Digital Data Processing System Initialization Or Configuration (e.g., Initializing, Set Up, Configuration, Or Resetting) Patents (Class 713/1)
  • Patent number: 9465959
    Abstract: A tamper resistant servicing Agent for providing various services (e.g., data delete, firewall protection, data encryption, location tracking, message notification, and updating software) comprises multiple functional modules, including a loader module (CLM) that loads and gains control during POST, independent of the OS, an Adaptive Installer Module (AIM), and a Communications Driver Agent (CDA). Once control is handed to the CLM, it loads the AIM, which in turn locates, validates, decompresses and adapts the CDA for the detected OS environment. The CDA exists in two forms, a mini CDA that determines whether a full or current CDA is located somewhere on the device, and if not, to load the full-function CDA from a network; and a full-function CDA that is responsible for all communications between the device and the monitoring server. The servicing functions can be controlled by a remote server.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 29, 2014
    Date of Patent: October 11, 2016
    Inventor: Philip B. Gardner
  • Patent number: 9459884
    Abstract: Methods, apparatus and computer program products implement embodiments of the present invention that enable a computer system comprising networked computers to self-heal from a boot failure of one of the computers. In some embodiments, upon detecting a first computer failing to successfully load a first boot image, a second computer configures the first computer to boot a second boot image. Upon power cycling, the first computer loads the second boot image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 8, 2015
    Date of Patent: October 4, 2016
    Inventors: Alex Friedman, Constantine Gavrilov
  • Patent number: 9460184
    Abstract: Systems and methods are described herein for creating, maintaining and applying a dataset that can be used to synchronize multiple instances of a data store. The dataset includes a sequentially-ordered sequence of change sets associated with the data store, wherein each change set includes zero or more entries that specify how the state of certain entities in the data store have changed since state changes represented by a previous change set in the sequence were applied to the data store. When a new change set is added to the dataset, any entries in any previously-added change sets dealing with the entities identified in the new change set are removed. Consequently, the dataset provides a concise and complete representation of all the state changes that have occurred to the data store since a known origin state.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 20, 2014
    Date of Patent: October 4, 2016
    Assignee: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC
    Inventors: Michael Lasky, Matthew Ryan
  • Patent number: 9459880
    Abstract: An information processing apparatus includes a BIOS, a setting module, a determination module and a display controller. The setting module sets a display priority order at booting in the BIOS. The determination module determines connection of display units in order of priority based on the display priority order. The display controller performs a shortest waiting operation based on the connection determination and executes a display operation. An information processing apparatus having a screen display output includes a control program, a setting module, a determiner and a display controller. The setting module sets a display priority order at booting in the control program. The determiner determines whether display units are connected, in order of priority based on the display priority order. The display controller performs a shortest waiting operation based on the connection determination and executes a display operation.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 31, 2014
    Date of Patent: October 4, 2016
    Inventors: Hajime Sonobe, Hiroaki Chiba
  • Patent number: 9462048
    Abstract: A system and method for operating a data-intensive computer is provided. The data-intensive computer includes a processing sub-system formed by a plurality of processing node servers and a database sub-system formed by a plurality of database servers configured to form a collective database in excess of a petabyte of storage. The data-intensive computer also includes an operating system sub-system formed by a plurality of operating system servers that extend a unifying operating system environment across the processing sub-system, the database sub-system, and the operating system sub-system to act as components in a single data-intensive computer. The operating system sub-system is configured to coordinate execution of a single application as distributed processes having at least one of the distributed processes executed on the processing sub-system and at least one of the distributed processes executed on the database sub-system.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 23, 2015
    Date of Patent: October 4, 2016
    Assignee: The Johns Hopkins University
    Inventors: Sandor Szalay, Edward Givelberg
  • Patent number: 9454446
    Abstract: Methods and systems for utilizing local storage of host computers to emulate a centralized storage system comprise receiving a write operation from a virtual machine running on a first host computer, wherein the write operation corresponds to a disk image that is locally stored in a first host computer. The disk image and a second disk image is updated in accordance with the write operation, wherein (i) the second disk image is locally stored on a second host computer that is networked to the first host computer, (ii) the second disk image serves as a back-up to the disk image, and (ii) the second host computer is configured to support the running of other virtual machines that access other disks images that (a) are locally stored on the second host computer, and (b) are further backed-up on at least a third host computer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 4, 2013
    Date of Patent: September 27, 2016
    Assignee: VMware, Inc.
