Fuel Supply Patents (Class 244/135R)
  • Patent number: 4556180
    Abstract: A pump is used to exhaust oxygen rich waste gas to ambient pressure in an inert gas generating system in order to improve the performance of the permeable membrane air separator component and to insure sufficient generation of inert gas when available source air pressure is low.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 7, 1978
    Date of Patent: December 3, 1985
    Assignee: The Garrett Corporation
    Inventor: Scott A. Manatt
  • Patent number: 4556591
    Abstract: In a composite aircraft formed of graphite reinforced epoxy plates forming walls (14, 16) of the aircraft and walls of fuel tanks (12) therein, for example, there is an adhesive seal (36) for bonding overlapping faying plate surfaces together. The seal (36) is formed of spaced glass fibers (58) impregnated with a resin and with a filler of conductive material (50). The conductive filler is carbon in the form of approximate microspheres (52, 54), generally hollow, and having diameters in the range of 5 to 150 microns. The resin is cured on the faying surfaces after they have been secured together by fasteners (28) coated with a dielectric (30). The carbon microspheres (50) function to weaken the adhesive seal (36) between the plates (16, 22) so that they can be forcibly separated without structural damage to the plates.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 25, 1981
    Date of Patent: December 3, 1985
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventor: Engbert T. Bannink, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4553565
    Abstract: The reservoir, usable more especially in a satellite, comprises a liquid outlet passage having a surface tension confinement device defining a buffer zone communicating with the outlet passage and, through orifices and a meniscus rupture zone, with supply ducts provided along the wall of the reservoir. The orifices are capillary and are provided in a wall situated in the immediate proximity of the point of drawing-off through the outlet passage (12), defining, with a capillary storage volume, a dead space of small volume.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 19, 1984
    Date of Patent: November 19, 1985
    Assignee: Matra
    Inventor: Alain Kerebel
  • Patent number: 4511105
    Abstract: An external aircraft fuel tank is provided which comprises a filament-reinforced fuel cell assembled with aerodynamic end shapes having a plurality of layers of adhesive resin-impregnated filament wrappings over the assembly.Also provided is a method for making the fuel tank.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 22, 1984
    Date of Patent: April 16, 1985
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Air Force
    Inventor: Edward J. Morrisey
  • Patent number: 4505124
    Abstract: A novel heat management system for aircraft is provided which is based on the aircraft fuel as the heat exchange medium and comprises a dedicated thermal reserve fuel tank for containing refrigerated aircraft fuel (or other expendable liquid) which is cooled by heat exchange with the primary aircraft fuel flow to the engines, a fuel line loop for conducting fuel through a plurality of heat exchangers associated with cooling loops for heat generating aircraft systems, and a central microprocessor based controller for controlling fuel flow and temperature throughout the fuel loop system and into the aircraft engine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 22, 1983
    Date of Patent: March 19, 1985
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Air Force
    Inventor: Arnold H. Mayer
  • Patent number: 4469295
    Abstract: An aircraft fuel tank subject to penetration by projectiles that is improved by virtue of being a segmented container having a frangible liner secured to one internal wall of the fuel container thereby forming an auxiliary tank. Damage caused by hydrodynamic ram effects by a projectile penetrating the main tank is minimized by the rupturing and/or distortion of the frangible liner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 21, 1978
    Date of Patent: September 4, 1984
    Assignee: Rockwell International Corporation
    Inventor: Irving Schuster
  • Patent number: 4467985
    Abstract: Spherical tank 30 has its outlet 34 angularly positioned away from the tank center line axis 54 which is parallel to the local gravity vector 26. This angular positioning of outlet 34 inhibits vortexing as liquid is withdrawn from tank 30.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 1982
    Date of Patent: August 28, 1984
    Assignee: Hughes Aircraft Company
    Inventor: Jeremiah O. Salvatore
  • Patent number: 4457170
