Abstract: A rail retaining device has a shoulder that has a body portion, a hook-in leg portion and a bearing portion, and adapted to be pivoted from an installation position. To install the device, the body portion is inclined relative to a plate form tie, and the hook-in leg portion is inserted through an aperture in the tie. The shoulder is moved to an erected position, in which the hook-in leg portion engages an underside of the plate tie and the bearing portion engages on an upper side of the tie. A clip is located relative to the shoulder by engagement with the shoulder is inserted between a side surface of the body portion and a rail flange and retains the shoulder in an erected position.
Abstract: An adjustable rail seating and fastening device that maintains and adjusts gauge of a rail and secures a rail to a rail support or tie plate, positively engages the rail support at both ends of the device, and provides a biasing element to maintain the engagement between the device, the rail support and the rail.