    Inventor: Jacob Gorm Hansen
  • Patent number: 9454652
    Abstract: A method is provided for protecting a computer system, comprising creating an isolated process, then assigning a first process group to the process; creating an additional group process within the first process group; performing a first determination by an application programming interface (API) that the additional group process is within the first process group, and as a result of the first determination, causing the additional group process to inherit and duplicate a handle of the process. Process communications and control within isolated groups is permitted freely, whereas process control by an isolated process for non-isolated processes or isolated processes in different groups is constrained or prohibited.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 7, 2014
    Date of Patent: September 27, 2016
    Assignee: Secure Vector, LLC
    Inventors: James B. Kargman, Peter Scott, Jeffrey Bromberger
  • Patent number: 9454436
    Abstract: A firmware upgrading method for an electronic device is provided. The electronic device includes a storage section which stores a firmware image and a controller which executes a boot loader of the electronic device to determine whether the firmware image is damaged, performs a restoration function for the firmware image if the firmware image is damaged, and executes an operating system (OS) to perform normal operations if the firmware image is not damaged.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 11, 2013
    Date of Patent: September 27, 2016
    Inventor: Byoung-chul Kim
  • Patent number: 9454185
    Abstract: Additional components or functionality can be provided for a computing device by coupling the device with one or more device skins. Each device skin can include one or more components that can be utilized by the computing device, such that a user of the computing device can obtain desired functionality by selecting an appropriate skin. The components of the skin can be powered by the computing device, such as through wired or wireless power coupling. The computing device can determine an appropriate control scheme for the skin when the skin is coupled with the device, enabling a user to utilize the various components of the skin as if those components were part of the computing device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 12, 2015
    Date of Patent: September 27, 2016
    Assignee: Amazon Technologies, Inc.
    Inventor: Volodymyr V. Ivanchenko
  • Patent number: 9454216
    Abstract: An electronic device includes a main processor and a first memory. The main processor is configured to: determine whether or not specific data is stored in a first IO memory area of the first memory; generate a first piece of image data based on an OS memory area of the first memory; store the first piece of image data to a nonvolatile storage device; generate a second piece of image data based on the OS memory area of the first memory and the first IO memory area of the first memory; store the second piece of image data to the nonvolatile storage device; restore the software program to the OS memory area from the first piece of image data; and restore the software program to the OS memory area and the specific data to the first IO memory area from the second piece of image data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 18, 2014
    Date of Patent: September 27, 2016
    Assignee: KYOCERA Document Solutions Inc.
    Inventor: Masaya Okuda
  • Patent number: 9448783
    Abstract: One embodiment entails delivering a software payload to guest software in a virtual machine so that the software payload is part of a file system accessible by the guest software, wherein the delivery is such that the software payload is part of a file system accessible by the guest software. The delivering utilizes a virtual device of the virtual machine, but does not involve either a virtual network interface card (NIC) or any virtual host bus adapter (VHBA) of the virtual machine. The delivering further includes establishing a data path from the software payload to the virtual machine and a guest agent of the virtual machine. During processing of the software payload, status from the guest agent is monitored. After reception of the status indicating completion of the processing of the software payload, the data path is deactivated.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: March 17, 2014
    Date of Patent: September 20, 2016
    Assignee: VMware, Inc.
    Inventors: Bich Cau Le, Jagannath Gopal Krishnan, Mike Morris
  • Patent number: 9451013
    Abstract: A distributed execution environment provides instances of computing resources for customer use, such as instances of data processing resources, data storage resources, database resources, and networking resources. Data is collected from systems internal to and external to the distributed execution environment. Some or all of the data is utilized to compute instance availability information for instances of computing resources provided by the distributed execution environment. The instance availability information might then be provided to customers and other users of the distributed execution environment. Various types of actions might be taken in a manual or automated way based upon the computed instance availability information.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 2, 2013
    Date of Patent: September 20, 2016
    Assignee: Amazon Technologies, Inc.
