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Pipe Joints Or Couplings Patents
Systems (285/120) Patents (Class 285/FOR100)
Systems (285/120) Patents (Class 285/FOR100)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
With access opening (285/121) (Class 285/FOR101)
Swivel (285/122) (Class 285/FOR102)
Detachable return band (285/124) (Class 285/FOR104)
Elbow (285/127) (Class 285/FOR107)
Pipe or cable and box (285/128) (Class 285/FOR108)
With attached closure flange (285/129) (Class 285/FOR109)
Receptacle inlet and outlet in unitary mounting (285/130) (Class 285/FOR110)
Plural noncommunicating paths (285/131) (Class 285/FOR111)
With branched flow (285/132) (Class 285/FOR112)
Concentric (285/133.1) (Class 285/FOR113)
With relative motion (285/136) (Class 285/FOR117)
Parallel (285/137.1) (Class 285/FOR118)
Inner to spaced outer tube coupling (285/138) (Class 285/FOR120)
Radially compressed packing (285/139) (Class 285/FOR121)
Suspended (e.g., oil well casing type) (285/140) (Class 285/FOR122)
Plural layer pipe (285/149) (Class 285/FOR131)
Branched (285/150) (Class 285/FOR132)
With relative motion (285/151) (Class 285/FOR133)
With vent (285/153) (Class 285/FOR135)
Y-type (285/155) (Class 285/FOR137)
T-type (285/156) (Class 285/FOR138)
U-type (285/157) (Class 285/FOR139)
Pipe or rod-to-pipe-to-plate (285/158) (Class 285/FOR140)
Dependent coupling (285/159) (Class 285/FOR141)
Ball and socket (285/160) (Class 285/FOR142)
Plate clamped between internal nut and shoulder or flange (285/161) (Class 285/FOR143)
Expanding spigot engages plate (285/162) (Class 285/FOR144)
Serial relatively movable joints (285/163) (Class 285/FOR145)
Diverse (285/164) (Class 285/FOR146)
Plural ball and socket (285/166) (Class 285/FOR148)
Plural swivel (285/168) (Class 285/FOR150)
Serial diverse single flow or line (285/169) (Class 285/FOR151)
Intermediate joint with expansible spigots (285/170) (Class 285/FOR152)
Compound (e.g., leak-gland type) (285/171) (Class 285/FOR153)
Diverse materials (285/173) (Class 285/FOR155)
Diverse coupling interfaces (285/175) (Class 285/FOR157)
Diverse size or shape (285/176) (Class 285/FOR158)
There are no patents to show for this class.