparatus includes a synchronized sorting and loading unit for guiding the cans onto an advancing line. The cans are first depressurized by a vacuum head until comprising a vacuum seal and a reciprocable hollow needle which punctures the can recessed top cap and removes the propellants by suction for later reuse or disposal. The cans are advanced to a decapping until where the cap member is removed by decrimping to crack the seal followed by being vertically pulled off without damage to the can's rolled lip.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 30, 1989
    Date of Patent: November 26, 1991
    Assignee: Depressurized Technologies International, Inc.
    Inventors: Walter E. Gonzalez-Miller, Jacques M. Dulin
  • Patent number: 5060703
    Abstract: A brake filling apparatus uses nitrogen or dry air as a desiccant to assure freedom from moisture in brake fluid supplied from a supply tank as well as at the filling location. A main fluid tank has a vacuum over the fluid to deaerate the fluid and has a pump submerged in the fluid to deliver fluid to the brake system. The pump is driven by a submerged motor which is driven by pressurized brake fluid. The brake system is evacuated, the low pressure is monitored for a test interval for leak detection, the system is filled by the pump and excess fluid is returned to the main tank and is replaced by the nitrogen or dry air.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 2, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 29, 1991
    Inventor: Arthur Koerner
  • Patent number: 5058637
    Abstract: A message display boot is provided for a fuel dispensing nozzle. The display boot comprises a flexible plastic boot in close conforming fit over at least the front valve housing of the nozzle. At the top of the boot in a message platform upon which rests a message placard. The placard is removable held on the platform by an optically clear skirted cover conforming to the contour of the platform, such that the cover is held on the platform by the close conforming fit of the skirt along the sides of the platform, but can be easily pried off the platform to change the placard. A bellow portion at the bottom of the boot provides a conforming fit over nozzles of various height. A resilient bumper shields the message platform and cover from contact with the vehicle. In a preferred embodiment, the boot, platform, bellows and bumper are integrally molded of plastisol vinyl.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 26, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 22, 1991
    Assignee: M&M Displays, Inc.
    Inventor: Michael J. Fell
  • Patent number: 5058633
    Abstract: An assembly intended for use on underground storage tanks provides ready access to a fill pipe from ground level. At the same time the assembly serves as a spill containment means for accidental spillage and a secondary containment means for the fill pipe. The assembly of the invention comprises a secondary containment chamber having a sidewall with means for attaching to the storage tank. An anchor ring which is attached to an upper open end of the containment chamber acts as a permanent ground base for the assembly. A bridging surface cover within the anchor ring has a removable lid positioned in its interior portion to gain access to the chamber's interior for a filling operation. The assembly also comprises a fill pipe for delivering liquid to the storage tank. The fill pipe is positioned within the secondary containment chamber with a discharging end extending through the chamber's bottom and a receiving end terminating within the chamber but near the bridging surface cover.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 5, 1989
    Date of Patent: October 22, 1991
    Inventor: Bruce R. Sharp
  • Patent number: 5033637
    Abstract: A system for storing waste fluids such as engine oil in bulk, which can be situated at a service station or other centralized waste storage facility. The system is charactrized by a relatively large tank having an access opening which is surrounded by a receptacle. A removable grate is provided within the receptacle over the access opening, so that articles such as oil filters may be placed in the receptacle for draining. The tank is supported relative to the ground or other flat surface by a pedestal. The system is an integral unit which may be deployed by a crane or other lifting mechanism to a desired location.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 22, 1990
    Date of Patent: July 23, 1991
    Assignee: U-Fuel, Inc.