    Inventors: Gregory Branchek Roth, Christopher Richard Jacques de Kadt, James Alfred Gordon Greenfield, Randall Avery Shealey, Robin Alan Golden, Arjun Radhakrishnan
  • Patent number: 9450837
    Abstract: Systems and methods for configuring and evaluating policies that direct processing of one or more data streams are described. A configuration interface is described for allowing users to specify object oriented policies. These object oriented policies may allow any data structures to be applied with respect to a payload of a received packet stream, including any portions of HTTP traffic. A configuration interface may also allow the user to control the order in which policies and policy groups are executed, in addition to specifying actions to be taken if one or more policies are undefined. Systems and methods for processing the policies may allow efficient processing of object-oriented policies by applying potentially complex data structures to unstructured data streams. A device may also interpret and process a number of flow control commands and policy group invocation statements to determine an order of execution among a number of policies and policy groups.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 16, 2013
    Date of Patent: September 20, 2016
    Assignee: CITRIX SYSTEMS, INC.
    Inventors: Prakash Khemani, Vishal Bandekar
  • Patent number: 9438216
    Abstract: The present invention provides a method for computing compensation time for clock difference between a first chip and a second chip. The method comprises emitting, by the second chip, a pulse with a fixed pulse length to the first chip; measuring, by the first chip, a pulse length of the pulse; computing the compensation time according to the measure pulse length and the fixed pulse length; and setting the compensation time to the second chip.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 11, 2014
    Date of Patent: September 6, 2016
    Inventors: Shang-Li Lee, Zong-Bin Liao
  • Patent number: 9432397
    Abstract: Booting an operating system that includes a secure preboot environment that performs integrity checks against security threats. A computer system boots to a preboot environment, which performs integrity checks and other anti-malware operations. Once the preboot environment finishes, the system reboots into a regular environment. The preboot environment can reside on a secure portion of a flash memory, with a computer system booting therefrom; or the preboot environment can reside securely in the computer system. The preboot environment includes integrity checks for a regular environment, and anti-malware programming. Once the preboot environment is done, the computer system reboots into a regular environment, such as from the flash memory or on the computer system. The integrity checks confirm that files in the regular environment are unchanged or uninfected. The integrity checks include determining the accuracy of a trusted system configuration on the computer system, such as using a TPM.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 28, 2015
    Date of Patent: August 30, 2016
    Assignee: Kingston Digital, Inc.
    Inventor: Laurence Hamid
  • Patent number: 9430305
    Abstract: A server system includes a PCH, a BMC, a BIOS with a write protect end, and a controlling circuit. The BIOS includes a write protect end. The BMC includes a memory portion storing updated server data. The BIOS is electrically connected to the PCH and is electrically connected to the BMC. The controlling circuit includes a first input end and an output end. The first input end is electrically connected to the PCH. The output end is electrically connected to the write protect end. The controlling circuit is configured so that when an error in the BIOS is detected, the write protect end is opened and the BIOS is updated from the memory portion of the BMC.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 5, 2014
    Date of Patent: August 30, 2016
    Inventors: Sheng-Cun Zheng, He-Dong Lv, Hong-Lian Huang, Jian-She Shen
  • Patent number: 9430226
    Abstract: A mobile information terminal includes a normal setting data storage portion configured to store temporary setting data in advance as normal setting data that is related to settings; a separate setting data storage portion configured to store, for each user, separate setting data that is related to individual settings in association with an identifier of each user; a control portion configured to perform specific processing based on the normal setting data stored in the normal setting data storage portion; a receiving portion configured to receive the identifier; and a replacement portion configured to perform replacement processing for moving the temporary setting data to a save storage portion and storing into the normal setting data storage portion, as the normal setting data, the separate setting data stored in association with the identifier received by the receiving portion.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 11, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 30, 2016
    Assignee: KONICA MINOLTA, INC.
    Inventor: Masato Fujii
  • Patent number: 9423866
    Abstract: There are disclosed asynchronous computing devices and methods of operating asynchronous computing devices. An asynchronous computing device may include an asynchronous processor and a voltage regulator circuit that outputs an operating voltage to the asynchronous processor in response to a voltage request received from the asynchronous processor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 16, 2015
    Date of Patent: August 23, 2016
    Assignee: Eta Compute, Inc.
