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Optics: Eye Examining, Vision Testing And Correcting Patents
Spectacles And Eyeglasses (351/41)
Ophthalmic Lenses Or Blanks (351/159) Patents (Class 351/FOR100)
Ophthalmic Lenses Or Blanks (351/159) Patents (Class 351/FOR100)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Eye contact type (351/160r) (Class 351/FOR101)
Multifocal (351/161) (Class 351/FOR102)
Colored (351/162) (Class 351/FOR103)
Hydrophilic (351/160H) (Class 351/FOR104)
With light filtering means (351/163) (Class 351/FOR105)
Multifocal (351/164) (Class 351/FOR106)
With sections of different light absorption (351/165) (Class 351/FOR107)
With lens protective layers (351/166) (Class 351/FOR108)
Cataract correction type (351/167) (Class 351/FOR109)
Multifocal (351/168) (Class 351/FOR110)
Gradually varying focal power (351/169) (Class 351/FOR111)
With prismatic segment (351/170) (Class 351/FOR112)
Three or more foci (351/171) (Class 351/FOR113)
Multiple elements (351/172) (Class 351/FOR114)
Image size (aniseikonia) correction (351/173) (Class 351/FOR115)
With beveled, polished or reinforced edges (351/174) (Class 351/FOR116)
Prismatic type (351/175) (Class 351/FOR117)
Focus and/or astigmatism correction (351/176) (Class 351/FOR118)
Methods (351/177) (Class 351/FOR119)
There are no patents to show for this class.