Operating Mechanism Located In Or Under Boot Patents (Class 280/613)
  • Patent number: 5992873
    Abstract: Arrangement of a cross-country, particularly skating binding (15) and a shoe (16) adapted thereto, which has on its forward sole (12) complementary engagement members introducible into engagement members of the binding in order to produce a joint-like connection, the engagement members on the sole comprising a bracket (11) extending transversely to the longitudinal direction of the sole and roughly parallel to the tread surface of the sole and located off-set relative to the forward sole end, and the complementary engagement members on the binding comprising a retaining hook engaging over the bracket (11), particularly from behind, which is movable from a closed position into a release position and vice-versa. The retainer hook (6) is movable out of the closed position into the release position by means of an actuating device (3, 4) coupled therewith, against the action of a member, particularly a resilient member (5) initially resiliently tensioning it in a forward direction.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 5, 1997
    Date of Patent: November 30, 1999
    Assignee: Rottefella AS
    Inventor: Bernt Otto Hauglin
  • Patent number: 5992872
    Abstract: An alpine ski boot is shown which has a substantially flexible boot upper attached to a hinged sole made of two rigid parts. A rigid ankle cuff extends up from the heel of the boot to the leg opening of the boot upper. The ankle cuff has straps that may be closed around the user's ankle to secure the ankle and foot in a fixed position relative to the boot sole, and thereby to provide lateral support. The forward pitch of the ankle cuff is adjustable. The boot upper may be substantially made of flexible materials such as leather or rubber. The sole is formed of a rigid toe portion and a rigid heel portion. To facilitate walking, the two sole parts are hinged at approximately the location of the ball of the foot. The hinged sole is provided with a means to lock the two rigid parts of the sole to form the equivalent of a single rigid sole member. The locked sole can be received in a conventional automatic alpine ski binding of the type which attaches to the heel and toe of the boot.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 28, 1997
    Date of Patent: November 30, 1999
    Inventor: Charles Wesley Proctor
  • Patent number: 5971420
    Abstract: A snowboard binding is provided for releasably connecting a boot to a snowboard. One embodiment of the invention includes inner and outer main bodies to receive a two-piece cleat. A second embodiment includes inner and outer hooks for hooking, and a latch for securing, a one-piece cleat. A third embodiment includes a front main body and a spring-loaded latch in a rear main body for engaging a one-piece cleat. A fourth embodiment engages a one-piece cleat with inwardly beveled, semi-circular inner and outer main bodies. A fifth embodiment engages a one-piece cleat with a front main body and a latch, fixedly mounted upon an axle, within a rear main body. The latch is biased toward the engaged position by a spring. In a sixth embodiment of the invention, a one-piece cleat is engaged with a front main body and two rear spring biased latches. In a seventh embodiment, among other things, the cleat is formed in two pieces.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 28, 1994
    Date of Patent: October 26, 1999
    Assignee: Shimano, Inc.
    Inventors: Shinpei Okajima, Yutaka Ueda
  • Patent number: 5971421
    Abstract: A binding for snowboards and also to a boot with such a binding. To facilitates stepping in and out, the binding has a binding plate (5) which is provided with lateral holding (retaining) members on both sides of the boot sole in its central longitudinal zone and which is connected to a base plate (6) or the surface of the snowboard, characterised in that the retaining members are formed by side walls (3) diverging from one another conically upwards preferably in the upper portion, and disposed on the binding is a pivotable sprung clamp (1), whose ends or elements connected to the ends extend inwards through substantially horizontal holes (4) in the side walls (3), while a boot can be locked to the binding via the ends (2) of the sprung clamp (1) or elements connected thereto and can be again unlocked by the pivoting of the sprung clamp (1). The interface (12) which extends laterally upwards from the central zone of the boot sole (14) is preferably made of a harder material than the boot body (11).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 11, 1998
    Date of Patent: October 26, 1999
    Assignee: Fancyform Design Engineering
    Inventor: Kurt Hilgarth
  • Patent number: 5957478
    Abstract: A release binding for telemark skiing, back country skiing, and ski jumping. An elastic return device maintains the front portion of the sole between a release abutment and particularly enables a lateral or diagonal disengagement of the boot, under a substantial torsional force, a rear element taking support on an insert located in the sole.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 18, 1996
    Date of Patent: September 28, 1999
    Assignee: Salomon S.A.