    Abstract: A capacitive fluid-gauging probe has a tubular electrode that is secured at its upper end to the wall of a reservoir by an integral mount moulded from a frangible plastics material. The mount has a collar that is fitted to the probe and from which extend radially three pairs of struts. The struts are joined at their outer ends with respective pillars that extend parallel to the probe. The pillars are joined with a plate that is secured to the wall of the reservoir above the probe. Domed plugs are inserted in both ends of the electrode to protect the wall of the reservoir which may be of flexible material. Preferably the ends of the probe are spaced from the reservoir walls. In operation, excessive force on the probe causes the struts to break, thereby allowing the probe to be displaced within the reservoir.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 28, 1982
    Date of Patent: July 3, 1984
    Assignee: Smiths Industries Public Limited Company
    Inventors: Peter R. Thrift, Neil R. Jacob
  • Patent number: 4444366
    Abstract: An oil tank for an aircraft mounted engine compensates for differences in oil capacity occasioned when the oil tank in each engine mounted under the wing is oriented with respect to the wing's dihedral angle and the angle of the engine which is normal to the wing. The tank includes a first portion for receiving the oil and integral expansion portion where the oil tank is below the right wing dihedral and the expansion is above the left wing dihedral.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 25, 1982
    Date of Patent: April 24, 1984
    Assignee: United Technologies Corporation
    Inventor: Anthony F. Limoncelli
  • Patent number: 4441673
    Abstract: The present Airfoil Fuel Ejection Device consists of a retractable bulkhead(s) located in the under-side of the airfoil. The retractable bulkhead(s) is actuated through a combination of rotable worm gear drive shaft, rigid rod guidance members, drive motor, gaskets and remote control mechanism acting in unison. Specific embodiments of the Airfoil Fuel Ejection Device act through levers, support members, tracks, cylinders and pistons, brackets, interior bulkheads and guides. All the embodiments embrace a retractable bulkhead(s) seated in gaskets contoured to the circumference of the bulkhead in order to allow the latter to assume a flush position with the remainder of the under-side of the airfoil during normal flight operations. In addition the gaskets in conjunction with rigid rods assure a secure closure which deters inadvertent leakage or dumping while maintaining the structural integrity of the airfoil.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 19, 1981
    Date of Patent: April 10, 1984
    Inventor: Ralph P. Muscatell
  • Patent number: 4437487
    Abstract: A drain valve assembly is mounted in the bottom of a fuel tank (10) to allow draining of condensate. The tank (10) is drained of fluid by the use of a tool (27) pushed upward against the piston (18) of the valve assembly separating it from its seat (15) in the valve housing (12) allowing liquid which has entered the housing (12) from the tank (10) through openings (16 ) to exit around the periphery of the unseated valve. If the valve assembly base is struck by lightning, a blast pressure occurs that can drive the poppet of a standard valve open allowing the electrical energy to enter the tank (10) causing a potential explosion. With the present valve assembly the pressure is allowed to pass through passage (20) in the piston (18) to apply a closing force on the surfaces (21, 22) and the inner end of the piston (18) which is greater than the opening force due to the area difference and the valve assembly remains closed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 31, 1981
    Date of Patent: March 20, 1984
    Assignee: Lockheed Corporation
    Inventor: Frank E. Marmon
  • Patent number: 4432515
    Abstract: A liquid fuel tank for an airplane of the type which constitutes a structural part of the airplane wing, the outer surface of which defines the aerodynamic outer surface of at least a portion of the wing, includes walls having a bonded multilayer sandwich structure having sufficient rigidity and strength while being devoid of internal and external reinforcing structure. The sandwich structure includes an inner liquid-tight tank formed of thin sheet material, an intermediate core layer formed of a cellular material or the like bonded to the outer surface of the tank, and an outer shell layer formed of sheet material bonded to the outer surface of the intermediate layer. The outer surface of the outer layer constitutes the aerodynamic outer surface of at least a portion of the airplane wing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 1981
    Date of Patent: February 21, 1984
    Assignee: Valmet Oy
    Inventor: Elias A. Jarvineva
  • Patent number: 4426050
