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Static Structures (e.g., Buildings) Patents
Shaft (i.e., Elongated Rigid Structure) (52/720.1) Patents
Stone-like Component (e.g., Concrete, Etc.) (52/721.1) Patents (Class 52/FOR103)
Stone-like Component (e.g., Concrete, Etc.) (52/721.1) Patents (Class 52/FOR103)
Foreign Patent Art Collections
Upright (52/721.2) (Class 52/FOR104)
Sustainer (52/721.3) (Class 52/FOR105)
Conduit (52/722.1) (Class 52/FOR108)
Having shell-like outer layer (52/723.1) (Class 52/FOR109)
Having feature resisting transverse loading (e.g., beam, etc.) (52/724.1) (Class 52/FOR111)
Tension member having attached projection (52/724.2) (Class 52/FOR112)
Lattice-type structure (52/724.3) (Class 52/FOR113)
Having arch feature (52/724.4) (Class 52/FOR114)
Having outer layer or shell (52/724.5) (Class 52/FOR115)
There are no patents to show for this class.