    Inventor: Serge Vigny
  • Patent number: 5947508
    Abstract: The binding for a sports apparatus, particularly for a snowboard, ski, monoski, or snowshoe, with rotary closure, has a hub (34) fixed to the sports apparatus, about which hub a binding support plate (19) is rotatingly disposed. The binding support plate (19) is fixable in relation to a hub in the running position, and two binding bodies having holding means for a boot are secured thereto. Connected to the hub fixed to the sports apparatus is at least one element (36) receiving pulling and/or pushing forces, one end of which engages the hub (34, 35), and the other end of which is coupled to a holding device. Upon rotation of the binding support plate (19), the holding device fixes a boot in the binding or releases it as a function of the position relative to the hub through co-operation with the element (36) receiving pulling and/or pushing forces.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 6, 1997
    Date of Patent: September 7, 1999
    Assignee: SSG (Europe) SA
    Inventors: Josef Graf, Daniel Vuichard
  • Patent number: 5944337
    Abstract: A device for automatic binding of a sporting good on a corresponding boot representing an axial immobilization mechanism capable of cooperating with a corresponding notch arranged transversely on a binding body affixed to the sporting good and including an associated latch that can be activated from a latching position of the immobilization mechanism of the boot and vice versa, by way of a control device arranged on the binding body, and acting on the latch. The latching or unlatching control device of the latch are constituted by a knuckle joint type system acting on the immobilization mechanism of the boot and activated by one of the ends of the latter. The immobilization mechanism is arranged transversely in an intermediate zone of the sole of the boot, located between its two ends.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 4, 1996
    Date of Patent: August 31, 1999
    Assignee: Salomom S.A.
    Inventors: Francois Girard, Jacques Quellais
  • Patent number: 5941553
    Abstract: A boot binding apparatus for a snowboard in the form of a locking system where there is utilized a toe latching mechanism and a heel latching mechanism. The toe latching mechanism is to be engageable with a hook mounted either on the snowboard or embedded within the sole of the boot. The heel latching mechanism is to be engageable with the heel latching post mounted on the snowboard or within the sole of the boot. Locking engagement between the boot and the snowboard is to be accomplished by merely performing a "step-in" procedure by the rider of the snowboard. The secure locking of the boot to the snowboard is to be accomplished with the user initially engaging the toe area of the boot, or the user initially engaging the heel area of the boot, or the user engaging both the toe and the heel area simultaneously.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 15, 1997
    Date of Patent: August 24, 1999
    Inventor: Nathan M. Korman
  • Patent number: 5938228
    Abstract: A retention device of a boot on a gliding board, especially a snowboard. The device includes a retention element associated with the board, cooperating with a complementary retention element associated with the boot, together ensuring a connection between the boot and the board according to different degrees of freedom. The device includes a groove for one of the elements, and a rib for the other element. The rib and the groove having complementary shapes to enable cooperation by nesting. The device also includes a gripping mechanism for one of the elements, and a latching mechanism for the other element forming a removable latch for actively retaining the rib nested in the groove.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 27, 1996
    Date of Patent: August 17, 1999
    Assignee: Salomon S.A.
    Inventor: Joel Bourdeau
  • Patent number: 5924719
    Abstract: An apparatus for attaching a shoe to a gliding element. The apparatus includes a blocking/anchoring mechanism of the shoe in an anchoring zone thereof extending substantially from the front end of the shoe to the area of the metatarso-phalangian journal zone or in front thereof. The apparatus includes an arrangement for rocking the blocking/anchoring mechanism, this rocking arrangement being positioned in the anchoring zone of the shoe and being designed so as to allow for a predetermined angle of movement of the shoe assembly with respect to the gliding element. Preferably, the maximum angle of movement of the blocking/anchoring mechanism is between about 5.degree. and 30.degree..
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 27, 1998
    Date of Patent: July 20, 1999
    Assignee: Salomon S.A.