    Inventor: R. Michael Webb
  • Patent number: 5031675
    Abstract: A device for sealing a container intended to be connected to a recipient provided with a connector for supply of its contents to the recipient in such a way that the container can be applied to and removed from the recipient without leakage and is sealed after the removal. For this purpose an elastic body is included in the device, which contains a cavity with a thin bottom, which cavity is adapted to the connector and is inclined relative to the longitudinal axis of the body, so that the interior portion of the body is displaced radially time of application of the device to the connector and opens a channel between the body and the container wall for air supply to the container. The interior portion of the cavity is smaller than the exterior portion of the connector to enable the connector to open the sealing device by widening a normally closed hole or slit located at the bottom of the cavity.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 14, 1989
    Date of Patent: July 16, 1991
    Assignee: Rexinell AB
    Inventor: Lars Lindgren
  • Patent number: 5029622
    Abstract: The gas refuelling device for a motor vehicle comprises a compressor unit, a gas distributor unit and a control unit inside a housing and an external operating unit. At least one temperature sensor and one pressure sensor deliver measured values to the control unit, which has stored set values which are adapted to the changing environmental and operating conditions. When actual values deviate from their set values, the operating state of the gas refuelling device is altered. The operating states are selected such that the device closes down if there are serious incorrect manipulations or components fail and can only be made ready for operation again with auxiliary devices.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 1989
    Date of Patent: July 9, 1991
    Assignee: Sulzer Brothers Limited
    Inventor: Heinz Mutter
  • Patent number: 5029620
    Abstract: A gas which is intermittently and/or irregularly released e.g. carbon monoxide-containing gas from an oxygen steel converter, is collected in a gas holder and delivered from the gas holder to a user installation. To avoid wastage of gas when the average release of gas varies and to permit use of a smaller gas holder, the output rate from the gas holder is determined by deriving a modified filling level signal by filtering a filling level signal of the gas holder so as to attenuate frequencies in the filling level signal above a predetermined limit frequency by a factor of at least ten, and adjusting the rate of delivery of the gas from a gas holder in dependence on variations in said modified filling level signal, such adjustment being in the same direction (up or down) as the variation in the modified filling level signal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 6, 1986
    Date of Patent: July 9, 1991
    Assignee: Hoogovens Groep B.V.
    Inventor: Gustaaf A. J. M. van Ditzhuijzen
  • Patent number: 5027698
    Abstract: A vending machine stores a plurality of cups that are filled with primary food products and sealed with covers, and on command, dispenses one cup from the plurality of cups, removes the cover from the one cup, and adds secondary food products to the primary food product in the one cup. The primary food product can be heated. The operation of the vending operation is automatically controlled.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 20, 1990
    Date of Patent: July 2, 1991
    Inventor: Munroe Chirnomas
  • Patent number: 5024329
    Abstract: A container for transporting and for storing semiconductor wafers situated in processing cassettes comprises a bottom plate, a hood, a locking lever and a seal element that is provided between the hood and the bottom plate. In order to avoid contamination of the semiconductor wafers during transport and during storage, the container is of such a nature that it is particle-tight and itself releases only a minimum of particles. The semiconductor wafer securing arrangement is movable on the basis of film hinges and is mechanically moved by the bottom plate when opening and closing the container, whereby no sliding friction occurs.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 1989
    Date of Patent: June 18, 1991
    Assignee: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventor: Peter Grohrock
  • Patent number: 5020577
    Abstract: An apparatus and method for repairing a leak in a vehicle heater core without requiring its removal from its vehicle mounted position. The apparatus comprises an airtight container having an immersible pump and heater element secured within the container and including inlet and outlet fluid lines for coupling with hose extensions from the heater core of a vehicle. Access to such hose lines may be accomplished by an intermediate cut on each of the inlet and outlet hoses to the heater core, joining the respective flowlines of the container into a closed fluid circuit. In this configuration, flushing solution, cleaning solution and sealing compound can be pumped through the heater core to repair any existing leaks. An inlet valve is provided for introducing air pressure to assist in delivery of the sealer compound through the closed circuit and confirming repair of any existing leaks.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 25, 1989
