Illuminating Or Display Apparatus Patents (Class 385/901)
  • Patent number: 5208891
    Abstract: A viewgraph projector having a light above the transparency receiver and jecting downward through the transparency is provided. The projected image is received below the transparency by a condenser lens and further transmitted by a flexible fiber-optic cable. A projecting lens is provided at the output end of the fiber-optic cable for projecting the images to a screen. Structurally associated with the projecting lens is a device or means which enables removably affixing the projecting lens relative to a suitable support in a conference room environment, which device may for example constitute a clip, hooking means, clamp, or weights. This enables a subset of the aforesaid elements comprising the light source, transparency receiver, and condenser lens to be located independently of the projecting lens, as for example, to locations where they do not obstruct the audience's field of view or where backscattered illumination from the light source does not annoy the audience.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 7, 1991
    Date of Patent: May 4, 1993
    Assignee: The United State of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
    Inventor: William J. Prysner
  • Patent number: 5207498
    Abstract: A vacuum cleaner headlight system incorporating a light pipe is provided. The light pipe includes reflex optics to control the distribution of light across the width of the output edge of the light pipe, as well as to prevent light from escaping through the sides of the light pipe. A reflex optical reflector is also part of the system, for reflecting light from a light bulb into the light pipe without requiring a metallized mirror.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 27, 1991
    Date of Patent: May 4, 1993
    Assignee: Electrolux Corporation
    Inventors: Randall K. Lawrence, Timothy W. Jackson, Ronald L. Sitzema, Jr.
  • Patent number: 5202950
    Abstract: A light pipe used for backlighting liquid crystal displays has a planar front surface and a stair-stepped or faceted back surface. Light is injected from the ends of the light pipe from cold- or hot-cathode, apertured, fluorescent lamps. The cold-cathode lamps are preferably insulated to raise their operating temperature. The back surface has a series of planar portions parallel to the front surface connected by facets, which are angled so that the injected light reflects off the facets and through the front surface. A reflector having a planar, highly reflective, highly scattering surface or a sawtoothed or grooved upper surface in located adjacent to and parallel with the light pipe back surface to reflect light escaping from the back surface back through the light pipe to exit the front surface. The axis of grooves is preferably slightly skewed from the facet axis to reduce moire pattern development.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 23, 1991
    Date of Patent: April 13, 1993
    Assignee: Compaq Computer Corporation
    Inventors: Douglas A. Arego, Kevin J. Hathaway, Richard M. Knox, Jr., Gaylon R. Kornfuehrer
  • Patent number: 5187765
    Abstract: A light emitting panel backlighted by an optical fiber assembly is provided in which the individual optical fibers are positioned in parallel across the bottom of a frame and transverse notches are scored in the cladding so as to permit lateral emission of light along the length of the fibers. The lateral emissions impinge on an emitter and are projected onto a diffusing plate mounted in the top of the frame to provide uniform illumination throughout the entire area of the light emitting panel. Increased light throughput is obtained by inducing air flow at the end of the optical fiber bundle to keep the end surface cool by removing the heat from light energy impinging upon the end.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 23, 1991
    Date of Patent: February 16, 1993
    Assignee: Fostec, Inc.
    Inventors: Michael M. Muehlemann, Rolf H. Mueller
  • Patent number: 5184882
    Abstract: A projection headlamp lighting system includes a light source to generate light, a light distributing arrangement to distribute the light to a preselected lighting position, and a light projecting arrangement at the lighting position to project the light in the desired pattern. The light distributing arrangement includes a plurality of elongated optical light conductors being of different diameter sizes and having respective input and output ends. The light projecting arrangement includes a housing for holding the output ends of the optical light conductors in an array to project a desired light pattern that is substantially tailored to optimally fit a vehicle's field of illumination with minimal obstruction of the projected light.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 9, 1991
    Date of Patent: February 9, 1993
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: John M. Davenport, Richard L. Hansler, Lee E. Barnes, Jr.
