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Computer Graphics Processing And Selective Visual Display Systems Patents
Display Attribute Controller (345/112)
Selectable Color Attributes (345/150) Patents (Class 345/FOR169)
Selectable Color Attributes (345/150) Patents (Class 345/FOR169)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Including optical means (345/151) (Class 345/FOR170)
Designated subpixel arrangement (345/152) (Class 345/FOR171)
Color bit data modification or conversion (345/153) (Class 345/FOR172)
Format change (e.g., NTSC to RGB, RGB to composite, or XYZ to RGB) (345/154) (Class 345/FOR173)
Change in number of bits for a designated color (e.g., 4 bits to 8 bits, 8 bits to 4 bits) (345/155) (Class 345/FOR174)
There are no patents to show for this class.