Abstract: In a screen where score display is presented, a numeric value or mark responsive to a state of pins after a bowl is preliminarily displayed, and then the preliminary display is transformed or moved so that the numeric value or mark is displayed in the square. This allows an easier understanding of the correspondence between changes in the contents of score display on the display screen and actual progress of a bowling game.
Abstract: An automated character-based bowling scoring display system provides voltage level encoding of separate red, green, and blue digital signals into a single analog signal for transmission at a standard transmission frequency or a reduced transmission frequency over a single coaxial cable stretching approximately 200 feet to a remote monitor residing in an overhead console. The system provides monitor display of various sizes and fonts of alphanumeric and graphical characters stored in hardware. The reduced transmission frequency results in a wider character when displayed. The system can store up to four additional pages of character information which can be successively and rapidly displayed on a monitor thereby mimicking the animation capability inherent in a more expensive and sophisticated bit-mapped graphics system.