    Abstract: A dropable main fuel tank that comprises a portion of an aircrafts lower fuselage or part of the wing structure contains all nonessential fuel for takeoff or landing. Airfoils, parachute, or rocket motor built into the main fuel tank will separate the main fuel tank from the aircraft quickly when dropped or released in a possible crash situation, thus preventing the aircraft from being consumed by its own nonessential fuel in a crash.A nondroppable auxiliary fuel tank on the aircraft will sustain the aircraft after the main fuel tank has been dropped. The auxiliary fuel tank contains only enough fuel for takeoff and landing. Shackels and parallel tracks hold the droppable main fuel tank in place on the aircraft until the main fuel tank is released for subsequent ejection rearward. In refueling the aircraft an external control panel on the aircraft will release the main fuel tank onto a refueling vehicle for refueling at a nearby fuel dump.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 13, 1981
    Date of Patent: January 17, 1984
    Inventor: Alvin L. Long
  • Patent number: 4422561
    Abstract: An inner wall for a self-sealing fuel tank in which the inner wall is provided with a plurality of fronds bonded at one end to the wall, the fronds facing towards the inside of the tank such that on penetration of the wall of the tank by a projectile the fronds are carried by the surge of escaping fuel through the wall to become entangled in the hole and choke off escaping fuel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 18, 1981
    Date of Patent: December 27, 1983
    Assignee: IMI Marston Limited
    Inventors: Ronald L. Grosvenor, Michael Fox
  • Patent number: 4393997
    Abstract: A removable secondary aircraft fuel tank enclosure is provided which comprises a pair of substantially flat panels supported within the aircraft fuselage beneath the center wing tank and joined to each other to form a drip pan having a shallow trough for collecting liquid seepage from the tank. A drain line communicates with the trough for discharging liquid collections overboard. An upright removal panel attached to the aircraft structure sealably joins the drip pan fore and aft and means adjacent the enclosure seal the sides of the drip pan against the aircraft structure. Sponge rubber provides a peripheral seal on the flat panels and a plurality of peripheral overcenter fasteners support the drip panel and seals it to the end panels and aircraft structure.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 15, 1982
    Date of Patent: July 19, 1983
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Air Force
    Inventors: David L. Gibler, Daniel J. O'Connell
  • Patent number: 4378920
    Abstract: Compressed air is directed through an inert gas generator which removes oxygen to produce a nitrogen enriched, combustibly inert air or gas. The converter is sized to only meet the relatively low flow rate requirements of the system during which times the combustibly inert air or gas is delivered directly to a utilization site. The system further includes a high pressure storage container in which a pressurized precharge of the combustibly inert air or gas is stored. Combustibly inert air is released from such high pressure storage container for providing the higher flow rate requirements of the system. The system may be used aboard an aircraft for inerting fuel tanks. It may include a separate compressor for filling the high pressure storage container.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 15, 1980
    Date of Patent: April 5, 1983
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Joe N. Runnels, Kenneth R. Fagerlund
  • Patent number: 4369938
    Abstract: A fuel tank for model aircraft having a central aperture on one end face for receiving a fuel line and a pair of nipples, one above and one below said central aperture near the top and bottom of the tank to which vent lines leading to the atmosphere through lower and upper surfaces of the aircraft are connected.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 7, 1979
    Date of Patent: January 25, 1983
    Inventor: Robert W. Kress
  • Patent number: 4366669
    Abstract: A tank closure apparatus comprising a housing adapted to attach to a tank. A filler-cap assembly seals a liquid filling port of the housing. Passageways carry liquid from this port to openings on a surface of the housing within the tank. A means, responsive to a pressure generated by a pressure generating device, which supplies pressure coterminously with the operation of a process or a vehicle propulsion means, causes a sealing member to cover the passageway openings, providing a seal should the operator forget to close the filler cap.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 20, 1981
    Date of Patent: January 4, 1983
    Assignee: Shaw Aero Devices, Inc.
