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Winding, Tensioning, Or Guiding Patents
Cordage (242/47) Patents
Unidirectionally Moving Coils (242/47.01) Patents (Class 242/FOR169)
Unidirectionally Moving Coils (242/47.01) Patents (Class 242/FOR169)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
With seal for coil support means (242/47.02) (Class 242/FOR170)
With threading means (242/47.03) (Class 242/FOR171)
Interdigitated composite rotating surface (242/47.04) (Class 242/FOR172)
Rigid cages (242/47.05) (Class 242/FOR173)
Elements pivot on axis parallel to rotating axis (242/47.06) (Class 242/FOR174)
Independent radially moving elements (242/47.07) (Class 242/FOR175)
Plural drums (242/47.08) (Class 242/FOR176)
Single run contacting (242/47.09) (Class 242/FOR177)
With lateral material-traverser (242/47.12) (Class 242/FOR180)
Axially moving element (242/47.13) (Class 242/FOR181)
There are no patents to show for this class.