  • Patent number: 5165187
    Abstract: Improved illumination of edge illuminated signs is achieved by use of light guides of transparent material to match the aperture of an edge of a sign panel to the aperture of a light source which may be located remotely. The light guide is typically of ribbon section at the panel end and of compact section at the other. It may be formed by dividing a continuation of one edge of the panel into individual fibres. The compact end of the guide may be fitted with a ferrule for coupling to further light guide elements. The sign panel is preferably covered with internally reflective or phosphorescent material except in the regions of indicia formed on the surface of the panel by masking, abrasion or hot stamping.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 30, 1987
    Date of Patent: November 24, 1992
    Assignee: Fiber Sense & Signals Inc.
    Inventors: Ferrydon Shahidi-Hamedani, Joan Shahidi-Hamedani
  • Patent number: 5150445
    Abstract: In a luminous display system incorporating optical fibers, through-holes are formed in a display screen so as to form an equispaced rectangular grid. Each optical fiber is provided with an input and an output terminal. The output terminals are embedded in the through-holes while the input terminals of the optical fbers are attached to an input section. The input section has a rear surface on which an image is projected. Arrangement of the input terminals on the input section is the same as that of the output terminals at the display screen an area of which is equal to or more than that of the input section. A liquid crystal display panel is interposed between the input section rear surface and a light source. The light source projects light through the liquid crystal display panel and a lens, the light then being reflected from a reflecting surface to the rear surface of the input section, so that an enlarged display pattern is formed on the display screen through the optical fibers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 22, 1990
    Date of Patent: September 22, 1992
    Assignee: Minto Kensetsu Co. Ltd.
    Inventors: Takashi Toyoda, Masafumi Takesako
  • Patent number: 5129032
    Abstract: An optical fiber display apparatus comprises a display panel, and a plurality of optical fibers, one end of each being optically connected to a light source, and the other end thereof being implanted in the panel from one surface side thereof, so that the end face thereof is exposed at the other surface of the panel. A fixing device is used for implanting of the fibers, and includes a sleeve detachably inserted and held in a through hole formed in the panel, and a ferrule detachably inserted in the sleeve from a side of one end thereof and held therein, the other end of each of the fibers being received and fixed in the ferrule. A second ferrule may be detachably inserted in the sleeve from a side of the other end thereof, to be thus suspended from the other surface of the panel. One end of a decorative optical fiber is received and fixed in the second ferrule to be thus suspended from the display panel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 26, 1991
    Date of Patent: July 7, 1992
    Assignee: Mitsubishi Rayon Co. Ltd.
    Inventors: Toshinori Kawai, Yoshihiro Shimoshimbara, Yoshio Ueda, Shozo Shimizu, Toshinobu Shiba, Yukio Harata
  • Patent number: 5129028
    Abstract: An improvement for a large screen display eliminates the gap/grid line wh is otherwise present between abutted display modules. Each of the display modules has a light-emanating/reflecting display surface which provides a visual indication of the information content on a problem of a visual display for the large screen. A diverging strip is superimposed over each gap/grid line and at least a portion of the butting light-radiating display surfaces so that light is diverged from the abutted light-radiating surfaces to optically mask the gap/grid line and present a continuous uniterrupted display across the surface of the large screen display. The diverging strip can be tilted hollow fiber microchannels, tilted optical fibers or tilted plastic fibers inclined or fan-shaped at about a angle so that the gap/grip lines are optically masked.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: November 1, 1990
    Date of Patent: July 7, 1992
    Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
    Inventor: Parviz Soltan
  • Patent number: 5127080
    Abstract: A fiber optic phosphor screen is made of an optical fiber bundle having individual fibers arranged in parallel with opposite ends thereof extending between internal and external surfaces of the screen. The ends of the individual fibers at the internal surface of the screen have phosphor islands bonded only to the core portions in order to provide a pseudo-intagliated phosphor layer. A reflective layer is coated over the phosphor islands in between on the cladding portions of the fibers. A method for producing the fiber optic phosphor screen includes the steps of applying a phosphor-photoresist layer to the ends of the fibers at the internal surface of the screen, illuminating the opposite ends of the fibers such that only the portions of the phosphor-photoresist layer on the core portions of the fibers are developed and bonded thereto, and removing the undeveloped portions of the phosphor-photoresist layer to leave behind phosphor islands bonded to the core portions.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 18, 1991
    Date of Patent: June 30, 1992
    Assignee: ITT Corporation
    Inventor: Daniel D. Duggan, Sr.
