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Cryptography Patents
Electric Signal Modification (e.g., Scrambling) (380/9) Patents
Video (380/10) Patents (Class 380/FOR110)
Video (380/10) Patents (Class 380/FOR110)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Variable time delay modulation of baseband video signal (380/11) (Class 380/FOR111)
Carrier phase shift (380/12) (Class 380/FOR112)
Carrier frequency conversion (380/13) (Class 380/FOR113)
Nonstandard scan of video information (380/14) (Class 380/FOR114)
By modifying synchronizing signal (380/15) (Class 380/FOR115)
Record or coin controlled (380/16) (Class 380/FOR116)
Phase inversion of scan line information (380/17) (Class 380/FOR117)
Facsimile (380/18) (Class 380/FOR118)
Encrypting of accompanying audio signal (380/19) (Class 380/FOR119)
Control coding (380/20) (Class 380/FOR120)
There are no patents to show for this class.