    Date of Patent: June 4, 1991
    Inventor: Mark B. McMillan
  • Patent number: 5018559
    Abstract: A circular funnel apparatus for industrial use with a closeable lid able to set securely on top of a standard 55 gallon drum. This apparatus consists of four different assembled pieces:1. A funnel with a supporting circular frame body with a cylindrical extruded drain in the bottom of the funnel, able to extend down into a standard bung hole of a 55 gallon drum.2. A hinged lid fastened to the funnel frame body capable of closing off the funnel by closing the lid or by lifting and rotating the lid 165 degrees opens the funnel into which paint materials can be poured.3. Fastened to the underside of the lid (attached 90 degrees or perpendicular to the lid) is a cylindrical rod. With the lid in the closed position, the rod is exactly centered over the cylindrical drain in the bottom of the funnel.4. Fastened to the end of the cylindrical rod, opposite the end which is attached to the lid, is a circular disk that serves as a plug to the cylindrical drain in the bottom of the funnel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 1989
    Date of Patent: May 28, 1991
    Assignee: Larry J. Branan
    Inventor: Larry J. Branan
  • Patent number: 5016683
    Abstract: An apparatus for controllably feeding a particulate material, and particularly silicon material into a crucible, comprises a drum mounted for rotation about an axis tilted at an acute angle with reference to the horizontal. At least one cavity, a portion of which is formed in the inner surface of the bottom wall of the drum, extends from about the outer periphery of the bottom wall at its one end towards the center thereof at its other end. At one of its ends, the cavity communicates with an aperture in the bottom wall. A feeding tube having an outlet port supplies the material into the cavity and is so positioned in relation to the drum that the outlet port directs the material into the cavity only when the cavity is in a rotational position in which its end with the aperture is elevated with respect to a horizontal plane above the other end of the same cavity and pours the material into that portion of the receiving cavity which is remote from the aperture.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 27, 1990
    Date of Patent: May 21, 1991
    Assignee: General Signal Corporation
    Inventor: Henry C. Latka
  • Patent number: 5005615
    Abstract: A safety tank apparatus is provided for installation to receive and store a liquid hydrocarbon or hydrocarbons, or the like, and from which the liquid may be withdrawn. It comprises tank structure including an inner metallic tank; an outer metallic tank protectively receiving the inner tank with upper interior space above the inner tank; a cover extending over the inner and outer tanks above that space; an opening in the outer tank sidewall adjacent that upper interior space; and a closure closing the opening, the closure movable to expose the upper interior to access from the exterior; and tank liquid flow control structure located below the top wall, and accessible through the side wall opening, for controlling filling of the liquid into the inner tank from the exterior of the safety apparatus, and for controlling liquid removal from the inner tank.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 6, 1990
    Date of Patent: April 9, 1991
    Assignee: LRS, Inc.
    Inventors: David C. McGarvey, David C. Whitman
  • Patent number: 5004353
    Abstract: A fluid mixing accessory comprising a mixing receptacle integrally formed with a funnel. The accessory is formed of a flexible material which is lightweight and disposable. The measuring receptacle is a graduated cone for measuring the components of a mixture, such as the color, the hardener and the reducer of a paint composition. The funnel has an opening which, depending on the nature of the fluid being mixed, may include a gauze or mesh to act as a strainer. The funnel and the measuring receptacle are joined by a connecting portion. Thus, once the fluid has been mixed in the mixing receptacle, the accessory is inverted so that the mixture runs from the receptacle, across the connecting portion and into the funnel which is positioned over a container. After the funnel has emptied, the entire device then can be collapsed and discarded. The funnel is collapsible for convenient shipping and storage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 15, 1989
    Date of Patent: April 2, 1991
    Inventor: Jeffrey J. Martin
  • Patent number: 5004022
