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Textiles: Fluid Treating Apparatus Patents
Machines Patents
Scrubbing Patents
Scrubber And Bed, Reciprocatory Patents (Class 68/64)
Scrubber And Bed, Reciprocatory Patents (Class 68/64)
Bed reciprocable about a roll periphery (Class 68/65)
Both movable (Class 68/66)
On horizontal axis (Class 68/67)
Vertical scrubbers (Class 68/68)
Unitary tub and bed (Class 68/69)
On vertical axis (Class 68/70)
Tub movable with scrubber (Class 68/71)
Rectilinearly (Class 68/72)
In vertical plane (Class 68/73)
Scrubber, only, movable (Class 68/74)
On horizontal axis (Class 68/75)
Plate scrubber transverse to axis (Class 68/76)
Plural scrubbers (Class 68/77)
Individually pivoted scrubbers (Class 68/78)
On vertical axis (Class 68/79)
Downwardly directed scrubbing face (Class 68/80)
Rectilinearly (Class 68/81)
Bed, only, movable (Class 68/82)
On vertical axis (Class 68/83)
There are no patents to show for this class.