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Communications: Electrical Patents
Selective (340/825) Patents (Class 340/FOR415)
Selective (340/825) Patents (Class 340/FOR415)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Spare channel (340/825.01) (Class 340/FOR416)
Tree or cascade (340/825.02) (Class 340/FOR417)
Communication or control for the handicapped (340/825.19) (Class 340/FOR418)
Synchronizing (340/825.2) (Class 340/FOR419)
With addressing (340/825.21) (Class 340/FOR420)
Program control (340/825.22) (Class 340/FOR421)
Machine tool (340/825.23) (Class 340/FOR422)
Of audio systems (340/825.24) (Class 340/FOR423)
Audio system (e.g., by pulse signal) (340/825.25) (Class 340/FOR424)
Stock quotation (340/825.26) (Class 340/FOR425)
With information storage (340/825.27) (Class 340/FOR426)
Space allocation (e.g., vehicle seat, hotel reservation) (340/825.28) (Class 340/FOR427)
Remote terminal (340/825.29) (Class 340/FOR428)
Having indication or alarm (e.g., location indication) (340/825.36) (Class 340/FOR429)
Additional to other selective control (340/825.37) (Class 340/FOR430)
Party line (340/825.38) (Class 340/FOR431)
Location indication (340/825.49) (Class 340/FOR437)
Addressing (340/825.52) (Class 340/FOR438)
Plural part (e.g., digit) or repetitions (340/825.53) (Class 340/FOR439)
With multidigit encoder (340/825.56) (Class 340/FOR440)
Pulse responsive actuation (340/825.57) (Class 340/FOR441)
Phase or frequency shift keying (340/825.58) (Class 340/FOR442)
Polarity (340/825.59) (Class 340/FOR443)
Pulse pairs (340/825.6) (Class 340/FOR444)
Having delay line (340/825.61) (Class 340/FOR445)
Serial (340/825.62) (Class 340/FOR446)
Phase responsive actuation (340/825.7) (Class 340/FOR454)
Frequency responsive actuation (340/825.71) (Class 340/FOR455)
Wireless link (340/825.72) (Class 340/FOR456)
Plural frequencies (340/825.73) (Class 340/FOR457)
Amplitude responsive actuation (340/825.77) (Class 340/FOR461)
Divided resistor (340/825.78) (Class 340/FOR462)
Having electron beam device (340/825.97) (Class 340/FOR463)
System having rectifier (340/825.98) (Class 340/FOR464)
There are no patents to show for this class.