    Abstract: An arrangement for loading manageable material into containers or moulds with the aid of a mechanical shovel, and in particular to filling large sacks (10) intended for transporting or storing the matrial. The arrangement includes a mechanical shovel or scoop (5) which can be attached to a shovel loader in a conventional manner and which has an open side through which the shovel can be filled with material. The shovel defining wall located opposite the open side of the shovel when the open side thereof faces upwards is at least partially funnel-shaped (8). The passageway (9) through the funnel-shaped part is provided with a closure throttle (12) and the funnel-shaped part (8) is intended to co-act with the filling opening of the container (10) in a manner to enable a desired quantity of material to be transfered from the shovel to the container.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 1989
    Date of Patent: April 2, 1991
    Inventor: Borje Carlsson
  • Patent number: 5002101
    Abstract: A system is used to completely drain a hose used in conjunction with a tanker truck or railroad tank car. The system includes a holding tank and a shutdown system as well as a hose emptying unit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 5, 1990
    Date of Patent: March 26, 1991
    Inventor: Andrew McLeod
  • Patent number: 5000236
    Abstract: An apparatus including a through-extending tubular member, including truncated conical end portions internally threaded to accommodate a plurality of tubes at either end thereof to permit a refill of a first tube by a second tube through the conduit. A modification of the instant invention includes a through-extending tube, including a rigid plug mounted thereto. The rigid plug in the preferred embodiment includes a rigid rod mounted thereto to permit directing of the plug through the tube to enable plunging of remaining toothpaste and the like from the tube to a tube to be refilled.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 15, 1990
    Date of Patent: March 19, 1991
    Inventor: Jerry M. Jemison
  • Patent number: 4998570
    Abstract: A filling device for filling an injection syringe is provided which enables the user to count the intake dosage by means of a sound indicator which may be mechanical, electrical or an electronic sound device. The filling device includes a moveable syringe holder to which is attached a removable syringe that is connectable to a medicinal bottle. The filling device mounts a gear which is moveable one notch at a time to actuate a linear gear to which the syringe is mounted. The device is connected to a microprocessor controlled voice chip device to obtain a suitable voice readout indicating the amount of liquid medicinal uptake by the syringe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 1989
    Date of Patent: March 12, 1991
    Assignee: Pavel Jordan & Associates
    Inventor: Bernard Strong
  • Patent number: 4995430
    Abstract: A transportable, sealable container, for example a SMIF pod, has a box and a box door. The box has a first sealing surface and the box door has a second sealing surface which forms a seal with the first sealing surface when the box door is moved in a sealing direction with respect to the box. A latch mechanism provided in the box door is operable in two stages. The first stage of operation moves latch members from a retracted position to an extended position, in the retracted position the latch members are contained in the box door to allow movement of the box door with respect to the box, and in the extended position the latch members are adjacent to latch surfaces of the box. Movement from the retracted to the extended position is performed without contact between the latch members and the latch surfaces to avoid any scraping or rubbing action which would create particles in the "clean" interior region of the box.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 19, 1989
    Date of Patent: February 26, 1991
    Assignee: Asyst Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: Anthony C. Bonora, Frederick T. Rosenquist
  • Patent number: 4993461
    Abstract: A chlorofluorocarbon recovery device including a compressor, condenser and gas recovery container which are sequentially linked by ducts for recovering and recycling chlorofluorocarbon in the refrigerants which were conventionally dissipated in the atmosphere and ignored at the time of repair or destruction of air-conditioners in used automobiles or other air-conditioning equipment, refrigerators, or the like, and also preventing adverse effects on life on earth (the global environment) due to dissipation into the atmosphere.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 16, 1989
    Date of Patent: February 19, 1991
    Assignee: Taisei Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventor: Makoto Yamane
  • Patent number: 4991634
    Abstract: A replacement assembly for an oil filler cap for motor vehicles. The assembly includes a spring tensioned lid and a cylindrical tube having a downwardly taped lower portion surrounded by washer means and a pair of holes on diametrically opposite sides of the inwardly tapered lower portion of the tube. The cutter blade has an upwardly extended pointed end in spaced relationship to the inner wall of the tube and has a pair of downwardly extending, diametrically opposite flexible strips, each having an ear terminating with a semi-circular flat portion projecting outwardly through the holes for supporting the washer means.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 3, 1989
