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Stock Material Or Miscellaneous Articles Patents
Composite (nonstructural Laminate) (428/411.1)
Of Inorganic Material (428/688)
Metal-compound-containing Layer (428/689)
Defined Magnetic Layer (428/692) Patents
Dynamic Recording Medium (428/694 R) Patents
Metal Thin Film Magnetic Layer (428/694 T) Patents (Class 428/FOR148)
Metal Thin Film Magnetic Layer (428/694 T) Patents (Class 428/FOR148)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Specified subbing or underlayer (428/694 ts) (Class 428/FOR149)
Specified back coat layer (428/694 tb) (Class 428/FOR150)
Topcoat, or protective overlayer (428/694 tp) (Class 428/FOR151)
Carbon (428/694 TC) (Class 428/FOR152)
Plasma polymerized (428/694 TZ) (Class 428/FOR153)
Fluorocarbon or organosilicon layer (428/694 TF) (Class 428/FOR154)
Specified surface feature or roughness (428/694 tr) (Class 428/FOR155)
Multiple magnetic layer (428/694 tm) (Class 428/FOR156)
There are no patents to show for this class.