    Inventor: Gopal Raghavan
  • Patent number: 9424431
    Abstract: In a pre-operating system environment on a device prior to loading and running an operating system on the device, a policy identifying configuration settings for the operating system is obtained. The operating system itself is prevented from changing this policy, but the policy can be changed under certain circumstances by components of the pre-operating system environment. The policy is compared to configuration values used by the operating system, and the operating system is allowed to boot with the configuration values if the configuration values satisfy the policy. However, if the configuration values do not satisfy the policy, then a responsive action is taken.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 14, 2015
    Date of Patent: August 23, 2016
    Assignee: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC
    Inventors: Scott D. Anderson, David J. Linsley, Magnus Bo Gustaf Nyström, Douglas M. MacIver, Robert Karl Spiger
  • Patent number: 9420342
    Abstract: Apparatus and methods for providing enhanced consumer access to information sources and controllable entities. An Access device can be a stand alone device such as a DVD player in which the DVD disk contains the back-end information network. Other Access devices obtain the back-end information network from remote sources. By way of a specific example, the consumer can then view a game and interactively select every television camera located at the game venue.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 18, 2014
    Date of Patent: August 16, 2016
    Inventor: Lazaros Bountour
  • Patent number: 9411607
    Abstract: Fast computer startup is provided by, upon receipt of a shutdown command, recording state information representing a target state. In this target state, the computing device may have closed all user sessions, such that no user state information is included in the target state. However, the operating system may still be executing. In response to a command to startup the computer, this target state may be quickly reestablished from the recorded target state information. Portions of a startup sequence may be performed to complete the startup process, including establishing user state. To protect user expectations despite changes in response to a shutdown command, creation and use of the file holding the recorded state information may be conditional on dynamically determined events. Also, user and programmatic interfaces may provide options to override creation or use of the recorded state information.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 27, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 9, 2016
    Inventors: Mehmet Iyigun, Yevgeniy Bak, Emily N. Wilson, Kirsten V. Stark, Sushu Zhang, Patrick L. Stemen, Brian E. King, Vasilios Karagounis, Neel Jain
  • Patent number: 9411980
    Abstract: A service provider can maintain one or more host computing devices that can be accessed as host computing device resources by customers. A hosting platform includes components arranged in a manner to limit modifications to software or firmware on hardware components. In some aspects, the hosting platform may include a master latch that indicates whether the components may be configured, and the master latch may be set once and only reset upon completion of a power cycle. In another aspect, the hosting platform can implement management functions for establishing control plane functions between the host computing device and the service provider that is independent of the customer. Additionally, the management functions can also be utilized to present different hardware or software attributes of the host computing device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 25, 2015
    Date of Patent: August 9, 2016
    Inventors: Matthew D. Klein, Samuel J. McKelvie, Michael David Marr
  • Patent number: 9411581
    Abstract: A method of converting a precompiled source code. The method comprises receiving a precompiled source code of an application, providing a plurality of AST segment patterns each associated with another of a plurality of replacement code templates, building an abstract syntax tree (AST) of the precompiled source code, matching between a first group of the plurality of AST segment patterns and a plurality of AST segments of the AST to identify a second group of the plurality of replacement code templates, the plurality of AST segments are associated with a plurality of source code segments of the precompiled source code, and performing a code migration process of the precompiled source code to a precompiled migrated code of the application using the second group.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 18, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 9, 2016
    Assignee: Gizmox Transposition Ltd.
