Automatic Control (165/13) Patents (Class 165/FOR104)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
- With cabin pressure control (165/15) (Class 165/FOR106)
- With ventilation control (165/16) (Class 165/FOR107)
- Defrosting (165/17) (Class 165/FOR108)
- With control of heat storage (165/18) (Class 165/FOR109)
- With gas and liquid contact fluid flow control (165/19) (Class 165/FOR110)
- With humidity sensor controlling humidity (165/21) (Class 165/FOR112)
- Correlation of plural zone controls and central system control (165/22) (Class 165/FOR113)
- Responsive to vehicle body motion (165/23) (Class 165/FOR114)
- With manual control (165/124) (Class 165/FOR115)
- Single sensor controls both heating and cooling (165/26) (Class 165/FOR117)
- Selective heating or cooling (165/27) (Class 165/FOR118)
- Heat pump with supplemental heat (165/29) (Class 165/FOR120)
- Opposed compensating heating and cooling (165/30) (Class 165/FOR121)
- Pressure response or control (165/31) (Class 165/FOR122)
- With correlated manual actuation (165/33) (Class 165/FOR124)
- Branched flow of exchanging fluid (165/34) (Class 165/FOR125)
- Flow of one heat exchanging material controlled by the condition of another (165/39) (Class 165/FOR130)
- Flow of heat exchanging material controlled by its own condition (165/40) (Class 165/FOR131)
There are no patents to show for this class.