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Heat Exchange Patents
Thermosyphonic Having Vertical Air Draft Passage Patents (Class 165/DIG327)
Thermosyphonic Having Vertical Air Draft Passage Patents (Class 165/DIG327)
Air draft passage confined entirely or in part by fin structure (Class 165/DIG328)
Corrugated fin attached to heat transfer surface (Class 165/DIG329)
Air draft passage is parallel to flow direction of heating or cooling means (Class 165/DIG330)
Air draft passage confined entirely by heat transfer surface (Class 165/DIG331)
Coaxial ducts define air draft passage and annular passage for heat exchange fluid (Class 165/DIG332)
Plural air draft passages enclosed by casing (Class 165/DIG335)
Heating or cooling means entirely surrounded by air draft passage forming casing (Class 165/DIG337)
Nested or concentric members define annular air draft passage and heating or cooling conduit (Class 165/DIG338)
Including flow baffle in casing (Class 165/DIG340)
Parallel heating or cooling tubes or tubular sections (e.g., coil, serpentine, etc.) (Class 165/DIG341)
There are no patents to show for this class.