    Inventor: Fran.cedilla.ois Girard
  • Patent number: 5915720
    Abstract: A boot for use with a snowboard having a binding for attachment to the boot. The boot includes a base, a highback, and an upper. The base includes a binding-receiving plate for attaching the boot to the binding on the snowboard. The base also has toe and heel ends. The base is formed with a toecap at the toe end and has a heel counter at the heel end. Tread projects from the bottom of the base for traction when the boot is not attached to the snowboard. The highback extends upwardly from the heel counter of the base. The highback provides aft support to the user. The upper is fixedly attached to the base and is arranged and configured to receive the foot and ankle of the user. The upper has a rearward side adjacent the highback. The upper is more flexible than the base and the highback. A base strap is connected to opposing sides of the base and extends across a portion of the upper.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 1, 1997
    Date of Patent: June 29, 1999
    Assignee: K-2 Corporation
    Inventors: Brent H. Turner, John E. Svensson
  • Patent number: 5913530
    Abstract: A binding includes an upper attachment connected to a boot, a lower attachment connected to a board, a coupler attached to one of the upper and lower attachments, and a coupling mount attached to the other of the upper and lower attachments. The coupling mount and the coupler are configured to automatically engage with each other to lock the upper attachment to the lower attachment when a user wearing the boot steps onto the lower attachment and to permit rotation of the upper attachment relative to the lower attachment when the upper attachment is locked to the lower attachment. A release actuator is actuated to disengage the coupler and the coupling mount. A lock locks the boot in a selected rotary position relative to the board. The coupler includes a collar and a sleeve positioned within the collar. The collar is rotatable relative to the sleeve.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 16, 1997
    Date of Patent: June 22, 1999
    Inventors: Richard W. Berger, Brant W. Berger
  • Patent number: 5906388
    Abstract: A binding system is configured to removably mount a footwear member to a sporting or recreational device. In a preferred embodiment, the binding system includes a binding member having at least one rail attached thereto. The rail preferably has an elongated, arcuate shape. A corresponding slot on the footwear member is configured to slidingly receive the rail. The cross-sectional shape of the slot conforms to the cross-sectional shape of the rail. The footwear member is mounted to the binding member by aligning the rail and slot and slidingly inserting the rail into the slot using a rotational motion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 14, 1997
    Date of Patent: May 25, 1999
    Assignee: Quiksilver, Inc.
    Inventor: Roger T. Neiley
  • Patent number: 5897127
    Abstract: A combination of a ski binding (10), particularly cross-country, touring or telemark binding, and of a boot (11) adapted thereto are shown, the front end of which is held by a resiliently biased clamp member (12; 48) in the binding (10) in such a way that the heel (13) of the boot (11) can be freely raised during ski touring or cross-country skiing. The clamp member (12; 48) engages on the forward sole (15) of the boot (11) particularly between the ball area and the rear end of the same, and preferably on the underside of the boot forward sole (15).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 28, 1997
    Date of Patent: April 27, 1999
    Assignee: Rottefella A/S
    Inventor: Bernt-Otto Hauglin
  • Patent number: 5887886
    Abstract: An assembly of a shoe and retention device for use on a gliding board. The retention device of the assembly includes an attachment mechanism for attaching in a vertical direction and along a horizontal plane, which cooperates with a complementary attachment mechanism of the shoe, arranged in a central portion of the sole of the shoe. The shoe includes a skeleton that is constituted by a minimal force-transmission circuit which provides for the support necessary for practicing the gliding sport and the force-transmission circuit passes through the attachment mechanism of the shoe. The integration of the shoe having a minimal force-transmission circuit and its direct linkage with the attachment mechanism of the shoe make it possible to ensure a good transmission of forces and support for a minimum space requirement of the retention device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 22, 1996
    Date of Patent: March 30, 1999
    Assignee: Salomon S.A.
    Inventor: Joel Bourdeau
  • Patent number: 5855380
    Abstract: A supporting frame for in-line wheels or for an ice-skating blade, including elements for the temporary engagement, centering, and locking of coupling elements which are rigidly coupled below and to the rear of a soft shoe that is adapted for walking. It is thus possible to use, for skating, a shoe used for normal walking.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 9, 1996
    Date of Patent: January 5, 1999
    Assignee: Toifin S.p.A.
    Inventors: Mario Di Filippo, Peter Edauw
  • Patent number: 5853188
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to a step-in, strapless snowboard binding. The snowboard binding is particularly useful for soft-shelled boots. The snowboard binding includes a receiving member and a locking member which move relative to one another to lock or unlock the boot relative to the binding. The receiving member has a motion control surface corresponding to each of a plurality of boot binding positions. The locking member engages a selected one of the control surfaces to lock the heel of the boot near a surface of the snowboard if snow is between the bottom of the heel and the surface. The locking member engages a different one of the control surfaces to lock the heel on the surface if there is no snow between the bottom and the surface.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 17, 1997
    Date of Patent: December 29, 1998
    Assignee: Ride, Inc.
    Inventor: Richard P. Alden
  • Patent number: 5806876
    Abstract: A step-in, strapless snowboard binding. The snowboard binding is particularly useful for soft-shelled boots. The snowboard binding includes a receiving member and a locking member which rotate relative to one another to lock or unlock the boot relative to the binding.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 7, 1997
    Date of Patent: September 15, 1998
    Assignee: Device Manufacturing Corporation
    Inventor: Richard P. Alden
  • Patent number: 5799966
    Abstract: The device for fastening safely a shoe onto a snow board according to the invention includes two lateral jaws (2) carried by arms (15) mounted pivotally at their free ends on a first journal (17) perpendicularly to the plane of the board and movable in a direction parallel to this plane by the action of a resilient member (4) between a closed operative position, in which these jaws cooperate with a profiled pattern of the sole of the shoe and an open position, in which the same is released. Each jaw (2) is connected mechanically to the resilient urging member (4) via a rocking member (6) mounted in such a manner that it exhibits two stable positions, corresponding respectively to the open and to the closed position of the jaws (2).
