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Games Using Tangible Projectile Patents
Balls (273/58r) Patents (Class 473/FOR134)
Balls (273/58r) Patents (Class 473/FOR134)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Baseball (273/60r) (Class 473/FOR135)
Covers (273/60A) (Class 473/FOR136)
No windings (273/60B) (Class 473/FOR137)
Tennis (273/61r) (Class 473/FOR138)
Ping-pong balls (273/61A) (Class 473/FOR139)
Fabrics, per se (273/61B) (Class 473/FOR140)
Rubber formulations (273/61C) (Class 473/FOR141)
Methods of pressurizing (273/61D) (Class 473/FOR142)
Football and basketball (273/65r) (Class 473/FOR143)
Closure (273/65A) (Class 473/FOR144)
Bladders (273/65B) (Class 473/FOR145)
Valves: composite (273/65C) (Class 473/FOR146)
Valves: rubber (273/65D) (Class 473/FOR147)
Casings (273/64E) (Class 473/FOR148)
Closure means (273/65F) (Class 473/FOR156)
Solid and covered (273/58a) (Class 473/FOR157)
Hollow: single layer (273/58b) (Class 473/FOR158)
Plural layer (273/58ba) (Class 473/FOR159)
Tethered (273/58c) (Class 473/FOR160)
Skeleton (273/58d) (Class 473/FOR161)
Sounding (273/58e) (Class 473/FOR162)
Loose internal elements (273/58f) (Class 473/FOR163)
Including electrical components (273/58g) (Class 473/FOR164)
Liquid containing (273/58h) (Class 473/FOR165)
Rubber formulation (273/58j) (Class 473/FOR166)
Surface projections (273/58k) (Class 473/FOR167)
There are no patents to show for this class.