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Chemistry: Molecular Biology And Microbiology Patents
Animal Or Plant Cell (e.g., Cell Lines, Etc.); Compositions Thereof; Process Of Propagating, Maintaining Or Preserving Animal Or Plant Cell Or Composition Thereof; Process Of Isolating Or Separating An Animal Or Plant Cell Or Composition Thereof; Process Of Preparing A Composition Containing Animal Or Plant Cell; Culture Media Therefore (435/240.1) Patents
Plant Cells, Per Se, Culture Techniques And Media (435/240.4) Patents
Culture Techniques (e.g., Meristem Culture, Etc.) (435/240.45) Patents
Callus Culture (435/240.48) Patents
Regeneration (includes Nonflowering Ornamentals (435/240.49) Patents
Agronomic Crops (e.g., Tobacco, Grains, Etc.) (435/240.5) Patents (Class 435/FOR120)
Agronomic Crops (e.g., Tobacco, Grains, Etc.) (435/240.5) Patents (Class 435/FOR120)
There are no patents to show for this class.