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 1997
    Date of Patent: September 1, 1998
    Assignee: Skis Rossignol S.A.
    Inventor: Gaston Haldemann
  • Patent number: 5799957
    Abstract: A snowboard binding for releasably connecting a boot to a snowboard. One embodiment of the invention includes inner and outer main bodies to receive a two-piece cleat. A second embodiment includes inner and outer hooks for hooking, and a latch for securing, a one-piece cleat. A third embodiment includes a front main body and a spring-loaded latch in a rear main body for engaging a one-piece cleat. A fourth embodiment engages a one-piece cleat with inwardly beveled, semi-circular inner and outer main bodies. A fifth embodiment engages a one-piece cleat with a front main body and a latch, fixedly mounted upon an axle, within a rear main body. The latch is biased toward the engaged position by a spring. In a sixth embodiment of the invention, a one-piece cleat is engaged with a front main body and two rear spring biased latches. In a seventh embodiment, among other things, the cleat is formed in two pieces.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 6, 1996
    Date of Patent: September 1, 1998
    Assignee: Shimano, Inc.
    Inventors: Shinpei Okajima, Yutaka Ueda
  • Patent number: 5755046
    Abstract: A snowboard boot binding mechanism includes a base member having a recessed channel. A first plate is slidably attached to the base member. A first pair of engagement rods are fixedly attached to the first plate. Each of the first pair of engagement rods has a head disposed at an axial end of the rod for selectively engaging and locking a first bar attached to a first side of the snowboard boot. A second plate is fixedly attached to the base member. A second pair of engagement rods are fixedly attached to the second plate. Each of the second pair of engagement rods have a head disposed at an axial end of the rod for engaging and locking a second bar attached to a second side of the snowboard boot which is disposed opposite to the first side.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 6, 1997
    Date of Patent: May 26, 1998
    Assignee: The Burton Corporation
    Inventor: David J. Dodge
  • Patent number: 5704139
    Abstract: A sole for a snowboard boot includes a depression defined in the sole for attachment of a fastener and a recessed groove for providing a space which opens to the front of the boot for creating a through-passage between the space and the depression. The open space allows the boot to be easily attached to the snowboard while preventing direct contact between the fastener and the ground. A portion of the sole which includes the toe and recessed groove is more resilient than a remaining portion of the boot to further facilitate walking by allowing the sole to flex during walking.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 27, 1995
    Date of Patent: January 6, 1998
    Assignee: Shimano, Inc.
    Inventor: Shinpei Okajima
  • Patent number: 5697631
    Abstract: The snowboard binding having a sole part integrated in the snowboard boot and a first binding element cooperating with it and continuously connected to the snowboard. The sole part has two spring-loaded pins projecting laterally out of the sole part and capable of engaging with an opening of the first binding element. The pins can be retracted with a device attached to the snowboard boot and thus the binding can be opened.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 4, 1995
    Date of Patent: December 16, 1997
    Assignee: F2 International Ges.m.b.H.
    Inventors: Thomas Ratzek, Christian Niedermeier
  • Patent number: 5690350
    Abstract: A boot for use with a snowboard having a binding for attachment to the boot. The boot includes a base, a highback, and an upper. The base includes a binding-receiving plate for attaching the boot to the binding on the snowboard. The base also has toe and heel ends. The base is formed with a toecap at the toe end and has a heel counter at the heel end. Tread projects from the bottom of the base for traction when the boot is not attached to the snowboard. The highback extends upwardly from the heel counter of the base. The highback provides aft support to the user. The upper is fixedly attached to the base and is arranged and configured to receive the foot and ankle of the user. The upper has a rearward side adjacent the highback. The upper is more flexible than the base and the highback. A base strap is connected to opposing sides of the base and extends across a portion of the upper.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 8, 1996
    Date of Patent: November 25, 1997
    Assignee: K-2 Corporation
    Inventors: Brent H. Turner, John E. Svensson
  • Patent number: 5690352
    Abstract: The invention relates to a snowboard binding having two retaining brackets (6, 106) which are pivotably mounted on a base plate (2) or on parts (5, 105) displaceable longitudinally on the base plate (2), and which, when the binding is performing a retaining function, engage over the front and the rear sole borders of a boot (102), the binding being closed automatically when the boot (102) is inserted. The aim of the invention is to keep the friction between the boot (102) and the binding, and therefore the boot-insertion force to be applied, relatively low and, by means of an advantageous configuration of a locking system (10), to ensure a high securing force.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 2, 1996
    Date of Patent: November 25, 1997
    Assignee: HTM Sport- und Freizeitgeraete Aktiengesellschaft
    Inventors: Henry Freisinger, Johann Zotter
  • Patent number: 5671941
    Abstract: The apparatus for attaching a shoe to a gliding element is adapted more particularly for the practice of skating. It includes a latching mechanism complementary with the latching mechanism borne by the shoe. The latching mechanism are arranged substantially in the area of the metatarso-phallangian journal zone or in front thereof, and are designed so as to allow for release of the shoe beyond a predetermined force being inserted on the latching mechanism, and the apparatus comprises mechanism for blocking the front end of the shoe against the gliding element. According to one embodiment the blocking device of the front end of the shoe are constituted by second latching mechanism which cannot be freed from the shoe and the apparatus.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 17, 1995
    Date of Patent: September 30, 1997
    Assignee: Salomon S.A.
