Added Nongaseous Dissimilar Treating Substances (252/326) Patents (Class 516/FOR131)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
- Organic and inorganic agents (except water) (252/329) (Class 516/FOR134)
- Inorganic agents (except water) (252/330) (Class 516/FOR135)
- Organic agents (252/331) (Class 516/FOR136)
- Organic sulphoxy compound containing (252/332) (Class 516/FOR137)
- Protein or carboxylic compound containing (252/340) (Class 516/FOR145)
- Organic amine, amide, or N-base containing (252/344) (Class 516/FOR149)
- With elements other than C, H, and O (252/345) (Class 516/FOR150)
There are no patents to show for this class.