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Photography Patents
Fluid-treating Apparatus (354/297) Patents (Class 396/FOR915)
Fluid-treating Apparatus (354/297) Patents (Class 396/FOR915)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Photocell controlled (354/298) (Class 396/FOR916)
And temperature control (354/299) (Class 396/FOR917)
Gaseous-treating (354/300) (Class 396/FOR918)
Treating superimposed or laminar sheets (354/301) (Class 396/FOR919)
Rollers sequentially submerge and press sheet (354/302) (Class 396/FOR920)
Having fluid dispensing (354/303) (Class 396/FOR921)
Having fluid reservoir (354/305) (Class 396/FOR923)
Reversal processing (354/306) (Class 396/FOR924)
Dark cabinet (354/307) (Class 396/FOR925)
Hand or body insertion (354/308) (Class 396/FOR926)
Daylight loading (354/310) (Class 396/FOR928)
Having film-holding cabinet insertable into developing tank (354/311) (Class 396/FOR929)
Having film support or handling means (354/312) (Class 396/FOR930)
Fluid application to one side only of film (354/317) (Class 396/FOR935)
By roller or web (354/318) (Class 396/FOR936)
Having film or paper feed (354/319) (Class 396/FOR937)
And film immersed and removed (354/320) (Class 396/FOR938)
Single station and plural fluids (354/323) (Class 396/FOR941)
Having fluid circulating means (354/324) (Class 396/FOR942)
And fluid spraying means (354/325) (Class 396/FOR943)
And plate support means (354/326) (Class 396/FOR944)
By rocking tray or support (354/327) (Class 396/FOR945)
Having fluid agitating means (354/328) (Class 396/FOR946)
Rotating carrier (354/329) (Class 396/FOR947)
Film or print processing vessel (354/331) (Class 396/FOR949)
Having interlocking doors (354/332) (Class 396/FOR950)
Attachment or accessory (354/333) (Class 396/FOR951)
Having film or plate support (354/337) (Class 396/FOR955)
Having film guiding ribs (354/338) (Class 396/FOR956)
Film guide (354/339) (Class 396/FOR957)
Film holding device (354/340) (Class 396/FOR958)
Spool (354/341) (Class 396/FOR959)
Tensioning means (354/342) (Class 396/FOR960)
Adjustable means (354/343) (Class 396/FOR961)
Retaining means (354/344) (Class 396/FOR962)
Gripping means (354/345) (Class 396/FOR963)
There are no patents to show for this class.