    Inventor: Fran.cedilla.ois Girard
  • Patent number: 5669630
    Abstract: A snowboard binding that can readily attach and release a boot from a snowboard. The binding includes a binding housing that is mounted to the snowboard. The housing has a pair of pin holes that receive locating pins which extend from the sole of a boot. When the snowboarder inserts the pins into the holes, a pair of locking pins extend through apertures in the locating pins to secure the boot to the board. The locking pins are coupled to a lever which can be rotated by the user. Rotation of the lever moves the locking pins out of the locating pin apertures so that the boot can be detached from the board. The binding housing includes a base plate that is mounted to the snowboard and a cover plate which contains the locking pins and release mechanism. The cover plate is coupled to the base plate by a tie down bolt which can be unscrewed to allow rotation of the cover plate relative to the board. Rotating the cover plate also rotates the pin holes and the corresponding foot position of the snowboarder.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 24, 1996
    Date of Patent: September 23, 1997
    Assignee: Crush Snowboard Products, Inc.
    Inventors: Richard W. Perkins, Bradley L. Read
  • Patent number: 5660410
    Abstract: The present invention is directed to a step-in, strapless snowboard binding. The snowboard binding is particularly useful for soft-shelled boots. The snowboard binding includes a receiving member and a locking member which rotate relative to one another to lock or unlock the boot relative to the binding.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 2, 1995
    Date of Patent: August 26, 1997
    Assignee: Device Manufacturing Corporation
    Inventor: Richard P. Alden
  • Patent number: 5639108
    Abstract: An assembly of a boot and a binding for a gliding board, such as a ski, as well as the boot and binding themselves. The binding has a movable mechanical mechanism for enabling a modification of the release threshold of the binding at will. The boot has a local reference which differs according to whether the boot is for the right or left side. The binding has movable sensors and a linkage to affect the release threshold of the binding. The reference of the boot determines the side of the jaw for which the release threshold is modified.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 13, 1995
    Date of Patent: June 17, 1997
    Assignee: Salomon S.A.
    Inventors: Christian Challande, Pierre Desarmaux, Pascal Thomas
  • Patent number: 5595396
    Abstract: A retention device of a boot on a gliding board, especially a snowboard. The device includes a retention element associated with the board, cooperating with a complementary retention element associated with the boot, together ensuring a connection between the boot and the board according to different degrees of freedom. The device includes a groove for one of the elements, and a rib for the other element. The rib and the groove having complementary shapes to enable cooperation by nesting. The device also includes a gripping mechanism for one of the elements, and a latching mechanism for the other element forming a removable latch for actively retaining the rib nested in the groove.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 4, 1994
    Date of Patent: January 21, 1997
    Assignee: Salomon S.A.
