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Electricity: Conductors And Insulators Patents
Boxes And Housings (174/50)
With Electric Device Or Mounting Means Therefor (174/52.1) Patents (Class 174/FOR109)
With Electric Device Or Mounting Means Therefor (174/52.1) Patents (Class 174/FOR109)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Potted or encapsulated (174/52.2) (Class 174/FOR110)
Sealed (174/52.3) (Class 174/FOR111)
Flat housing for electronic device (e.g., flat pack, dual-in-line package) (174/52.4) (Class 174/FOR112)
Header, mounting stud, or can-type housing for semiconductor or crystal (174/52.5) (Class 174/FOR113)
Pellet type housing (174/52.6) (Class 174/FOR114)
There are no patents to show for this class.