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Colloid Systems And Wetting Agents; Subcombinations Thereof; Processes Of Patents
Colloids And Potential Colloids; Chemical Processes Of Making And Breaking (252/302) Patents
Colloid (polyphase Discontinuous Dispersion) Systems (252/304) Patents
Liquid Primary Dispersants (252/306) Patents (Class 516/FOR104)
Liquid Primary Dispersants (252/306) Patents (Class 516/FOR104)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Foams or gaseous primary dispersands (252/307) (Class 516/FOR105)
Organic major dispersants only (252/308) (Class 516/FOR106)
Inorganic major dispersands only (252/309) (Class 516/FOR107)
Water as major dispersant only (252/310) (Class 516/FOR108)
Organic major dispersands only (252/311) (Class 516/FOR109)
Bituminous dispersands (252/311.5) (Class 516/FOR110)
Oil or liquid dispersands (252/312) (Class 516/FOR111)
Inorganic major dispersands only (252/313.1) (Class 516/FOR112)
Silica (252/313.2) (Class 516/FOR113)
Dispersive or manipulative operations (252/314) (Class 516/FOR114)
There are no patents to show for this class.