    Inventor: Joel Bourdeau
  • Patent number: 5586779
    Abstract: A snowboard boot binding device comprising a binding mount plate for fixedly mounting a snowboard binding thereto, said binding mount plate having a cavity centrally defined therein, a ring fixedly attached to said binding mount plate having a bore centrally defined therethrough, a hub for mounting said boot binding device to a snowboard, said hub being centrally disposed in said cavity and extending through said bore, wherein said binding mount plate is free to rotate about said hub, thereby allowing for adjustment of an angular position of said binding mount plate, and locking means for arresting and releasing rotation of said binding mount plate, thereby allowing the angular position of said binding mount plate to be adjusted.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 6, 1995
    Date of Patent: December 24, 1996
    Inventors: Paul J. Dawes, Thomas A. Krulevitch, Peter A. Krulevitch
  • Patent number: 5564719
    Abstract: A snowboard having a pair of bindings for ski boots, with the bindings being arranged on the snowboard one behind the other. A release mechanism is provided for releasing a ski boot from the rearward binding wherein the mechanism is activated at a location near the forward binding and at approximately knee height.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 14, 1993
    Date of Patent: October 15, 1996
    Inventor: Claus Kisselmann
  • Patent number: 5551720
    Abstract: A system for changing the stiffness of a ski having a boot sole with first and second movable portions, and a biasing device for urging the portions apart to add stiffness to the ski.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 3, 1994
    Date of Patent: September 3, 1996
    Inventor: Piero G. Ruffinengo
  • Patent number: 5520405
    Abstract: A snowboard binding including of a binding plate mounted to the snowboard. A binding having a rubber insulator is secured to the binding plate. The binding has an insert aperture, an insert position, a locked position, and a pair of stopping means therebetween. The insert position corresponds with the insert aperture. The locked position is rotatably perpendicular to the insert position. The stopping means serves to prevent the locked position from rotating beyond perpendicular. A boot has a walking peg secured to the heel and to the toe. The boot has a boot binding theresecured. The boot binding corresponds with the insert aperture and the insert position of the binding. The boot binding is capable of rotating the binding from the insert position to the locked position.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 10, 1994
    Date of Patent: May 28, 1996
    Inventor: Lyle J. Bourke
  • Patent number: 5505477
    Abstract: A boot for use with a snowboard includes a binding for attachment to the boot. The boot includes a base, a highback, and an upper. The base includes a binding-receiving plate for attaching the boot to the binding on the snowboard. The base also has toe and heel ends. The base is formed with a toecap at the toe end and has a heel counter at the heel end. Tread projects from the bottom of the base for traction when the boot is not attached to the-snowboard. The highback extends upwardly from the heel counter of the base. The highback provides aft support to the user. The upper is fixedly attached to the base and is arranged and configured to receive the foot and ankle of the user. The upper has a rearward side adjacent the highback. The upper is more flexible than the base and the highback. A base strap is connected to opposing sides of the base and extends across a portion of the upper.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 12, 1994
    Date of Patent: April 9, 1996
    Assignee: K-2 Corporation
    Inventors: Brent H. Turner, John E. Svensson
  • Patent number: 5474322
    Abstract: A snowboard binding that can readily attach and release a boot from a snowboard. The binding includes a binding housing that is mounted to the snowboard. The housing has a pair of pin holes that receive locating pins which extend from the sole of a boot. When the snowboarder inserts the pins into the holes, a pair of locking pins extend through apertures in the locating pins to secure the boot to the board. The locking pins are coupled to a lever which can be rotated by the user. Rotation of the lever moves the locking pins out of the locating pin apertures so that the boot can be detached from the board. The binding housing includes a base plate that is mounted to the snowboard and a cover plate which contains the locking pins and release mechanism. The cover plate is coupled to the base plate by a tie down bolt which can be unscrewed to allow rotation of the cover plate relative to the board. Rotating the cover plate also rotates the pin holes and the corresponding foot position of the snowboarder.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 21, 1994
    Date of Patent: December 12, 1995
    Assignee: Crush Snowboard Products, Inc.
    Inventors: Richard W. Perkins, Bradley L. Read
  • Patent number: 5412883
    Abstract: A ski boot and a combination of a ski boot and a releasable ski binding which attaches the boot to a ski. The boot includes a forward cuff and a hinged rear cuff, the rear cuff being secured to the forward cuff such that upon predetermined rearwardly-directed load, the rear cuff separates from the forward cuff to permit free movement of the rear cuff. A closure is provided for engaging the rear cuff with the forward cuff. The binding includes a first connecting portion secured to the ski and a second connecting portion secured to the ski boot. The two portions are releasably coupled so that they can be disengaged under predetermined load. A cam arrangement extends from the rear cuff of the boot in order to engage the first connecting portion to cause uncoupling of the first and second connecting portions upon separation of the rear cuff from the forward cuff.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 12, 1993
    Date of Patent: May 9, 1995
    Inventors: Elmer B. Wulf, Mark E. Wulf
  • Patent number: 5294144
    Abstract: A hydraulic ski binding comprises a hydraulic fluid-containing cylinder divided into two spaced-apart chambers by a piston attached to a piston rod, the piston and cylinder being slidable relative to each other, and either the cylinder or piston rod being associated with ski boot attachment structure to connect a ski boot to a ski. The attachment structure is biased by a spring into its ski boot attachment mode. Shock-absorbing structure is provided comprising ducts connecting the chambers, one including a check valve, another a choke, and a further a shut-off valve. Battery-powered electronic circuitry is provided which includes transducers, the circuitry opening the shut-off valve by activating an electromagnet associated therewith when a predetermined force acting on the binding is detected by the transducers. When the shut-off valve is thus opened, the shock-absorbing structure provided by the choke is, in effect, deactivated, allowing the spring to control release of the ski boot directly.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 10, 1992
    Date of Patent: March 15, 1994
    Assignee: Marker Deutschland GmbH
    Inventors: Premek Stepanek, Gerhard Sedlmair
  • Patent number: 5214865
    Abstract: A ski shoe having a stiff shell and a shock-absorbing device which includes an elastic element and a heel member, the elastic element being provided between an underside of the stiff ski shoe shell and the heel member. The elastic element being adapted to absorb vertical shock forces. The elastic element has a profile projecting upwardly from a plate-like section, which profile fits into a recess in an underside of the shell. An upwardly projecting support part on the heel member is received into a recess provided in the profile, the upper edge of the support part projecting higher than a plane containing the plate-like section of the elastic element.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 1992
    Date of Patent: June 1, 1993
    Assignee: Calzaturificio Brixia S.p.A.
