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Multiplex Communications Patents
Multiplex Switching (370/53) Patents
Tdm Switching (time Division Multiplexing) (370/58.1) Patents (Class 370/FOR106)
Tdm Switching (time Division Multiplexing) (370/58.1) Patents (Class 370/FOR106)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Control processing (370/58.2) (Class 370/FOR107)
Distributed (370/58.3) (Class 370/FOR108)
T-s (time-space) or s-t (370/59) (Class 370/FOR109)
Packet or addressed data (370/60) (Class 370/FOR110)
Combined with circuit-switching (370/60.1) (Class 370/FOR111)
Store and forward (370/61) (Class 370/FOR112)
Special services with switching (e.g., conference) (370/62) (Class 370/FOR113)
Tst (time-space-time) (370/63) (Class 370/FOR114)
Sts (space-time-space) (370/64) (Class 370/FOR115)
Folded network (370/65) (Class 370/FOR116)
Space stage, per se (370/65.5) (Class 370/FOR117)
Time only (370/66) (Class 370/FOR118)
Bus switch (370/67) (Class 370/FOR119)
Time slot interchangers, per se (370/68) (Class 370/FOR120)
With signalling feature (370/68.1) (Class 370/FOR121)
There are no patents to show for this class.