    Inventor: Guy Peled
  • Patent number: 9411765
    Abstract: Methods of using a peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) device in a virtual environment are disclosed. Two operating systems operate on a primary device. One operating system acts as a guest in a virtual environment within the primary device. A peripheral device is coupled to the primary device through a wireless connection. In an exemplary embodiment, the wireless connection is a PCIe bridge. The host operating system interfaces directly with the memory elements and hardware of the primary device. The guest operating system interoperates with the memory elements and hardware of the peripheral device. The use of the PCIe wireless link allows the guest operating system to interface with the elements of the peripheral device with relatively little latency.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2013
    Date of Patent: August 9, 2016
    Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated
    Inventors: Alexander Gantman, Yossef Tsfaty, Vladimir Kondratiev
  • Patent number: 9411639
    Abstract: A file comprising an application and data corresponding to a status of the application at a particular time is maintained in a first memory of a user device, the first memory comprising a persistent storage. The application may be a software application, for example. In response to a request, the file is transferred to a second memory of the device, the second memory comprising a random-access memory. The file is activated, or set up, as a running application. The user device may be a cell phone, a wireless telephone, a personal digital assistant, a personal computer, a laptop computer, a workstation, a mainframe computer, etc. In one embodiment, the file is brought to a foreground of the user device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: June 8, 2012
    Date of Patent: August 9, 2016
    Assignee: Alcatel Lucent
    Inventor: James W. McGowan
  • Patent number: 9405351
    Abstract: In an embodiment, a processor includes a core to execute instructions, uncore logic coupled to the core, and a power controller to control a power consumption level. The power controller is configured to determine an activity level of the processor and responsive to this level, to generate a request for communication to a second processor coupled to the processor to request frequency coordination between the processors. Other embodiments are described and claimed.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 17, 2012
    Date of Patent: August 2, 2016
    Assignee: Intel Corporation
    Inventors: Ankush Varma, Krishnakanth V. Sistla, Ian M. Steiner, Vivek Garg, Chris Poirier, Martin T. Rowland
  • Patent number: 9407821
    Abstract: An electronic apparatus includes a main processor, a first memory connected to the main processor, an image processor that controls a photographing operation in response to a control signal from the main processor, and a second memory connected to the image processor. If the main processor is completely booted up after the image processor is completely booted up, the image processor controls the photographing operation in response to a shutter release signal, and stores an image captured according to the photographing operation in the second memory. The method includes determining whether the main processor is completely booted up, if the image processor is completely booted up; if the main processor is not completely booted up, controlling a photographing operation, by the image processor, in response to a shutter release signal; and storing an image captured according to the photographing operation, in a memory of the image processor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 20, 2014
    Date of Patent: August 2, 2016
    Assignee: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
    Inventors: Byoung-woo Kim, Yun-ki Jeong, Kyoung-min Park, Jae-heung Lim
  • Patent number: 9396132
    Abstract: Provided is a storage control device including a first read processing unit configured to read data having any one value of a first value or a second value based on a first threshold value in a memory cell, the data being read as first read data, a first write processing unit configured to rewrite the memory cell to the first value when write data is the first value and the first read data is the second value, a second read processing unit configured to read second read data based on a second threshold value different from the first threshold value in the memory cell, and a second write processing unit configured to rewrite the memory cell to the second value when the write data is the second value and the second read data is the first value.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 20, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2016
    Inventors: Naohiro Adachi, Keiichi Tsutsui, Kenichi Nakanishi, Hideaki Okubo, Makiko Yamamoto, Yasushi Fujinami
  • Patent number: 9395970
    Abstract: Disclosed are methods and systems for determining the time for a remote computer to begin executing an application downloaded over a network. A portion of the application to begin execution of the application is determined. The portion is less than the entirety of the application. The time to start the application on a remote computer is calculated and displayed. The time to start can be calculated based on an obtained a speed of the network to the remote computer, a time to transmit the portion of the application to the remote computer based on the portion of the application and the obtained connection speed, and a loading time for the portion of the application to load on the remote computer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 30, 2014
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2016
    Inventor: Edward Adam Lerner
  • Patent number: 9398063
    Abstract: Technology disclosed herein includes a method for loading a carrier specific OS onto a computing device depending on what network the computing device is connected to. The computing device detects an identity of a network to which a computing device is connected or is to be connected during a network identification process executed on the computing device. The network can be identified, e.g., by examining a subscriber identification module (SIM) card electronically connected to the computing device. The device then sends a request including the identity of the network to a remote registration service. In turn the device receives an instruction from the remote registration service identifying a distribution of an operating system (OS) specific for the network. After retrieving the OS distribution, the device loads the distribution of the operating system on the computing device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: January 16, 2014
    Date of Patent: July 19, 2016
    Inventors: Michael A. Chan, Tom Moss, Justin Quan
  • Patent number: 9389941
    Abstract: A method, non-transitory computer readable medium, and storage server device that determines with a service processor when a system processor has experienced an error, the system processor coupled to a data storage device via a system port of the data storage device. Diagnostic information is retrieved with the service processor from the data storage device via a service port of the data storage device, when the system processor is determined to have experienced an error. The diagnostic information includes error or exception information associated with one or more hardware components. The retrieved diagnostic information is output by the service processor.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: February 18, 2014
    Date of Patent: July 12, 2016
    Assignee: NetApp, Inc.