  • Patent number: 5123077
    Abstract: The present invention relates to a light source device and particularly to a light source device which can be applied to a light source apparatus of a liquid crystal display apparatus which utilizes a flat plane type light source. The present invention provides a large size, light weight and thin flat plane light source which ensures uniform high level brightness to the entire part of display panel.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 20, 1990
    Date of Patent: June 16, 1992
    Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Syuusuke Endo, Naofumi Aoyama, Toshihiko Yabuuchi
  • Patent number: 5119464
    Abstract: Optical fibers are marked as they move continuously in a flat bundle prior to insertion into a protective envelope by continuously spraying an ink jet in a plane intersecting all the fibers, alternately from one extreme fiber to the other. The inkjet is sprayed in a plane perpendicular to the direction of forward movement of the fibers. The marking device comprises a head for spraying a jet of ink in a plane intersecting all the fibers reciprocating from one extreme fiber of the flat bundle to the other. The spray head moves in a plane perpendicular to the direction of forward movement of the fibers.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 13, 1991
    Date of Patent: June 2, 1992
    Assignee: Alcatel Cable
    Inventors: Claude Freychet, Alain Tauleygne
  • Patent number: 5117312
    Abstract: An optical system comprising reflectors of elliptical and circular cross section for efficiently coupling radiation from a large scale radiation source such as a light bulb into an optical fiber bundle.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 4, 1991
    Date of Patent: May 26, 1992
    Assignee: Fusion Systems Corporation
    Inventor: James T. Dolan
  • Patent number: 5109461
    Abstract: A fiber optics light device particularly adapted for use in illuminating an object in conjunction with an optical comparitor. The device, which transmits light to the object from a separate light source, has a generally U-shaped housing having a first pair of flexible conduits, each one of the pair connected at one end and laterally extending in the same direction from each one of the arms of the housing. A second pair of flexible conduits is connected at one end and laterally extend from the cross-member of the housing. Optical fibers extend between the distal ends of the corresponding first and second pair of conduits and through the corresponding housing arms transmitting light therethrough. The distal ends of the first conduits emit light against the object and are adjustably positionable for that purpose.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 10, 1991
    Date of Patent: April 28, 1992
    Inventor: David L. Churchill
  • Patent number: 5101466
    Abstract: There is disclosed a light transmitting display assembly provided with a source of electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum and comprised of a display board containing information and formed with channels into which ends of optical fibers of an optical fiber bundle are selectively positioned and after positioning the surface of the display board is coated with microbeads wherein the source of electromagnetic radiation is directed into the other ends of the optical fibers of the optical fiber bundle to provide a light transmitting display assembly capable of wide angle viewing.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 29, 1989
    Date of Patent: March 31, 1992
    Assignee: Tru-Lyte Systems, Inc.
    Inventor: Michael J. Reidinger
  • Patent number: 5066085
    Abstract: A fiber optic curtain when activated projects a multitude of bright pinpoints of light without the use of electrical wires or lamp filaments for illumination. The curtain has one or more cloth panels with attached fiber optic strands having tips substantially perpendicular to and substantially flush with the front face of the panels. Bright pinpoints of light are formed at the tips when the other ends of the fiber optic strands are connected to a light source, but the tips are not visible before the light source is activated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 9, 1990
    Date of Patent: November 19, 1991
    Assignee: Main Light Inc.