    Inventor: David W. Jones
  • Patent number: 4362534
    Abstract: Apparatus for admixing dispersion inhibitive polymer into liquid hydrocarbon fuel and comprising a polymer supply hopper mounted on a fuel feed tube and a rotary mill having a cutting edge for cutting swarf from the polymer and a duct for conveying the swarf to the interior of the tube.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 25, 1980
    Date of Patent: December 7, 1982
    Assignee: The Secretary of State for Defence in Her Britannic Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Inventors: Kenneth I. W. Bird, Evan S. Thomas
  • Patent number: 4339050
    Abstract: A composite or metal baffel system around a fuel tank collapses after punre from an explosive round. The collapse is caused by the overpressure that follows penetration. The collapse delays fuel leakage until the incendiary effect of the explosive round is passed. The delay of fuel leakage is caused by the time it takes for fuel to follow a serpentine path through the collapsed baffel system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 3, 1980
    Date of Patent: July 13, 1982
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
    Inventors: Jack R. Bates, William E. Collier, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4323094
    Abstract: A crashworthy aircraft fuel storage system normally operative so that the fuel tank, fuel shut-off valve assembly and the fuel inlet connection to the fuel tank are normally assembled to be free floating with respect to the aircraft structure, and further operative so that crash load conditions will cause the fuel tank to move with respect to the aircraft structure to thereby cause fuel inlet fitting to move therewith and into contact with the aircraft structure so as to impose a momentum force on the fuel shut-off valve assembly to cause fracture thereof and separation of the fuel tank from the fuel inlet fitting, with both parts so separated, sealed to prevent fuel flow therethrough.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 14, 1980
    Date of Patent: April 6, 1982
    Assignee: United Technologies Corporation
    Inventors: George J. Paulis, Joseph D. DeCarlo
  • Patent number: 4307744
    Abstract: The invention pertains to a conduit assembly consisting of a flexible hose having a self sealing valved fitting at each end, such assembly being suitable for interconnecting aircraft fuel cells. The assembly is crashworthy in that upon displacement of the fittings relative to each other the resultant tension force produced in the hose causes the valves within the fittings to automatically close prior to the rupture of the hose thereby minimizing the likelihood of fuel spillage and fire. Frangible elements within the fittings fracturable upon predetermined hose tension forces existing insure the desired sequence of valve operation without requiring complicated apparatus, cables or links which would interfere with the flexibility of installation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 12, 1979
    Date of Patent: December 29, 1981
    Assignee: Aeroquip Corporation
    Inventor: William C. Marrison
  • Patent number: 4306693
    Abstract: A powered aircraft has a jettisonable fuel tank releasably secured in the bottom of its fuselage. A valve is arranged to shut off fuel flow from the tank upon releasing of the tank from the fuselage, whereupon a parachute connected to the tank is released to slow the descent of the tank. Additionally, a reserve fuel tank in the fuselage is normally connected to the jettisonable fuel tank, and the valve is so arranged that fuel flow communication is normally maintained between the jettisonable fuel tank and the aircraft engine while fuel is prevented from flowing from the reserve tank to the engine. However, when the jettisonable fuel tank is released from the fuselage, the valve shuts off the flow of fuel from the jettisonable fuel tank and establishes open communication between the reserve tank and the engine to permit continued operation of the aircraft under power of the engine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 25, 1978
    Date of Patent: December 22, 1981
    Inventor: Isaac B. Cooper
  • Patent number: 4294279
    Abstract: A fuel tank largely filled with a plurality of discrete impermeably walled cells, the cells and the space between them and the tank sides and roof being substantially filled with fire protective reticulated structure. The cells are each plugged into one of a plurality of fuel collection networks, via non-return valves which prevent return flow of the fuel into the cells. The region between the cells and the tank walls is arranged to receive incoming fuel which then flows from the ullage into the cells, and, by means of a self switching pump, is also arranged to empty preferentially. The purpose of the invention is to minimize fuel loss and fuel fire in the event of a tank rupture.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 31, 1979