    Inventors: Johnny Kang-Wing Chan, Anish Kumar Gupta, Saringni Addepally, Pathiban D P
  • Patent number: 9389960
    Abstract: Methods, apparatus and computer program products implement embodiments of the present invention that include detecting, by a first computer having a first memory, a software stack in a second memory of a second computer coupled to the first computer via a network. The software stack is copied from the second memory to the first memory, and the copied software stack is executed by the first computer. Prior to copying the software stack an error is detected in a boot image stored on a boot device for the first computer by identifying an invalid signature for the boot image.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 2015
    Date of Patent: July 12, 2016
    Inventors: Alex Friedman, Constantine Gavrilov
  • Patent number: 9391605
    Abstract: A discharge circuit for a power supply unit includes a pulse width modulator (PWM) chip, a first and second electronic switch, and a resistor. The first electronic switch receives a power good signal from the power supply unit. When a system power terminal outputs a voltage later than a stand-by power terminal, a voltage creep outputted by the PWM chip is discharged through the resistor and the second electronic switch.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 26, 2013
    Date of Patent: July 12, 2016
    Inventor: Hai-Qing Zhou
  • Patent number: 9384095
    Abstract: Methods, apparatus and computer program products implement embodiments of the present invention that include detecting, by a first computer having a first memory, a software stack in a second memory of a second computer coupled to the first computer via a network. The software stack is copied from the second memory to the first memory, and the copied software stack is executed by the first computer. Prior to copying the software stack an error is detected in a boot image stored on a boot device for the first computer.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 2, 2015
    Date of Patent: July 5, 2016
    Inventors: Alex Friedman, Constantine Gavrilov
  • Patent number: 9386441
    Abstract: Techniques for femtocell message delivery and network planning are described herein. A mobile device sends a registration request to an access point, such as a femtocell access point. If denied registration, the mobile device may return to service by a macro cell access point. A network entity, such as a femtocell gateway serving the access point, may determine an identification of the mobile device. The network entity may send the identification of mobile device and an identifier of the access point to an application server. The application server may create and send a targeted message to the mobile device based on the identification of mobile device and the identifier of the access point. The application server may determine a user count for the access point and facilitate network planning based on the user count.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: September 13, 2013
    Date of Patent: July 5, 2016
    Inventors: Rajat Prakash, Christophe Chevallier
  • Patent number: 9383935
    Abstract: In a computer system with multiple central processing units (CPUs), initialization of a memory management unit (MMU) for a secondary CPU is performed using an exception generated by the MMU. In general, this technique leverages the exception handling features of the secondary CPU to switch the CPU from executing secondary CPU initialization code with the MMU “off” to executing secondary CPU initialization code with the MMU “on.” Advantageously, in contrast to conventional techniques for MMU initialization, this exception-based technique does not require identity mapping of the secondary CPU initialization code to ensure proper execution of the secondary CPU initialization code.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 16, 2014
    Date of Patent: July 5, 2016
    Assignee: VMware, Inc.
    Inventors: Andrei Warkentin, Harvey Tuch
  • Patent number: 9384032
    Abstract: A system and method of operating an electronic device may include loading an operating system, from a boot key, on the electronic device during turn-on of the electronic device. The operating system may be operated on the electronic device. The boot key may cause the electronic device to automatically communicate with a web-service located on a communications network to enable executable instructions from the web-service to be communicated to the electronic device for execution thereon.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 30, 2012
    Date of Patent: July 5, 2016
    Assignee: CLEARCENTER, CORP.