    Date of Patent: February 12, 1991
    Inventor: Arthur L. Tudek
  • Patent number: 4986319
    Abstract: A device for winterizing boats by replacement of coolant water in the engine thereof with antifreeze solution, such device including a pair of elongated substantially parallel rods having their opposite ends interconnected by clamping elements operable to vary the distance separating the rods. Each rod carries a sealing head which can be sealingly positioned over the water intake on opposite sides of the outdrive of an engine to be winterized. The sealing heads can be independently adjusted in their positions along the elongated rods. One of the sealing heads carries a fitting by means of which an antifreeze solution can be connected to the sealing head to allow the solution to be passed through the sealing head, through intake ports and into the engine to replace coolant water in the engine which is displaced through discharge ports of the engine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 1990
    Date of Patent: January 22, 1991
    Inventor: Marvin A. Ahlefeld
  • Patent number: 4982769
    Abstract: A package comprising a package container structure having an open end leading into an interior chamber therein, a package lid structure mounted over the open end of the package container structure in generally sealed relation with the interior chamber thereof so as to be moved into opening relation thereto, and a device for use with a medicament vial disposed within the sealed interior chamber. The device and package container structure have interengageable elements disposed out of interengagement when the device is disposed within the sealed interior chamber operable when the package lid structure is moved into opening relation and the device is moved out of the open end of the interior chamber to be moved into interengagement. The device and package container structure with the interengaging elements thereof interengaged provide a generally sealed interior space including the interior chamber within which a medicament vial is contained in cooperating relation with the device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 21, 1990
    Date of Patent: January 8, 1991
    Assignee: Survival Technology, Inc.
    Inventors: Donald J. Fournier, Douglas W. Jacobs-Perkins
  • Patent number: 4981162
    Abstract: Portable reinflator for a tire of a vehicle, to be connected to an electric ource of the vehicle and to the valve of the defective tire includes an electric connector, a compressor, a rotary seal and a valve coupler. The reinflator also includes an electric connection running from the connector to the compressor, a first pneumatic line running from the compressor to the rotary seal, and a second pneumatic line running from the rotary seal to the valve coupler. The portable reinflator is used in repairs to replace air inside the tire as it escapes from the tire in the case of puncture.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 2, 1989
    Date of Patent: January 1, 1991
    Assignee: Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin - Michelin & Cie
    Inventors: Philippe Grenie, Jean-Michel Mauduit, Patrick Marguerie
  • Patent number: 4979547
    Abstract: An elongated sleeve made of a plurality of substantially rigid panels interconnected with one another in folding relationship. When in the stored condition, the sleeve is folded flat. When in condition to be used for its intended purpose, the sleeve is unfolded to form an open ended sleeve closed on the sides. The sleeve is adapted to positively retain and support a collapsible bag at the top while the bag is being filled by filling the interior of the sleeve. Handles are provided in the top edges of the sleeve to facilitate removal of the sleeve from the full bag. The panels are internally laminated with a water repellant adhesive while the inside of the sleeve is coated with a moisture resistant compound.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 22, 1989
    Date of Patent: December 25, 1990
    Inventor: L. Jeanne Hoerner
  • Patent number: 4974647
    Abstract: A system for collecting used oil from an engine and/or pouring new oil into the engine. The system envisions an open-topped drain pan which can be used in draining the oil, the drain pan being placed below the drain plug of the engine. The wide mouth of the open top ensures against oil spillage on the pan side wall. The pan is also provided with a top or cover having a diameter complimental to the pan diameter and is threadedly engageable therewith for sealing purposes when sealing is desired. The cover includes a spout at one side thereof to facilitate the draining of the used oil therefrom if such is desired or the pouring of new oil from within the pan into the engine, also as desired. The pan also includes a manually engageable rim portion for facilitating the transport of the pan to a distant location for the proper disposal of the used oil.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 8, 1990
    Date of Patent: December 4, 1990
    Inventor: James T. Eastom
  • Patent number: 4972886