    Date of Patent: October 13, 1981
    Assignee: The Secretary of State for Defence in Her Britannic Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Inventor: Harold W. G. Wyeth
  • Patent number: 4275860
    Abstract: A shipboard system that provides safe storage and complete quality control of aviation fuels from acceptance of the fuel at shipside to delivery of clean, dry fuel at a shipborne aircraft includes a storage tank disposed in a closed chamber defined by a cofferdam. The tank is mounted in the chamber to provide an airspace around all sides which is vented to the atmosphere and maintains any concentration of fuel vapor in the chamber below a predetermined lean limit. Fire protection apparatus of the system is actuated by a rate of temperature rise detector and releases an agent that floods the chamber to terminate the combustion cycle in the event of a fire. Conduit runs include filters to remove contaminants when fuel is pumped through and also include a closed-circuit filtered conduit through which the fuel is frequently recirculated to control deterioration of the system and degradation of the fuel caused by long term storage and intermittent use of the system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 1978
    Date of Patent: June 30, 1981
    Inventor: Jack A. Brabazon
  • Patent number: 4269240
    Abstract: A refuelling unit for aircraft is moveable from a lower position completely hidden in a below-ground cavity to an operating position above ground. The unit has a sliding cover and means are provided for holding a vertically movable platform in intermediate position between the fully raised and lowered positions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 14, 1979
    Date of Patent: May 26, 1981
    Inventor: Gaetano Cutore
  • Patent number: 4261175
    Abstract: Apparatus for degrading safety fuel of the type containing an anti-misting polymer and comprising a bank of interfitting stators and rotors with a plenum chamber at some station along the bank, whereby rotation of the rotors will cause safety fuel pumped through the apparatus to be subjected to sufficient shear and local acceleration to be degraded to a state acceptable for engines and their control apparatus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 14, 1978
    Date of Patent: April 14, 1981
    Assignee: The Secretary of State for Defence in Her Britannic Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Inventors: Ernest A. Timby, Rodney H. Walsh
  • Patent number: 4253626
    Abstract: The emergency fuel dump device for aircraft is simply a trap door on the underside of the wing. The door serves as the bottom portion of the fuel tank within the wing. It is hinged at the front and fastened with a quick release at the rear. To dump all the fuel in a wing tank the quick release is activated allowing the door to swing open.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 3, 1978
    Date of Patent: March 3, 1981
    Inventor: Ralph P. Muscatell
  • Patent number: 4238926
    Abstract: Apparatus for degrading safety fuel of the type containing an antimisting polymer and comprising a cylindrical vaned stator and vaned rotor in radially concentric array, whereby rotation of the rotor will cause safety fuel pumped through the apparatus to be subjected to sufficient shear and local acceleration to be degraded to a state acceptable to engines and their control apparatus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 18, 1978
    Date of Patent: December 16, 1980
    Assignee: The Secretary of State for Defence in Her Britannic Majesty's Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    Inventors: Ernest A. Timby, Rodney H. Walsh
  • Patent number: 4221230
    Abstract: A ramjet powered missile having means for controlling the air inlet geometry for best efficiency at a given end-of-boost-take-over Mach number and for changing the inlet geometry for best efficiency at a higher Mach number for fuel economy and extended flight range comprising a first jetisonable air inlet formed of a plurality of removable lip sections held in place by connecting struts and pyrotechnic thrusters. The explosive charge of the thrusters when activated eject the lip sections and struts outward and clear of the missile thus providing a second inlet of a different geometry.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 11, 1978
    Date of Patent: September 9, 1980
    Assignee: General Dynamics Corporation
    Inventors: George B. Nicoloff, Clark Kerr, Jr.