    Inventors: Mikael Lirbank, Daniél Riveiro
  • Patent number: 9385919
    Abstract: A setting information management method comprises: receiving a command related to setting information stored in a storage from a network, changing the setting information based on the command, changing the setting information based on an input from a user using a setting screen displayed by a display unit when the change of the setting information based on the command is invalid, and displaying, by using the display unit, the setting screen in a mode that the user is unable to change the setting information displayed on the setting screen when a change of the setting information based on the command is valid.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 31, 2013
    Date of Patent: July 5, 2016
    Inventor: Kenji Sakamaki
  • Patent number: 9360912
    Abstract: An information processing apparatus includes a selection unit configured to select a mode of processing to be executed when a power supply state of the information processing apparatus is shifted from a first power supply state to a second power supply state, a determination unit configured to determine time necessary for executing the processing based on the mode selected by the selection unit, an execution unit configured to execute the processing in the mode selected by the selection unit, and a control unit configured to control the execution unit to execute the processing again when the processing has not been completed within the time determined by the determination unit.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 21, 2014
    Date of Patent: June 7, 2016
    Assignee: Canon Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventor: Tamotsu Takatani
  • Patent number: 9361120
    Abstract: A pluggable cloud enablement boot device (PCEBD) is a bootable device that includes all information needed to automatically provision hardware and software to create a computing solution that meets customer requirements. This allows for quickly deploying a computing solution in a manner that eliminates many manual steps that are typically performed today. The PCEBD uses firmware to verify a given platform has sufficient resources to deploy the PCEBD. The computing solution, once provisioned and running, can be modified, and these modifications may be reflected in the definition of the PCEBD. In addition, a computing solution may include multiple resources provisioned from multiple PCEBDs, which can be packaged into a PCEBD that will include other PCEBDs. The result is a way to deploy computing solutions that is much more efficient than the manual methods used in the prior art.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 15, 2014
    Date of Patent: June 7, 2016
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Bin Cao, Xi Lun Chen, Xiao Bin Zhang
  • Patent number: 9361124
    Abstract: A computer system comprising a plurality of computers on which a plurality of operating systems run, wherein a memory stores a first hardware control unit, wherein a storage device stores a first OS image, a second OS image, a second hardware control unit for executing start processing of the second OS, and an address rewrite unit, wherein the second hardware control unit includes a start unit for starting the second hardware control unit, wherein the address rewrite unit which is started by the first OS is configured to: obtain an address of a storage area, in which address data to be rewritten is stored, as a target address, rewrite the address data stored in the storage area corresponding to the obtained target address and start the start unit, wherein the start unit is configured to start the second hardware control unit by using the rewritten address data.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: April 24, 2014
    Date of Patent: June 7, 2016
    Assignee: Hitachi, Ltd.
    Inventors: Norimitsu Hayakawa, Keisuke Yoshida, Takashi Shimojo, Masatoshi Konagaya, Yoshihito Nakagawa, Toshiomi Moriki
  • Patent number: 9354907
    Abstract: Various systems and methods for restoring a virtual machine and virtual machine data. For example, one method can involve receiving a request to restore the virtual machine and virtual machine data. The virtual machine data can include part or all of a virtual disk associated with the virtual machine. Both the virtual machine and the virtual machine data are stored in one or more backup storage devices. In response to the request, the virtual machine is restored from the backup storage device to a local storage device, and restoration of the virtual machine data is initiated. While the virtual machine data is being migrated from backup to local storage, I/O requests are received and processed. Processing the I/O request can involve performing the I/O requests to both the backup storage device and the local storage device.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 26, 2012
    Date of Patent: May 31, 2016
    Assignee: Veritas Technologies LLC
    Inventors: Ravindra V. Teli, Mohammed Eliyas N. A. Shaikh, Chirag Dalal
  • Patent number: 9354894
    Abstract: A pluggable cloud enablement boot device (PCEBD) is a bootable device that includes all information needed to automatically provision hardware and software to create a computing solution that meets customer requirements. This allows for quickly deploying a computing solution in a manner that eliminates many manual steps that are typically performed today. The PCEBD uses firmware to verify a given platform has sufficient resources to deploy the PCEBD. The computing solution, once provisioned and running, can be modified, and these modifications may be reflected in the definition of the PCEBD. In addition, a computing solution may include multiple resources provisioned from multiple PCEBDs, which can be packaged into a PCEBD that will include other PCEBDs. The result is a way to deploy computing solutions that is much more efficient than the manual methods used in the prior art.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 11, 2013
    Date of Patent: May 31, 2016
