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Optical Communications Patents
Optical Communication (359/109) Patents
Multiplex (359/115) Patents (Class 398/FOR106)
Multiplex (359/115) Patents (Class 398/FOR106)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Mode (359/116) (Class 398/FOR107)
Spatial or switching (359/117) (Class 398/FOR108)
Optical local area network (lan) (359/118) (Class 398/FOR109)
Loop (359/119) (Class 398/FOR110)
Active star (359/120) (Class 398/FOR111)
Passive star (359/121) (Class 398/FOR112)
Polarization (359/122) (Class 398/FOR113)
Time and frequency division (359/123) (Class 398/FOR114)
Wavelength division/frequency division (includes scattering, e.g., raman, brillouin, etc.) (359/124) (Class 398/FOR115)
Subscriber system (359/125) (Class 398/FOR116)
By optical coupling (359/127) (Class 398/FOR118)
Single source, electrically controlled (359/132) (Class 398/FOR123)
Different sources (359/133) (Class 398/FOR124)
Time division (359/135) (Class 398/FOR126)
Multiple access (e.g., CSMA, CDMA) (359/136) (Class 398/FOR127)
Subscriber system (359/137) (Class 398/FOR128)
By specific optical element (359/138) (Class 398/FOR129)
With delay (359/140) (Class 398/FOR131)
There are no patents to show for this class.