  • Patent number: 4203458
    Abstract: An apparatus for withdrawing fluid from the fuel tank of an aircraft or missile. A structure of coaxial cylinders with one slidable member responding to transient variations in the direction of the gravitation ("g") force acting on the reservoir by reversing the fluid withdrawal location. When the "g" force is positive, the fluid is drawn from the reservoir below. If the "g" force becomes negative, the slidable cylinder translates to align a different set of passage ports within the structure, changing the location of the fluid draw to one within the fluid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 5, 1978
    Date of Patent: May 20, 1980
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Air Force
    Inventors: Alfred J. Barrett, Samuel M. Warner
  • Patent number: 4194708
    Abstract: A recoverable remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) having: a deflectable canard/elevator placed very close to the nose tip; a constant (cross) section fuselage; wings mounted low and well aft on the fuselage; elevons; a centrally positioned weapons/payload bay, with doors, located internal of the upper portion of the fuselage; and, inflatable landing skids. The weapon/payload is dropped from the RVP, while the RVP is in flight in an inverted position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 21, 1978
    Date of Patent: March 25, 1980
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretray of the Air Force
    Inventors: Daniel J. Tracy, John P. Palmer, Daniel J. O'Brien
  • Patent number: 4172573
    Abstract: An external, aircraft fuel tank constructed to be crashworthy or to withstand a crash from flight without rupturing the outer, rigid walls thereof. The fuel tank includes bulkheads arranged in the tank adjacent to but spaced from the end sections and defined to be yieldably responsive to fluid pressures above normal operating pressures for dissipating the kinetic energy of the fluid without rupturing the outer, rigid walls of the tank.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 22, 1977
    Date of Patent: October 30, 1979
    Assignee: Royal Industries, Inc.
    Inventors: Wesley D. Moore, Silveus M. Baker
  • Patent number: 4168718
    Abstract: A passive propellant acquisition and feed system is disclosed which will acquire and feed gas-free propellant in low or zero-g environments during orbital maneuvers which will also retain this propellant under high axially directed acceleration such as may be experienced during launch of a space vehicle and orbit-to-orbit transfers wherein the propellant system includes a dual compartment propellant tank with independent surface tension acquisition channels in each compartment to provide gas-free flow of pressurized liquid propellant from one compartment to the other in one direction only.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 11, 1978
    Date of Patent: September 25, 1979
    Inventors: Robert A. Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, with respect to an invention of Frosch, Donald A. Hess, William W. Regnier, Virgil L. Jacobs
  • Patent number: 4149649
    Abstract: An explosive-suppressive mass comprises layers of expanded metal of which each layer is arranged in a selected orientation so that its mesh strands are inclined with respect to the mesh strands of the layers adjacent thereto. This gives economic and other advantages in the manufacture of the anti-explosive materials.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 25, 1977
    Date of Patent: April 17, 1979
    Assignee: Explosafe America Inc.