    Assignee: International Business Machines Corporation
    Inventors: Bin Cao, Xi Lun Chen, Xiao Bin Zhang
  • Patent number: 9354852
    Abstract: The dependencies of an application are identified by intercepting application programming interface calls made by an application. A determination is then made at the runtime of the application as to whether the dependencies of the application are present. If the dependencies are not present, a client device upon which the application is executing is configured such that the dependencies are present and are made available only to the authorized application. If the dependencies are present and the application is authorized to interact with the dependencies, the application is permitted to execute.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: December 23, 2010
    Date of Patent: May 31, 2016
    Assignee: Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC
    Inventors: Matthew Christopher Babey, Eric Jewart, Kristofer Hellick Reierson, Angela Mele Anderson
  • Patent number: 9357092
    Abstract: An image forming apparatus includes a communication interface unit which communicates with an external apparatus, a controller which, if a job performance command is received from the external apparatus when an operation mode of the image forming apparatus is a power saving mode, performs authentication of the external apparatus while maintaining the power saving mode, and a function unit which converts an operation mode of the image forming apparatus according to the authentication result and performs a function corresponding to the job performance command.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 12, 2013
    Date of Patent: May 31, 2016
    Inventors: Jong-seung Lee, Jeong-min Kim, Jin-hwi Jun
  • Patent number: 9348623
    Abstract: A server computer system determines that configuring a first virtual machine in a cloud depends on a configuration result of configuring a second virtual machine. The server computer system configures the second virtual machine in the cloud and configures the first virtual machine in the cloud using the configuration result of the second virtual machine.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: May 20, 2015
    Date of Patent: May 24, 2016
    Assignee: Red Hat, Inc.
    Inventors: John Dunning, Scott Wayne Seago, Christopher Lalancette, Carl Trieloff, Ian Scott McLeod, Greg D. Blomquist
  • Patent number: 9348606
    Abstract: Fast computer startup is provided by, upon receipt of a shutdown command, recording state information representing a target state. In this target state, the computing device may have closed all user sessions, such that no user state information is included in the target state. However, the operating system may still be executing. In response to a command to startup the computer, this target state may be quickly reestablished from the recorded target state information. Portions of a startup sequence may be performed to complete the startup process, including establishing user state. To protect user expectations despite changes in response to a shutdown command, creation and use of the file holding the recorded state information may be conditional on dynamically determined events. Also, user and programmatic interfaces may provide options to override creation or use of the recorded state information.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 17, 2014
    Date of Patent: May 24, 2016
    Inventors: Mehmet Iyigun, Yevgeniy Bak, Emily N. Wilson, Kirsten V. Stark, Sushu Zhang, Patrick L. Stemen, Brian E. King, Vasilios Karagounis, Neel Jain
  • Patent number: 9342470
    Abstract: Methods for enabling software from a storage-capable device including the steps of: loading, by a host system operationally connected to the storage-capable device, software from an authenticatable storage area residing in the storage-capable device; validating the software; and installing the validated software, wherein the validated software provides an interface between the host system and the storage-capable device. In some embodiments, the software is enabling software, the method further including the step of loading, by the host system, device-functionality software from the authenticatable storage area. In some embodiments, the method further includes the steps of: validating the device-functionality software; and enabling the validated device-functionality software.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: October 14, 2013
    Date of Patent: May 17, 2016
    Assignee: SanDisk Technologies Inc.
    Inventors: Donald Ray Bryant-Rich, Judah Gamliel Hahn
  • Patent number: 9342290
    Abstract: An information processing apparatus is configured to install a driver that has not yet been customized, in response to the start of installation of the driver, and modifies the installed driver such that a function setting value settable through the installed driver becomes identical to a function setting value of a customized driver.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: July 26, 2013
    Date of Patent: May 17, 2016
    Assignee: Canon Kabushiki Kaisha
    Inventor: Hiroshi Omura
  • Patent number: 9336394
    Abstract: A method and an apparatus for establishing an operating environment by certifying a code image received from a host over a communication link are described. The code image may be digitally signed through a central authority server. Certification of the code image may be determined by a fingerprint embedded within a secure storage area such as a read only memory (ROM) of the portable device based on a public key certification process. A certified code image may be assigned a hash signature to be stored in a storage of the portable device. An operating environment of the portable device may be established after executing the certified code.
    Type: Grant
    Filed: August 5, 2014
    Date of Patent: May 10, 2016
    Assignee: Apple Inc.
    Inventors: Dallas Blake de Atley, Joshua de Cesare, Michael Smith, Matthew Reda, Shantonu Sen, John Andrew Wright