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Optical: Systems And Elements Patents
Polarization Without Modulation (359/483) Patents
Light Polarization Without Any External Input (359/485) Patents (Class 359/FOR133)
Light Polarization Without Any External Input (359/485) Patents (Class 359/FOR133)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
By grid or dipoles (359/486) (Class 359/FOR134)
By reflection or refraction (e.g., brewster angle) (359/487) (Class 359/FOR135)
With particular medium (359/488) (Class 359/FOR136)
Polarization (direction or magnitude) varies over surface of the medium (e.g., vectograph) (359/489) (Class 359/FOR137)
By dichroic medium (359/490) (Class 359/FOR138)
Stain or dye (359/491) (Class 359/FOR139)
Oriented particles (359/492) (Class 359/FOR140)
Glare prevention by discriminating against polarized light (359/493) (Class 359/FOR141)
By birefringent element (359/494) (Class 359/FOR142)
For beam deflection or splitting (359/495) (Class 359/FOR143)
Prisms (359/496) (Class 359/FOR144)
Using plural elements (359/497) (Class 359/FOR145)
With particular material or mounting structure (359/500) (Class 359/FOR148)
By relatively adjustable superimposed or in series polarizers (359/501) (Class 359/FOR149)
With color filter (359/502) (Class 359/FOR150)
There are no patents to show for this class.