    Inventor: Andrew Szego
  • Patent number: 4113130
    Abstract: A joint for a nestable cargo carrier including a plurality of circular sections conically shaped to form an ogive contour when nested, one within the other. The shell segments are bolted together to provide the present positive mechanical joint, reliable joint sealing and ease of field assembly.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 1977
    Date of Patent: September 12, 1978
    Assignee: McDonnell Douglas Corporation
    Inventors: Webber W. Lazenby, Daniel N. Pulliam
  • Patent number: 4108328
    Abstract: An aircraft fuel tank construction for the type of fuel tank which is fabricated by joining a split cylindrical center section with two conical end sections and which is disassembled during shipment and storage. The center section is joined together by a connecting plate which maintains a gap between the joined ends at a fixed, predetermined width for optimum sealing effectiveness of an interposed elastomeric seal. Owing to the manner of construction, the seal may be seated and then visually inspected for potential leakage before the center section is joined. Leakage at the interface of each end section seal with the center section seal is avoided during expansion or contraction of the center section seal by the center seal being suitably positioned to slide over the end seal during such movement. The tank is free from drag-producing obstructions as all joints are flush with the surface of the tank.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 4, 1977
    Date of Patent: August 22, 1978
    Assignee: Sargent Fletcher Company
    Inventor: Darrell Page
  • Patent number: 4089493
    Abstract: By employing in-line gas turbine power plants in the nose and tail of a low profile highly streamlined aircraft, twin engine reliability is obtained with only a single engine frontal area combined with the employment of strakes rather than pipes for the nose engine exhaust, excellent fuel economy is obtained. While a nose mounted turboprop serves as the main power supply, a tail mounted turbojet with only a small fraction of the turboprop horsepower provides a supplementary power source during take-off or optionally to enhance cruise performance. Should the turboprop fail in flight the turbojet is capable of taking over at a reduced cruising speed. A fuel system common to both engines offers additional safety features and an improved method for effecting proper trim with either or both engines operative.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 29, 1976
    Date of Patent: May 16, 1978
    Inventor: Allen E. Paulson
  • Patent number: 4038817
    Abstract: Fuel is selectively jettisoned through the engine of an aircraft by way of a normally closed, solenoid-operated jettison valve which is fed from the boost pump in the engine fuel system. The jettison valve is servo activated by the main fuel flow so that the engine must be running for the opening of the solenoid valve to occur. For an engine having an augmenter, other interlocks are provided to prevent the jettison of fuel when the augmenter is in use and to preclude the ignition function to the augmenter while fuel is being jettisoned.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 2, 1975
    Date of Patent: August 2, 1977
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: Barton H. Snow, Donald F. Sargisson
  • Patent number: 4032091
    Abstract: A fuel line leading from a fuel supply tank of a self-propelled aircraft to the engine is equipped with a normally open fuel cut-off valve adjacent the tank and with a vent control valve adjacent the engine. The vent control valve is normally open for supplying fuel to the engine and normally closed with respect to a vent which discharges into the atmosphere. At one end of the fuel line, in advance of these two valves, in the normal direction of flow of fuel through the line, the fuel line is connected to a pressurized source of evacuating fluid, such as a drum of carbon dioxide. A normally closed evacuation control valve is interposed in the line at that end at a location adjacent the evacuating fluid source and in advance of the fuel cut-off valve.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 5, 1976
    Date of Patent: June 28, 1977
    Assignee: Thomas J. Reddy, Trustee
    Inventor: Thomas J. Reddy
  • Patent number: 3979005
    Abstract: A cryogenic fuel tank of a cylindrical design having toroidal surface ends, is suspended in aircraft structure through a central front mount member; and the rear tank is supported by rod elements which extend from a mounting ring about the tank, to mount points rearwardly within the interior of the fuselage. The central front mount member has baffles attached thereto, so as to prevent undue sloshing of the liquid within the tank. The front end of the tank suspension absorbs radial and axial loads, but no bending moments; and the aft linkage suspension arrangement takes primarily radical and torsional loads. Also the aft suspension provides for unrestrained axial and radial contraction and expansion of the outer shell of the tank.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 17, 1975
    Date of Patent: September 7, 1976
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Robert K. Robinson, Philip C. Whitener
  • Patent number: 3951362
    Abstract: A cryogenic fuel tank of a cylindrical design having toroidal surface ends, is suspended in aircraft structure through a central front mount member; and the rear of the tank is supported by rod elements which extend: from a mounting ring about the tank, to mount points rearwardly within the interior of the fuselage. The central front mount member has a baffles attached thereto, so as to prevent undue sloshing of the liquid within the tank. The front end of the tank suspension absorbs radial and axial loads, but no bending moments; and the aft linkage suspension arrangement takes primarily radial and torsional loads. Also the aft suspension provides for unrestrained axial and radial contraction and expansion of the outer shell of the tank.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 13, 1974
    Date of Patent: April 20, 1976
    Assignee: The Boeing Company
    Inventors: Robert K. Robinson, Philip C. Whitener