    Abstract: An ice distribution system comprises a light weight, hand carried ice distribution tray which functions in conjunction with a plurality of glasses, or other drink receptacles, removably retained by a base assembly, or industry standard dishwashing rack, or both to provide a quick easy system for distributing ice, or fluent drinking matter, or both to the plurality of drink receptacles; and the ice distribution tray thereof is formed with a plurality of apertures formed through the bottom of the tray, which plurality of apertures are arranged in a predefined pattern to match the pattern which the plurality of drink receptacles occupy on the base assembly, or industry standard dishwashing rack, or both, and is also formed with short protruding lip members extending from each of the plurality of apertures which maintain the plurality of apertures in alignment with the plurality of drink receptacles during the process of filling the plurality of drink receptacles with ice, or fluent drinking matter, or both.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 6, 1989
    Date of Patent: November 27, 1990
    Inventor: David T. Bernstein
  • Patent number: 4971118
    Abstract: A system for metering a fuel additive into a flow of fuel into a fuel tank includes a mixing unit coupled to the filler neck of the fuel tank. The mixing unit has a body with an axial main flow passage, having a fuel inlet and a mixture outlet. The fuel inlet is dimensioned to receive the standard nozzle found on conventional service station pumps for motor fuel. The body also has an additive inlet that communicates with the main flow passage through a metering passage controlled by a metering valve. The metering valve is actuated by a pivot arm having a first end that is in the flow path of fuel flowing through the main flow passage and a second end that engages one end of a pushrod, the other end of which engages a valving element in the metering valve. The flow of fuel against the first end of the pivot arm causes the pivot arm to pivot so as to push the pushrod against the valving element to move the valving element away from its seat, against the force of a biasing spring, to open the metering valve.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 21, 1989
    Date of Patent: November 20, 1990
    Inventor: James R. Cluff
  • Patent number: 4970817
    Abstract: A vehicle 10 is provided with a remote oil fill apparatus 12. The remote oil fill apparatus 12 includes a volume chamber 18 coupled to one side of the raised frame 11 of the vehicle 10. A motor 14 having an oil fill opening 16 formed therein is mounted in an intermediate front portion of the vehicle frame 11. A conduit 34 and hose 36 direct the flow of oil from the volume chamber 18 to the oil fill opening 16. A adapter coupler 48 is provided to couple the conduit 34 and hose 36 to the motor 14 in the oil fill opening 16.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 10, 1987
    Date of Patent: November 20, 1990
    Inventor: Grover Mansfield
  • Patent number: 4969493
    Abstract: A manually-operated device for safely inflating automotive vehicle tires. A pressurized gas cylinder is connected to a manual valve for delivery of pressurized gas to a vehicle tire. The gas pressure is safely controlled (regulated) by a stepped piston that is slidably arranged in a vent chamber. A small diameter rod section of the piston is aligned with a valve seat in the main flow passage. Pressure rise on the large diameter section of the piston causes the rod section to temporarily interrupt the main gas flow. Gas is vented around the large diameter section of the piston to enable the rod section to move away from the associated valve seat, thereby permitting gas flow to resume through the main passage.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 17, 1989
    Date of Patent: November 13, 1990
    Inventor: Tzal-Lin Lee
  • Patent number: 4969495
    Abstract: A refrigerant recovery and purification system particularly applicable to automotive air conditioning systems employs a centrifugal separator connected directly to the disabled automotive air conditioning system and which connects to a slack-sided accumulator and to a condenser chamber, all operating at near atmospheric pressure in a low pressure section. Oil and contaminants are separated by centrifugal action from the incoming refrigerant vapor stream and removed by gravity from the separator chamber. Condensing of the refrigerant vapor in the condenser produces a vacuum pressure for causing vapor to flow from the slack-sided accumulator to the condenser. A conventional refrigeration system supplies refrigerant liquid under pressure to a first evaporator coil within the condenser. The conventional refrigeration system also supplies high pressure liquid refrigerant to a second evaporator coil surrounding a liquid receiver connected by a conduit in series with the condenser and the accumulator.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 27, 1989
    Date of Patent: November 13, 1990
    Inventor: David. C. H. Grant
  • Patent number: 4969919
    Abstract: Return fuel from the engine is routed through the fuel tank vent pipe, blocking it and preventing fuel fill while the engine is running.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 1990