    Inventor: Mario Sartor
  • Patent number: 5188387
    Abstract: A ski binding release mechanism that includes both an electronic and a mechanical release mechanism. The mechanical release mechanism incorporates a delay feature that allows it to function only if the electronic mechanism experiences a failure. The delay feature is provided by a cylinder movable with respect to a stationary piston positioned therein, the piston dividing the cylinder into two chambers. Movement of the cylinder, required to release the soleholder of a ski boot, is retarded by the time required to pass liquid in the cylinder from a first of the chambers to a second of the chambers through a choke passage in the piston as the cylinder moves. Movement of the cylinder is caused by a plunger connected to the soleholder of the ski binding that urges against the cylinder under the influence of a sustained, predetermined, potentially hazardous force acting on the binding.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 1990
    Date of Patent: February 23, 1993
    Inventor: Piero G. Ruffinengo
  • Patent number: 5145202
    Abstract: A snowboard release binding consists of a boot holding plate which has vallate indents to engage a nipple in the release unit. As the boot holding plate is placed over the release unit, the nipple is depressed which allows the boot holding plate to be secured to the release unit. When the boot holding plate is twisted, turned or lifted in any of twelve angles of release, wall extensions around the vallate indent force the nipple to retract, thus freeing the rider's first foot from the snowboard. The second foot is similarly and instantaneously released, preventing injury by releasing the feet before damaging stresses can be applied to the legs and structure of a rider. A ski brake is also developed to prevent further travel of the snowboard, and when used in conjunction with a self-containing strap, will prevent injury to the rider and other skiers or snowboarders in the immediate area.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 7, 1990
    Date of Patent: September 8, 1992
    Inventor: Earl A. Miller
  • Patent number: 5118128
    Abstract: A mount is used in combination with a ski having a longitudinally extending upper surface, a ski boot, and at least one clamp for securing the boot to the upper surface. The mount comprises an element fixed to the ski, an element fixed to the clamp, and an adjustment mechanism interconnecting the elements for relative stepless displacement transversely of the ski and for fixing them relative to each other against relative movement. When the boot is held by individual toe and heel clamps, each of these clamps is associated with respective such elements and adjustment mechanism. The mechanism normally includes at least one micrometric screw and at least one rack meshing with the screw. The system can also allow the boot to pivot about an axis perpendicular to the upper ski surface relative to the ski.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 10, 1989
    Date of Patent: June 2, 1992
    Assignee: Societe Anonyme Skis
    Inventors: Yves Piegay, Roger Colussi
  • Patent number: 5116074
    Abstract: Two base parts, by means of a spring assembly acting between them, are braced against sides of a pin with a non-circular cross-section fixed to the ski which face away from one another, in such a manner that the base parts, which together can be swivelled around the pin, are pushed into a desired position and when leaving the desired position, are moved away from one another. The ski boot is held in a form-locking manner between coupling elements and a holding-down device on the base parts. The holding-down device supports itself on the pin in such a manner that, in the case of an upward movement, one base part is moved away from the pin as well as from the other base part.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 12, 1991
    Date of Patent: May 26, 1992
    Assignee: Look S.A.
    Inventor: Henri Peyre
  • Patent number: 5066036
    Abstract: A ski binding system is adaptable to both alpine and cross-country/telemark skiing modes. A base plate is pivotably connected about a transverse axis to the boot by an upwardly extendable transduction hinge, at or just to the rear of the ball of a skier's foot, to provide torsional stability with either rigid or flexible-toed boots. The boot heel and point of connection may be freely raised from the binding. The base plate is safety releasable from the ski upon exertion of excess upward or transverse forces by the skier's foot.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 19, 1990
    Date of Patent: November 19, 1991
    Inventor: Timothy C. Broughton
  • Patent number: 5054213
    Abstract: A shock-absorbing sole for a ski boot. The sole of the ski boot includes at least one elastically deformable element and at least one stiffener, which together comprise the shock absorption apparatus of the invention. The stiffener gives the sole its necessary rigidity for cooperation with the ski bindings. The elastically deformable element, on the other hand, absorbs forces that are encountered during skiing. The shock absorption apparatus can be included in a removable end plate so that the elastically deformable elements can be conveniently replaced to thereby permit the skier to insert an element having the properties he desires. The elastically deformable elements can be either flush with the lower surface of the sole or, alternatively, can be sandwiched within the thickness of the sole.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 15, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 8, 1991
    Assignee: Salomon S.A.
