Land Vehicles: Wheels And Axles Patents (Class 301)
- Balancing device (Class 301/5.21)
- With peripheral roller (Class 301/5.23)
- Having housing for tire inflation means (Class 301/5.24)
- Skate wheel (Class 301/5.301)
- With drive or brake attachment (Class 301/6.1)
- Wheelbarrow type (Class 301/7)
- Having auxiliary bracing (Class 301/8)
- Detachable wheel section (Class 301/9.1)
- Dual wheels (Class 301/36.1)
- With wheel cover (Class 301/37.101)
- Emergency (Class 301/38.1)
- Traction increasing (Class 301/41.1)
- Part of wheel body under tension, part under compression (Class 301/54)
- Tension wheel; e.g., spoke (Class 301/55)
- Compression wheel (Class 301/62)
- Nonresilient tire (Class 301/86)
- Rim (Class 301/95.101)
- Spoke (Class 301/104)
- Hub (Class 301/105.1)
- Device for attaching wheel to axle (Class 301/111.01)
- Sand band (Class 301/123)
- With distinct handle to effect mounting on cycle-type vehicle (Class 301/124.2)
- With provision to interfit with vehicle (Class 301/125)
- Rotary shaft or spindle (Class 301/126)
- Cranked or bowed (Class 301/127)
- Varying-length adjustment (Class 301/128)
- Trussed (Class 301/129)
- Emergency repair provision (Class 301/130)
- Spindle (Class 301/131)
- Skein (Class 301/134)
- Including housing for drive mechanism (Class 301/137)