    Date of Patent: November 13, 1990
    Assignee: General Motors Corporation
    Inventor: Donald T. MacKinnon, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4966206
    Abstract: The filling device houses a compressor which is connected via a suction line comprising an inlet shut-off valve to a source of gaseous fuel, and is adapted to be connected to a gaseous-fuel container via a supply line equipped with a pressure-limiting valve and a discharge valve. The inlet valve and the discharge valve are connected to a control device which together with the pressure-limiting valve, the discharge valve and, if required, the inlet valve is disposed in a pressure-resistant casing connected to a discharge line leading away from the device. The control device is adapted to be influenced in dependence on control signals from a temperature sensor detecting the environmental temperature, a pressure sensor detecting the pressure at which the compressor is supplied, and a pressure-difference sensor disposed in front of the inlet valve and detecting the difference between the pressure in the suction line and in the casing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 22, 1988
    Date of Patent: October 30, 1990
    Assignee: Sulzer Brothers Limited
    Inventors: Heinz Baumann, Heinz Mutter, Kurt Schreiber, Peter Thurig
  • Patent number: 4966207
    Abstract: A disposable container for shipping a hazardous or ultra-high purity liquid material is disclosed, having a body of substantially vapor-impermeable organic polymer material, such as fluorinataed linear high-density polyethylene, a bubbler tube extending from the top of the container having an open end near the bottom of the container, a liquid level detector, and an outlet tube on the top of the container having an open bottom end near the top of the container. A vapor-impermeable metal coating is provided on the outside of the container by vapor deposition or sputtering. A frangible seal is provided at the top of both the inlet tube and the outlet tube. A metal-coated polymer valve is provided on the bubbler, having vapor-impermeable seals isolating the metal exterior from the metal interior, and also having means for rupturing the frangible seal.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 1989
    Date of Patent: October 30, 1990
    Assignee: Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
    Inventors: Richard E. Howard, Joseph P. Keene
  • Patent number: 4951721
    Abstract: A funnel of a type having a cup and a hollow stem extending from the bottom thereof whereby a plurality of struts support a member that extends upwardly from the center of the cup and is shaped so that it drivingly engages the driven end of a socket wrench.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 30, 1989
    Date of Patent: August 28, 1990
    Inventors: Arnold P. Moore, Nobel Linn, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4951723
    Abstract: A tank oil drain device comprises a drain receptacle associated with the tank, the receptacle defining a bore having a mouth opening to the tank exterior, the receptacle having a first port communicating between the tank interior and the bore; a plunger received in the bore, and a spring urging the plunger toward a position in the bore in which the first port is blocked; a seal normally sealing off between the bore and the side of the plunger at a location between the first port and the mouth; and lock structure carried by the receptacle, near the mouth, for retaining a tubular drain plug pushed into the bore for displacing the plunger in the bore sufficiently to unblock the first port thereby establishing oil draining communication via the first port and the plug to the exterior. The first port remains blocked by the plunger while the seal engages and seals off about the drain plug through a predetermined range of movement of the drain plug in the bore.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 1989
    Date of Patent: August 28, 1990
    Assignee: Custom Chrome, Inc.
    Inventor: Herbert W. Hoeptner, III
  • Patent number: RE33491
    Abstract: An agricultural bag loading machine having an improved mechanical assembly for automatically effecting controlled, continuous compression and delivery of compacted animal feed material into a flexible agricultural storage bag via a compression and delivery chamber. The compressed, delivered feed material has a uniform, air tight side wall density throughout the bag-delivered, sausage shaped feed material mass. The loading machine has additional features, including a pneumatic bladder assembly for changing the forming chamber dimensions and configuration, an improved agricultural bag attachment and continuous feeding mechanism which eliminates bag fold-over and wrinkling problems during filling, and an integral forming chamber cleanout mechanism which enables clearing and cleaning of the forming chamber at the end of an agricultural bag loading operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 31, 1988
    Date of Patent: December 18, 1990
    Assignees: Rand Farm Systems Inc., Poly Farms, Inc.
    Inventors: William C. Johnson, Ronald W. Marpoe, Larry B. Cox