    Inventor: Laurent Bonaventure
  • Patent number: 5044654
    Abstract: The plate release binding for winter sports devices comprises a mobile binding plate (1) of oblong basic outline with a widened mid-section and a vertical central bore (28). The entire engagement and disengagement mechanism, mainly comprising pressure springs (12) and pressure pistons (13) is built into the compact plate into a minimum of space below the area of the boot sole. The binding plate is engaged with the fixed mounted hub (2) on the snowboard by a downward and turning movement of the foot. The hub acts as the only anchoring device for each binding and at the same time also as the central rotational, pivotal and guiding axis for the multi-directionally turning , tilting and lifting movements of the plate.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 4, 1990
    Date of Patent: September 3, 1991
    Inventor: Urs P. Meyer
  • Patent number: 5029890
    Abstract: A safety ski binding for a sports item, the binding including first and second units, each unit for retaining a ski shoe therein, each unit comprising a holder for holding a ski shoe in a predetermined position and including a toe part and a heel part, a part of the holder being movable between a locked position for holding a ski shoe in the predetermined position and an unlocked position for releasing a ski shoe from the predetermined position. An unlocking device is provided for unlocking the holder to thereby release a ski shoe from the predetermined position, the unlocking device including a movable locking pin for selectively engaging a part of the holder. A releasing device is connected to at least one of the toe part and the heel part for releasing a ski shoe from the predetermined position when the holder is in the locked position, the releasing device for releasing a ski shoe in response to a force exerted thereon through the ski shoe.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 6, 1989
    Date of Patent: July 9, 1991
    Assignee: TMC Corporation
    Inventors: Peter Pfaffenbichler, Tibor Szasz
  • Patent number: 5026087
    Abstract: A ski boot and a ski boot incorporating a releasable ski binding which attaches the boot to a ski. The boot-binding includes a first connecting portion secured to the ski, a second connecting portion secured to the boot, a plunger combination for releasably coupling the first and second connecting portions so that the boot may release in any direction, and an actuation device engaging the plunger combination for maintaining coupling of the first and second coupling portions. The actuation device has a pivotal lever arm mounted for withdrawing one of the plungers and an arm stay secured to the ski boot for releasably retaining the pivotal lever arm. The ski boot includes a living hinge in the sole to facilitate walking in the boot, and the hinge may be locked to inhibit the hinging function. The boot extends well above the ankle and is stiffened on the inside or outside to securely mount the arm stay.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 8, 1989
    Date of Patent: June 25, 1991
    Inventors: Elmer B. Wulf, Mark E. Wulf
  • Patent number: 5020822
    Abstract: A ski boot and a ski boot incorporating a releasable ski binding which attaches the boot to a ski. The boot-binding includes a first connecting portion secured to the ski, a second connecting portion secured to the boot, a plunger combination for releasably coupling the first and second connecting portions so that the boot may release in any direction, and an actuation device engaging the plunger combination for maintaining coupling of the first and second coupling portions. The actuation device has a pivotal lever arm mounted for withdrawing one of the plungers and an arm stay secured to the ski boot for releasably retaining the pivotal lever arm. The ski boot includes a living hinge in the sole to facilitate walking in the boot, and the hinge may be locked to inhibit the hinging function. The boot extends well above the ankle and is stiffened on the inside or outside to securely mount the arm stay.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 8, 1989
    Date of Patent: June 4, 1991
    Inventors: Elmer B. Wulf, Mark E. Wulf
  • Patent number: 4971351
    Abstract: A ski binding mechanism for retaining a ski boot in fixed position on a ski and providing for release of the binding at any angle and for precisely controlling the required forces at various release angles. A plurality of retaining points each consisting of a spring plunger mechanism with a spherical tip which is fitted to a contoured retaining socket or groove in the boot sole plate, and the socket or groove is milled away at it's periphery are varying angles. In one embodiment, a plunger is mounted on a rocker arm to counter balance ski brake forces and to facilitate removal by altering release force levels.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 25, 1989
    Date of Patent: November 20, 1990
    Inventor: Arnold L. Flick