    Inventors: Aidas Gimbutas, Marion Gimbutas
  • Patent number: 5058985
    Abstract: This coupling means comprises a sleeve containing a bore in which is located a bundle of optical fibers, at least some of which are of compression-deformable material. The input ends of the fibers, which receive light from a light source, are located in a predetermined plane. The bore tapers from a relatively large diameter at a location in a second plane spaced from said predetermined plane to a relatively small diameter at said predetermined plane. The tapered bore is of such a size that the optical fibers therein are laterally compressed and the compression-deformable fibers are so deformed in transverse cross-section relative to their normal cross-sections that the fibers more completely fill the bore in its relatively small diameter region than in said second plane.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 23, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 22, 1991
    Assignee: General Electric Company
    Inventors: John M. Davenport, William W. Finch, Richard L. Hansler, John L. Henkes, Jeffrey D. Johnson
  • Patent number: 5058982
    Abstract: An illumination system particularly useful for inspecting a workpiece by an optic scanner includes darkfield illumination produced mainly by two elongate light sources each having a reflector focussing member and a lenticular lens sheet spreading the light from its light source over its reflector focussing member to produce an approximate image of its light source on the line to be scanned. The illumination system further includes brightfield illumination produced mainly by a third elongate light source mounted laterally of the scanner optic axis, a refractive focussing member, and a further lenticular lens sheet producing an approximate image of the third light source on the line to be scanned. A beamsplitter aligned with the scanner optic axis reflects the light from the refractive focussing member towards the workpiece, and conducts therethrough both the darkfield and brightfield illumination reflected from the workpiece to the optic scanner.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 10, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 22, 1991
    Assignee: Orbot Systems Ltd.
    Inventor: Yigal Katzir
  • Patent number: 5053929
    Abstract: In a device for illuminating a bundle of optical fibers the ends of which are grouped together in a sleeve a device is provided for monitoring the operation of each lamp. The device supples an alarm in response to any deficiency of the corresponding lamp.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 12, 1990
    Date of Patent: October 1, 1991
    Assignee: Societe d'Etudes pour le Developpement des Productions Electroniques
    Inventor: Jacques Le Gars
  • Patent number: 5050946
    Abstract: A light pipe used for backlighting liquid crystal displays has a planar front surface and a stairstepped or faceted back surface. Light is injected from the ends of the light pipe from cold or hot cathode, apertured, fluorescent lamps. The cold cathode lamps are preferably insulated to raise their operating temperature. The back surface has a series of planar portions parallel to the front surface connected by facets, which are angled so that the injected light reflects off the facets and through the front surface. A reflector having a planar, highly reflective, highly scattering surface or a sawtoothed or grooved upper surface is located adjacent to and parallel with the light pipe back surface to reflect light escaping from the back surface back through the light pipe to exit the front surface. The axis of grooves is preferably slightly skewed from the facet axis to reduce moire pattern development.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 27, 1990
    Date of Patent: September 24, 1991
    Assignee: Compaq Computer Corporation
    Inventors: Kevin J. Hathaway, Richard M. Knox, Jr., Douglas A. Arego, Gaylon R. Kornfuerhrer
  • Patent number: 5042894
    Abstract: A fiber optic lighting system suitable for signs such as road and highway signs as well as other commercial uses and which includes a plurality of fresnel lenses which are recessed within openings through the front of a housing and which are aligned in space relationship from the tips of a plurality of optical fibers that are positively aligned and secured within the housing using a plastic shield which ensures proper positioning of the optical fibers to locate light emitted from the fibers at the proper focal distance to the fresnel lenses.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 5, 1990
    Date of Patent: August 27, 1991
    Inventor: Gerry E. Swemer
  • Patent number: 5042892
    Abstract: A light emitting panel formed by a single layer of parallel and contiguously arranged clad optical fibers supplied with light from a source at one end of the panel. The fibers are cemented together and the cladding is removed from the light emitting surface of the panel. In one embodiment, each fiber is looped at the end of the panel remote from the source of light so that both ends of each fiber is connected to the source of light.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 3, 1990
    Date of Patent: August 27, 1991
    Inventors: David Chiu, Robert A. Kirzl